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Posts posted by throwbackbilly

  1. I think Trent really struggled with the reads-as he has been doing all season.


    That being said, what I saw was a lazy Owens who barely even made it into huddles, left huddles early and jogged out many of his routes. He made so little effort to run actual routes (as previously noted in this thread) it was pathetic.


    Those two deep balls are both on Owens. He completely misjudged the first, saw the defender and let up...the second he never looked up and simply ran down field. He had a chance to get that last pass too but should have outstretched his arms to stay in bounds.


    He knows it.


    Lee had most of the double coverage all day. If the Bills are going to use Owens, either he needs to get "in the game" or maybe just let him run some shorter slants across the middle and break a tackle or two.


    Owens is on his last leg. Even Drew Rosenhaus knows that all the money to be had has been made...the only one with anything left to prove is Owens himself.

  2. I don't think this was said yet...but one of the absolutely most underrated guitarists is NUNO BETTENCOURT of the band EXTREME. their hit song "more than words" does not do his work justice- but this crappy video give you a sense of the guy's mad skills:




    Stupid useless trvia: There was once a racehorse named Nureyev named after russian dance Rudolph Nureyev - who had a $500k+ insurance policy on his legs. One of his offspring was creatively named Bettencourt. Nuno Bettencourt's record label supposidly had a million plus dollar policy on his fingers.

  3. Blaming human nature on the coaching staff or the organization are both a little far fetched and these are not 4th graders we are talking about, their grown men. Its not up to the coaching staff or the organization to baby sit them like a bunch of kids.



    It doesn't matter how rich you are, how smart you are, or what kind of occupation you have, even if your the president of the good old USA. We are all human and we all make mistakes, when we do Society makes us pay for them mistakes and then we pick up the pieces and move on.


    Just like I expect Whitner and Lynchn to do, pick up the pieces and move on.



    It's not as much "blame" as it is "responsibility" and "accountability". Goodell understands it- and it is why Marshawn gets 3 games. Maybe teams cannot enforce fines and it is a league issue (I do not know)...but it most certainly makes Jauron look like a neutered dog.


    Your comparison to the president is interesting, but I am not sure what your connection is. Clinton? Yeah- he put his Jauron in some young co-ed's speaking parts when he should not have...and lied about it. Human nature? whatever. Screwed up? Big time and it's unnaceptable. If you are talking about Bush and all his mistakes...that is as much about his entire organization of people...and yes, that is a reflection on him.


    The whole "pick up the pieces and move on" is the answer every player has for these issues. Pat the chest and give a "my bad". Funny how that doesn't seem to work that well anywhere else in the "real world". I agree it should NOT be the coach's job to babysit...but these guys clearly cannot babysit themselves. Seriously, for $3,000,000 a year they should hire their own babysitters.


    Tom Coughlin was HATED by his players for his strictness when he got to NY, and guess what...he set the tempo and turned that program around.


    Whitner's latest? He's gonna sue. Classic blame someone else. That's a grown man? C'mon.

  4. The players "love" Jauron...is it any wonder? Coach has no control over his players and therefore they act like complete idiots. I know, they are "grown men" and should know better...BUT, with a coach who tries to earn their respect by giving them the benefit of every doubt, you are left with a rudderless ship here.


    Dick- here's a play for you:


    * Call a team meeting- even if its a conference call. They can figure that out.

    * Lay it down... no more. He will get rid of these overpriced 4th grade educated clowns

    * strip the "C" from big Donte

    * Make Whitner call the United Way and pull his stupid "I am a good example" ad from TV.


    Who's in charge here dick? Your team is making a fool of you and your "respect the players as men" spoof. All your ivy-speak is just making it worse. Is it really that complicated?

  5. All their jocks have a couple things in common:


    -they clearly have never played sports in their life with any degree of success. Their entire knowledge base is predicated on what they can google.


    -they were born with mammas that changed their poopy diapers until they were close to teenagers...how the hell can anyone else explain the whining and pissing about everything except for shoop's amazing Topps hockey card collection.


    -They would would get on their knees and become any current Sabres boyfriend if they knew their wives wouldn't find out.

  6. lol---we gave up 500 yds...we beat a very very mediocre team---you sound like the pod people who were predicting great things for the bills when we were 4-0 against crap teams.



    uhhhh- yeah...I am. We swept the AFC west, we should have take 3 of 4 out the NFC West, and yeah, we should have beaten the Jets and Dolphins.


    No one is saying that the Bronco's could not put up a ton of yards...I think everyoen knew it was going to be 400+.


    You wouldn't be on this website 5 minutes after the game unless you weren't optimistic and enthused too...or you are just some cyber tool.

  7. Take some pride in the selection. Peters had a tough start, but for the most part he flat-out manhandled his opponent.


    We've got a great left tackle, and the line is not nearly as good without him. If Edwards can get better...we have a REAL shot at the playoffs.


    Congrats to Jason!

  8. Coach is lifeless. Should be a math professor or something that requires no passion and emotion. Players like him because he is "nice"...but unable to get the most out of players.


    Losman should find a vocational football league. Too slow in the head...that is clear.


    Can anyone tackle?


    what else.


    One thought...the Dolphins look like they have a better market in TO than Buffalo. Easier to be a fan of that team.


    Dick- you should be embarrassed. Might as well do a contest and let fans pick plays and players for the last three games.

  9. Lindell had a bad game. two donks off the cross bar- that sucks...but really, it/he hardly "cost us the game".


    This team dicks around WAY too much "watching film", "planning", "ovethinking", "playing conservative" and it shows with our QB's running crappy plays that are over-thought and rarely executed.


    Give Favre credit...the guy does NOT overthink every play- he fires the ball in on a progression and more often than not- there is some expensive receiver that is paid to make a catch. Listen to our QB's in the post game, they sound like historians recapping civil war military strategy..."they were in a 2 on 2 over man coverage showing blitz and backed off covering the in receiver...." Whhaaaa???? Geezus- Kirk Chambers is WIDE OPEN- in the end zone- no one even looked...someone else was open in the back of the end zone on Losman's play before the 2nd Lindell miss...


    I am so tired of hearing the players in the post game talk about "We run the plays they tell us"...but more often than not- we are afraid to make the tough/big play. play calling is WEAK, decision making is WEAK.


    Lee evans gets paid like Owens, Moss, Smith, et al...lets throw tha ball long to him!!!

  10. is it any wonder places like Lowes are closing up? they build 200,000 SF stores you could get lost in. you could fit 1000 cars in the parking lot and another 5,000 people inside. 25 checkout lines...and ONE FREAKING LANE OPEN. and that is usually run by some dumbass with more pins on their lapel than IQ points. Its funny when they look at you and ask YOU the questions..."UH, is this a "bolt" or a "nut...I forget. Then they get that book out and hold it up to it to match the size....good god.

  11. There's plenty of blame to go around...but seriously-anyone who wants to pin this on Lindell needs to get their head on straight. That playcalling- 3 consecutive runs- are you KIDDING me? What? Are we inside the 20 yard line or something?


    This game was the definitive "are we good or not?" look at the squad, and we showed our true colors...if we could not put away the Browns- we don't belong in the playoffs. This game should never have been close- and if it were not for McKelvin...it wasn't.


    We throw 20 yards to Royal and "dick around" to try a 47 yarder...genius.


    I will say one thing...the one guy who most certainly did not pass on ANY blame is Lindell.


    This team needs to get back to winning the hearts of fans...and it starts with every coach instilling courage and confidence in these players to "rip other teams apart" and NOT taking some completely lame-ass 'tude of "...we put ourselves in a position to win the game at the end"...throw some knockout punches and stop wussy jabbing hoping to get a "split decision"...its pathetic football for fans who are tired of it.


    Is Lee Evans still on the team? That guy is pretty good at catching long balls. i wonder what would happen if we aired it out. "He would probably catch it" would be something Losman would probably say...ok...I am just venting.

  12. I agree. Here's an idea...


    Instead of "watching film" this week of another lackluster, unispired, "let's wait for them to maybe make a mistake" football game talking about "why we punted here instead of going for POINTS", or "how I DROPPED the red flag instead of throwing it" yadda yadda yadda, maybe they should just watch a kid like Adrien Peterson and his highlights. See the heart and effort he puts into EVERY yard of his game.




    Maybe...just maybe these guys would all see what a PRO plays like and understand that despite all the money they make- the reward is ultimately in achievement.


    Note to Jauron. Here's where you and Fairchild were ultra-lame last year. You packed it in and played not to be embarrassed. The only thing that kept the team in it was HEART from players that were playing in place of injured starters. This year, WIN the hearts of fans and your own team by getting some "Wizard of Oz lion courage" in your game. Ease up on the oatmeal, fruit bland BS breakfast and start showing some BALLS. Find a way to SACK a quarterback, rough up a team, throw a long ball, and NOT BE SO DAMMED BORING AND PREDICTBLE...maybe start by doing something uncomfortable to get the feel of it...like wearing one of Gregg Williams' loud sweaters all week.

  13. I just hope all our players and coaches are happy that they have their new contracts in place. Is everyone ok? marshawn is your tummy feeling better? if you are hurt guys- dont risk your career! Just take it easy...remember- its a business and you can't make money if you get hurt. Play it safe and have a nice life.


    So soft. These guys aren't playing for Buffalo...they all play for themselves. Wait for the last whistle and go yuck it up with each other at midfield and say prayer for the fat paycheck.

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