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  1. I wish i could actually see the damn game and judge myself. i am in fl for college and don't get the game . but i must say that on paper, they seem to be doing quite well. although there seemed to be way to many penalties in the first half which looked like it was going to ruin the game. but they seemed to have calmed down a bit in the 2nd. btw, is anyone watching the jets and indy game? can i say wow.... that whole 4th quarter will be on SC.... and even if JP is not mistake free, he is turnover free, which is most important since that lost the game last week....
  2. yeah, i think he was being sarcastic as well. but i find it a little annoying that he puts his user name at the end of each post. it would drive me nuts after reading that for awhile
  3. we are beyond that now. i am thinking he is looking at the teams waterboys and hoping for a miracle
  4. what does that have to do anything? it was something that levy was considering, and didn't rule out. then he and wilson came back with a mutual agreement and it was a success. that just proves, or supports that they are working together and they will produce a team effort. btw, what did you think about my other post? you seem to have avoided it...
  5. i don't think marv is a liability. the worst thing about him is his age. he and wilson are both way above the average life span for a human male and both could be dead before the season begins. but that is the only thing. And if someone thinks the main problem is by the choice of coach, then just a reminder the choice hasn't been made yet.... i saw the duncan fellow roughly say "if he lets the best coach get away"...... why would your reason to fire some one be based on an "if" then you are nuts. If levy makes bad decisions that ruin things, sure he should be fired. and if he commits murder, then he should be in jail. but you don't condemn a person for doing something before he does it. and to anyone who thinks marv is doing this for his ego, he has been pretty proffessional about the job so far in my opinion. He has not been all over the media or anything to show that he is all "me me me" like someone said. the fact that they are keeping quiet during these interviews shows they are taking it seriously. they are not letting anyone know their thoughts after each interview. that would be stupid. if they did, it would discourage other people to be interviewed. Now, the media is NOT the ones doing these interviews. They have no idea what is going on behind the doors. All they know is what the coaches who are being interviewed tell them, and they don't know which way levy and wilson are leaning. everything the media is printing is speculation based on nonsense. they all speculated hasslett would be the front-runner.......they may have been off on that one. Yet, now you want to take a leap of faith with them? please.... when so many sources have a different story, you know all they are walking into their story blind. 24/7 news has been terriffic since is birth.
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