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Posts posted by NJ_BillsFan

  1. The Bills 1st team Defense looked good against a future HOFer in Favre. The 2nd team & 3rd team abused the Packers. I think our D will carry us this season. They make defense look so easy. Stamer looks like he's on roids. From what I am hearing about him he's a wild man. From what I have seen of him he is. Also, McGee would have ran the opening Kickoff back if it wan't 2-hand touch!

  2. I was thinking about buying tickets to go to the opener, but decided to buy NFL Sunday ticket instead. This way $220 gets me the whole season. I figure the experience going to Buffalo is unmatched, but it gives me a chance to see every single snap this season. Also, there will only be Bills fans in the room: My finace and I.

  3. I hated the fact that you are SUPPOSED to be a local fan becuase you live there. When I was younger, my dad brought me to a giants game. He is not into sports, but I liked football so he took me. Well all I remember is that I was 5 yrs old, and some jack@ss Giants fan bumped into me and stepped on me and spilt beer on me. My dad was mad as hell and told the guy to apologize. Well I cried my eyes out. Stupid story, but till this day my dad curses Giants fans. He says they are ignorant fools. I laugh becuase he gets outraged when he sees a moron with the Giants jersey and license plate.

    A lot of kids at school were 49er fans. I hated them too. So, I just chose the Bills because I liked the fact the QB was called "Machine Gun". Shows that violence sells to kids.

    I don't mind the Jets as much. I usually go to the Jets v. Bills games and there are a lot of Bills fans. I have only met one other Bills fan in NJ. He was a giant goon, but he liked the Bills so he was a genius. So i went through hard times being the only Starter Jacket wearing Bills fan at school. 4 years of jokes and picked on like most Bills fans. My family thought I was nuts. I just like the underdogs. I am pumped about this year. I can't wait till it starts.

  4. My boss gives me the hardest time. I printed that pic out and pasted in to his computer. He laughed and then tried to tell me the Giants were going to have a better record than the Bills this year. I have no one to disagree with them. It's like an awful Giants gang. They are the worst.

  5. Hi everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 23yr old male. I have been a Bills fan since '87 when I was 5. I live in NJ, home to the eagles, Jets, and Giants fans. All the worst. I have tried to put up with it for as long as I could. I finally moved to Northern Jersey where they are all Giants & Jets fans. Got a job at an office where I am the lone Bills fan and my co-workers send me emails with the scoreboard from the Super Bowl with the giants. I send them this: Eli. Giants fans are the worst. Anyway, I figured I would introduce myself. I just had DirecTV hooked up this week and can't wait for the scrimmage tonight. This year looks promising.

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