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Posts posted by taterhill

  1. It was another "Damned If you Do, Damned if you Don't" choices. They let them attempt a 50+ yard feild goal, after the kicker already was short on another 50+ yard FG earlier, or you accept the penalty and hope that your defence can stop them from converting, something they couldn't do on the last 3rd and long the Titans had..


    There was no "right choice" like everyone thinks

    it was a 60 yarder.....

  2. i love football, i am going to watch but i am not going to put money in ralph's pocket in the way of a game day ticket or bills gear. big difference, financially and morally speaking

    lol.....good thing the teams dont make most of their money on the TV contract...

  3. if you people stopped buying the gear, stopped buying the tickets we would see a better product. if you keep rewarding ralphie poo with sell outs and merchandise sales he will have no incentive to do something to improve the team. and don't give me that crap about ralph moving the team. you know he won't move it until he dies. until then he and his family laugh to the bank with your money.


    you cry in your beer.



    10 years of fan support, 10 years of failure.





    will you ever learn?

    Im so sick of this ****...do you watch it on TV? Then you are a hippocrite....

  4. yea.....a sports talk radio station needs to talk sports......that's the point.


    it's too bad that WGR spends time blogging on here defending themselves.....nobody else believes they are worth the time of day.

    so do WBEN listerners get mad when they talk movies or god forbid SPORTS?

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