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Everything posted by portisizzle

  1. You are so wrong. What good is the system if you do not have the players willing and able to run it? It all starts with the players. I don't care if you are running Ray Rhodes defense, Gregg Williams defense, Dick LaBeus (Sp?) defense. It is all about the players and getting them to buy into the system. What do you think Marv was saying? That you could go out on a field with an all Pro team and play sand lot football and win? No, you still need a plan and system. It starts with the players first and foremost.
  2. To me Jauron is the equivalent of Gregg Williams. When Gregg came onboard do you know what Redskin fans were saying? How in the heck can we have a good defense with no stars players on the team other than Arrington. The whole offseason Williams and Gibbs were picking up unsung heros, role players, and other potential talents. Going into Williams first season, we were worried that Williams defense would be able to keep up their end of the bargain with the vaunted Gibbs offense. What happened in reality? Those role players that Williams and Gibbs picked up did laps around the Gibbs offense. I was so proud of our defense full of no names because they played as a unit. Together. Tight. (Having Sean Taylor didn't hurt either, but that is another story) You ask if I would be OK with Jauron? In the end knowing what I knew of Williams when he was hired versus what he actually DID for our organization? I would say that I am in no positions to carry an opinion. All I can do is observe and analyze. Which is better that piss and moan in my book.
  3. When Joe Gibbs came back to coaching the Redskins who was his first hire? Redskin One FLEW to Buffalo New York and landed Gregg Williams. Joe took care of the defensive side of the football and picked up the best available defensive coach. There is a lot to the saying the Defense wins championships. Frankly? Our defense singlehandedly landed us two weeks into playoff football. Marv knows what he is doing here. IMO.
  4. Gentlemen, I have spent some time on this Board reading posts about your new head coach and Marv Levy. My brother, and diehard Buffalo fan had a one hour discussion about the dunderheaded remarks being made on this board. I felt compelled to remark on this discussion with a view from an outside fan. As I see it some posters consider past success and an indicator of future results. As a Redskin fan I can assure you that I am very satisfied with a one Gregg Williams. A past "unsuccessful" coach of you Buffalo Bills. Our front office is so satisfied that they have guaranteed Williams $1,000,000 if he is NOT selected as the next Redskin coach when Gibbs steps down. I don't know where all the hate is coming from with regard to past coaches of your team. I listen to this site blowing up on Marv, Jauron, the Blue Buffalo that runs around the field on an ATV dragging an opponents body, and everyone else who might listen. But then again, that is why you are all fans. What the hell else you going to do in the offseason; play tiddly winks? But let me interject a bit of information for you all to chew on. As a member of extremeskins.com we have the opportunity to chat with our coaches, players, and even the owner. These chats are extremely enlightening because it give the Redskins fans the chance to probe into the minds of the team in order to later have RATIONAL discussion amongst ourselves. I had the chance to ask Joe Gibbs the exact question that another thread started asked last night. See what you think of the answer from Joe.... Extremeskins Chat w/ Joe Gibbs You can scroll down to the question I ask about halfway down. And here is the question and answer..... From portissizzle Would you please give us your thoughts on the following quote by Marv Levy. "Systems don't win, players do." Do you think you have the players in place to make a run this year? Quote: Joe Gibbs I sure do like our players. I think we’ve worked hard to getting the right kind of guys. I think we got them. I think we have a good locker room. So, now how talented are we are going to be, how we’re going to play on the field ... (we'll see). But I agree with Marv that you do win with players and our goal here is to add the right kinds of guys to the Redskins. --------------------------- Keep in mind this question was posed before our season began and we were on the heels of a terrible season last year. A Redskin fan did not have much hope going into this season that we, of all teams, would make a push in the playoffs. But you could tell our coaches did their job and brought players in that they believed in and allowed them to perform. THIS is the important question of the day for a Buffalo fan. Who is going to play for the Buffalo Bills down the road? Are the Bills going to continue building a stout defense that already exists? The fact that they hired a defensive guru would suggest that, yes, you will have a great defense going forward. The only real question with regard to your team is if Losman is indeed the "man" in Buffalo. If you can get reliable performance from the QB position, who knows how far you team can go. But make no mistake, how far your team can go is NOT a function of how good/bad Jauron is/was. It has more to do with getting players to perform at a professional level. I think Marv is the perfect person to stabilize an organization so they can focus on performance and winning. Just like one Joseph Jackson Gibbs did for my team two years ago. My two cents.
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