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Posts posted by GhostsOfTheRockpile

  1. If Ralph somehow gets around to firing Jauron, I will be right back here saying how wrong I was and how right you were, 1billsfan.


    But until then, I think your faith in Ralph wanting to do the right thing is stupid (you're not stupid, your belief in Ralph... who has done nothing to earn it... is), beyond comprehension, completely unfounded, and so on. Put simply, Ralph DOESN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH TO WIN IN THE NFL. I'm not sure if he doesn't care, if he's only willing to go so far, if he's ignorant... but at the end of the day it doesn't matter.


    He isn't willing (or smart enough) to commit himself and his franchise to building a sustainable, successful venture. Ralph - and by extension the franchise - simply isn't committed to doing whatever it takes to win. They just don't try hard enough, and that's evident to those of us on the outside.


    I can only imagine the apathy/comfort-with-mediocrity that has invaded One Bills Drive...

  2. Whoever suggested Edwards, Posluszny and Whitner are Pro Bowl caliber is high as a kite.


    I haven't heard a dumber notion on TBD in a while, and that's saying a lot. None of the three have shown ANYTHING worth suggesting they even have Pro Bowl POTENTIAL. Edwards' early season? Nice... but he fell apart, got hurt again. Posluszny and Whitner? Has either made a significant play all season? For Whitner, we're going on several years here.


    There is very little impact talent on the roster. The sooner some of you quit looking through Bills-colored glasses and realize that, the better. This team needs HELP.

  3. Peterson?!? Seriously?!?!


    Is he an improvement over Brandon? Probably. But that's about as far as I'll go.


    In the guy's 20 years on the job, KC has won three playoff games, none since 1993. Their drafts are pretty bad, if you go back and look at them. Don't get me wrong, just getting to the playoffs would be a relief at this point.


    But we could do better (if Ralph really wanted to... which he doesn't).

  4. I'd give up a second for McNabb, easy. That's about it.


    Trent can learn under him, a new QB we draft, whoever. When McNabb "fizzles" after three years or so, so be it... the new guy will be ready to step in.


    Speaking of QB's, I only ask because I've seen him several times and a few scouts have been quoted as saying given some time to learn the pro game he could develop into a decent prospect, but what about a 6th, 7th round pick or post-draft free agent deal for Drew Willy? At this point, I think we need to explore every possible option at QB...

  5. I think our offense needs a WR, TE & C. It would be great if we could land Greg Jennings or another top caliber WR in Free Agency. Lee Evans needs help, but IMO he's a #2 receiver, not a #1. Evans hasn't been able to put up consistent numbers every week. The last 2 weeks, Reed has been our most productive receiver. Parrish has been dropping a bunch of passes since his thumb surgery, so the Bills should keep him on special teams. A great scenario would be #1 WR Jennings, #2 WR Evans, #3 Reed, #4 Steve Johnson. Maybe with Hardy going on IR with an ACL injury, the Bills FO might actively look for a WR. I also hope the Bills FO get at least 1 better DE, if not, our pass rush will be a joke again next season even with Schobel back in the line up.


    Would you take TJ Houshwhatever instead of Jennings? You gotta think Jennings would get franchised or - if not franchised - would cost a good deal more than TJ. Do we need to pay for TWO top flight WR's? Or is what we have sufficient with money better spent on the lines, LB, safeties, etc.

  6. Am I the only one who remembers watching "Linebacker Jesus" Laurinitis get ABUSED by superior athletes in the past two national championship games? Or against Texas or USC?


    We've already got one over-matched, over-hyped Big Ten linebacker on the roster, we don't need another. Curry, Maualuga and even Spikes are much better options. I'd kick the tires on Orakpo...

  7. You forgot one.


    Replacing Ralph Wilson. Everything else is just rearranging the deck chairs. It starts at the top.


    Well, replacing Ralph Wilson probably means we're going to have to replace what team we watch on Sundays in the fall. I didn't want to go that far just yet.


    Although there's something to be said for Ralph dumping the team to Toronto buyers now and putting us all out of our misery rather than watch this non-playoff garbage for the next four years until the lease expires THEN they leave. 'Cause lord knows there ain't gonna be anything worth watching the next four years at this rate.

  8. By no means am I going to write Hardy off and declare him a bust.


    But I do think Stevie Johnson is already better than him, which makes using a 2nd rounder on Hardy a wasted pick at this point. If Hardy has trouble finding the field the next several years because the Bills have better options in Reed, Johnson, etc., I have no problem with calling him a bust then.


    In fact, I'd go so far as to say that's probably what's going to happen. But I'm hoping Hardy proves me wrong...

  9. Donte Whitner just isn't a very good player.


    I don't care about where he was picked, who they could have gotten, the current state of the pass rush. Ask yourself if you think Donte Whitner is an impact player on defense... can you honestly answer yes?


    I can't. He's just not that good. He should probably occupy some sort of back-up/spot duty/special packages role on an NFL roster.


    Our safety situation is bleak. Whiter is bad, but Simpson is terrible.

  10. This is what makes our recent string of terrible coaches even more pitiful in my mind... they're so bad we haven't gone to the playoffs in what WILL be a decade after next year, but they're just good enough to keep us from the top of the draft and some truly impact players over the bulk of that stretch.


    Ugh... part of me wishes we hadn't come back against Oakland or Jacksonville (or St. Louis for that matter).

  11. The fact Ralph gave the league's worst coaches a pass - as others have mentioned - indicates to me Dick & Co. are "his guys" going forward.


    Which is why we're going to make it a decade without a playoff berth.


    Our only hope - that Russ Brandon (who I'm completely unimpressed with thus far) goes to the edge of the abyss in rebuilding the football operations in an effort to... you know... do his job?... and put his stamp on the football side of the franchise. Remember, he isn't there to MAKE football decisions (who to draft, what to pay free agents), he's there to RUN football operations. A minor distinction to be sure, but an important one nonetheless.


    And a great way to improve that specific aspect of the business he runs is to bring in someone who'll Get The Job Done.


    That's my last hope. Otherwise, this team will sink further and further until they're packaged up and sold to the highest bidder who moves them to god knows where.

  12. I'm sorry, but the hero-worship of Lindy has to stop. Outside of lucking into one of the greatest goaltenders of all time and playing in what amounts to a different league the first year out of the lockout, neither he nor Darcy has much to hang their hat on.


    The team was actually building towards something when Darcy made the colossal blunders of choosing Max, Connolly, Kotalik, Tallinder and Spacek (via free agency) over Dumont, Grier, McKee... not to mention the players he's let walk for virtually nothing in return since.


    As for Lindy, the past two years the team has had a substandard roster and actually NEEDED some serious coaching... and whether or not he's tried is irrelevant, the fact remains the team hasn't responded. They aren't that great to begin with (that's on Darcy), but they should be better and are under-performing to a degree we haven't even seen out of the Bills in recent memory (that's on Lindy).


    I like Lindy and I generally like Darcy, but both should be on thin ice, as far as I'm concerned, and I wouldn't be opposed to making a change from either of them if this season isn't turned around. Of course, the Sabres are even more stagnant at an executive level than the Bills so nothing will change.

  13. :devil::unsure:


    Sorry... I didn't know that!


    No problem. I didn't either, until I was reading articles in the off-season about the Colts new stadium and how they needed all sorts of expandable seating areas to bring the capacity up for a potential Super Bowl bid.


    A Super Bowl in Toronto would actually be pretty cool, if you ask me. Cold, yes... but I'd trust our neighbors to the north to put on a ridiculous party. A much more inspired choice than having it in, say, London.

  14. There are other billionaires in Canada who could easily buy the team and move them to Toronto. Hell, there are billionaires in America who could do the same thing.


    But what set Rogers apart, in a way, was his willingness to assume the risk of pissing off MANY Canadian politicians and citizens by bringing the NFL to Toronto and all but putting the CFL on death row.


    Maybe some of the Canadians on the board could comment on what actually went down when the series was first announced and it became apparent Rogers might have his eyes on the Bills for Toronto permanently...

  15. Toronto would be a natural choice for a league looking to expand its international brand. The city is monstrous, there's a diversity of cultures only NYC can rival, the hotels and conference facilities are top-notch...


    ... but the stadium is too small. I can't imagine that a stadium which will be (allegedly) packed to the brims for the "Bills In Toronto" games with a capacity of 54,000+ could somehow be reconfigured to hold an additional 20,000 or so seats. Remember, NFL rules require a minimum capacity of 70,000 or so seats for a Super Bowl.

  16. Unfortunately, open on TV and open from the press box (Hamilton is a tool and has no clue, stick to hockey fat boy) dosn't mean open from the eyes of the guy standing behind the line. If you drop 8 into coverage and have 2 WRs and a TE (who sucks and no one is afraid of) that means no one is open. It's been four weeks in a row with the same defensive game plan. Drop 8 back to cover.


    And why is it working? Simple: this team does not have a second WR that threatens anyone and I'll say it for what seems like the 15th year in a row, they lack a TE and need to draft one that can stretch defenses and keep them honest. Royal sucks, he should be cut now.


    So, explain to me then what "open" means? Guys look open in zone coverage but with 8 defenders, "open" tends to close real quick. I'm not saying there weren't times Evans was open, but he wasn't open constantly.


    And let's talk a little game planning here from the so-called savior, Turk Schonert. The last 4 games he's faced the same defensive scheme. And what's been the solution? Where has the offense adjusted? Lining up your QB at WR and your RB at QB in the so-called "wildcat"? Really, that's the best he's got? That really perplexes the defense. I really bet the Browns thought Lynch or Jackson was going to pass from that formation right?


    Draft time kids, draft time. This team has major holes. They need a center badly, an outside LB, a CB, a TE, and maybe most importantly, they need to cut Denney and Kelsay and start over at that position.


    Excuses, excuses, excuses. Guys were wide open all game. There were plenty of plays to be made. Just like every other game during the four game skid. Trent has been awful for a month now, and it has cost the team dearly.


    Is he the primary reason for all four losses? By no means. But he's the common thread. He's been terrible for a month, been outplayed by guys like Matt Cassell and Brady Quinn, and has been the 2nd best QB on the field four games running which - not coincidentally - the Bills have lost.

  17. Evans was open all game. Stevie Johnson was open all game. So was Parrish. Just like EVERY OTHER game in this losing streak, there were plenty of plays to be made downfield, but the Bills got terrible quarterbacking.


    Anyone at the game who had the full view of the field will tell you... guys - especially Lee - were wide open all game, Trent was terrified of throwing downfield and it cost the team another win.


    Period. Quit making excuses for Trent, JP would have gotten KILLED for the same performance. Trent was disgustingly awful, and has been the primary reason for the 0-4 slump. Good quarterbacking and the Bills are 3-1 over that stretch, 2-2 at the least.

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