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Posts posted by wax

  1. Not sure what Vegas is saying, but what do you think?


    perfect parity -- if you believe in that stuff -- would make it 1 in 32, for the 32 teams in the league. but we know that teams over .500 last year have a greater chance of finishing over .500 this year and the revese is also true. but it's not the case that all teams will exhibit this behavior. so the question becomes one of 26 teams that had a better record than the bills which ones will the bills make gain enough enough ground on them to overtake, which ones won't they and of the 7 they had better records, which ones can they remain ahead of? taking all that into consideration, i estimate the odds of the bills winning the super bowl this year at 1 in 75. some teams i see them over taking for example are the bengals and jets, and i don't realistically see any of the 7 worse teams over taking the bills. in that your schedule had points of 50 and 100, and 75 is equidistant, i flipped a coin and made my selection at the 1 in 50 threshold.

  2. Home:

    (W) Dolphins - Bills will revenge match for the infamous 20 point 4th qtr meltdown

    (W) Jets - cap, coaching & player problems, jets will be the worst team in the league in 2006.  bills should get the W here

    (L) Patriots - Pats have Bills #, I won't believe they can beat them until I see it.

    (W) Jaguars - physical team but playoffs proved that alone is not enough; good test for Bills because they will need to beat a team like this to get over .500 mark

    (W) Packers - win, Favre or no Favre

    (W) Titans - win, but not a pushover either

    (L) Vikings - Pat Williams wins first game against former team who never should have let him get away.  Also, looks like Johnson may be  their QB and we saw they were far better with than Culpepper

    (L) Chargers - Bills still have no answer for Gates, no matter if it's Brees or Rivers



    (L) Dolphins - Bills are destined to split the home-n-home series with this team

    (W) Jets - see above analysis, even Bills can win this road game

    (L) Patriots - see above analysis

    (L) Bears - tough defensive team on the road? Bills will be lucky to get 10 points and Jauron's big rematch won't be pretty

    (W) Colts - call me crazy but I smell an upset already here.  Colts spirit is broken and they will spiral into chaos in 06'

    (W) Lions - Jauron is smart enough to know how to beat his weak and last team

    (L) Texans - Bills fall victim to an improved Reggie Bush and better offensive line

    (W) Ravens - Lewis's (jamal and ray) slowing down, team has nothing else to offer



    overall this is one of the weaker schedules the bills have had in a while. the improved 9 & 7 record (i.e. same as 2004) is owed more to the weak schedule than an improved Bills team.  unfortunately, 9 & 7 doesn't make post-season now that they have 4 divisions per conference.


    Although there's progress two milestones remain:

    1. beating the patriots

    2. getting to the playoffs


    not bad, i'd get the bills to 13 & 3 if they made the following player moves (i.e. 1 win for each move):

    - Terrel Owens replaces Eric Moulds in a trade w/ Eegs

    - Ngata drafted at Nose Tackle

    - Shaq Diesel at Tight End

    - Tiger Woods at Free Safety

  3. Neither one of them. Tiger probably hasn't had a physical confrontation in his life so he wouldn't be able to take a hit or deliver one and Shaq doesn't have the coordination in my opinion to play any position in the NFL. Look at other "athletes" who've tried. Brock Lesner comes to mind with his ill fated attempt to leave the "hollywood wrestling" scene for the NFL. He's a superior athlete with a ton of coordination but couldn't hack it in the NFL. What makes you think either Tiger or Shaq could?


    tiger is tough as nails and powerful -- did you see the drives he blew 70 yards past dimarco at the masters and the putts he poured in under pressure time after time? there isn't a player in the nfl that has performed under pressure consistently like tiger. not even brady who coughed up the big INT to champ. tiger could play on my team any time

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