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Posts posted by stephenjames716

  1. Total Choice isn't there best package, it's their cheapest...  :unsure:  If you just signed up, I'd be happy with the $49 offer; you get lots of freebees being a new customer.



    total choice premiere I think is what I got.....it's 500+ channels, pretty sure it's there top package.

  2. thanks for your help everyone. I just called them, and they offered me the superfan at $49. To me, it's not the $, it's the principle. I paid $300 for the hd dvr, and signed up for the total choice...they should give you hd nfl games when you sign up for the best package. I really don't care about getting 8 games on one screen.

  3. so I got the sunday ticket, and loved watching the game in HD last week. this week, it is being shown in HD, but only on the superfan package. I guess you get a few games in HD with the ticket, but you get up to 9 with the superfan package. I am considering getting this, but they only show you what games are in HD for the Bills until the end of september. since we are a small market team, I'm wondering is it worth it for the extra $99? Does anyone know where I can find out if/when the bills games will be shown in HD for the rest of the season?





    *edit* I just found this website: hdsportsguide which seems to show that this weekend will be the last that we see the bills in HD. can anyone confirm this?



  4. Insightful?  This forum is WAY more insightful that Greg Campbell.


    Anyway - I trailed this podcast a while back:





    by insightful I mean bills talk with no drama....which is what you get here most of the time. don't get me wrong, I like this board, but it's nice to hear some bills talk without having to sift through the sarcasm, negativity and bitching once and a while.

  5. I can't really blame Willis.  MM !@#$ed him up last year by pulling him out of the game on every third down.  He probably never knows what down it is anymore.  I blame this travesty on Mularkey.  :D



    I agree! MM will be held accountable next week!

  6. WITHOUT the Toronto or canadian fans, your team would have dissapeared from Buffalo a long time ago. YOU should be thanking us not dissing us.



    wow, speaking of delusional. you have got to be kidding. maybe, maybe 10% of the fans are from America Junior, the rest are die hard bills fans from the USA.

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