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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Well, according to convicted felon Orange Jesus, Biden could have convicted felon Orange Jesus assassinated and Biden would enjoy absolute presidential immunity.
  2. You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe the FBI intended to assassinate the cult's Orange Jesus. The FBI executed a lawful search, not a raid. It's not like they were brandishing automatic weapons and wearing tactical gear. The FBI coordinated with the Secret Service to insure OJ wouldn't be at MAL. This wasn't a big deal because OJ, just like other snow birds, migrated north for the summer to avoid the oppressive heat in southern Florida. The FBI knew OJ was in Bedminster NJ. The language in the warrant was the same boiler plate language as was used in the warrants on Biden. If you are stupid enough to believe the FBI intended to assassinate OJ, you have to believe they are the most incompetent agents ever for not knowing OJ wasn't there.
  3. If the system is as rigged as the Magadonians believe, his appeal has already been rejected.
  4. Cult members never realize they are part of a cult until they have been deprogrammed. I wish you well with that endeavor.
  5. It is an imaginary disorder made up by the cult of the Orange Jesus.
  6. This analysis misses the part of the Presidential Records Act that makes the National Archives the legal custodian once an president leaves office. Also, there is a delineation between official records, like those produced by a government agency, and personal records (notes, journals, diaries, personal recordings). Personal records can be kept by the former president, hence the Clinton sock case doesn't apply to the mess Trump got himself into.
  7. Alito's story just doesn't make sense. Supposedly, Martha Alito hung a flag upside down because of a dispute with their neighbor's daughter. Supposedly, this included vulgar signs near a school bus stop. However, schools were closed because of the pandemic so the bus stop wasn't used. I've heard that bus stop had actually been moved before this dispute. The incident involving Martha Alito being called the "C" word happened on Feb 15, some 2-3 week after the flag was flown upside down. This timeline is backed by police reports. I still haven't heard anyone explain the logic behind Martha Alito hanging a flag upside down as some sort of a message to her neighbor's daughter. How was the neighbor's daughter supposed to know that the upside down flag was some sort of disapproving message to her? It is really weird logic. So if someone is wearing or flying a flag with a swastika, you naturally understand that means good fortune or well being? Or has that innocent meaning been flushed away by Nazi Germany coopting the symbol?
  8. I didn't mention Trump. Try responding to the arguments that were actually made. I know that is difficult since your natural inclination is to nurse grievances.
  9. Turns out they weren't doing anyone any favors. Might have done some damage though.
  10. It wasn't a treatment. It actually contributed to more deaths.
  11. There is a limited supply of Ivermectin and a limited supply chain. When a significant portion of the world's population suddenly wants a drug, it drives the price of the drug up making it cost prohibitive for people who actually need it. Half my family is pro vaccine and half anti vaccine. Half believes in scientifically proven drugs like Paxlovid and half believes in ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. A few months ago, my 94 year old mother, my 66 year old sister (whose immune system is weak because of cancer treatments) and her obese husband got Covid. I talked to a clinic that could have seen them on day 4 and prescribed Paxlovid. The anti-vax half of my family instead called a friend who had a South American maid who smuggles ivermectin and HCQ in from her trips home. I refer to her as Francesca the Mule. There are numerous problems with this. Having any belief that these ineffective drugs are a viable option interferes with getting people to take the effective drugs. I looked up the price being charged for the ivermectin and HCQ and while Francesca the Mule wasn't gouging, she was making a decent profit. I also found out the price of Ivermectin had risen about 900% during the pandemic down in South America. This cost may be prohibitive for people who actually need those drugs for parasites. Also, you have no idea what is in the pills smuggled in by Francesca the Mule. Maybe it is ivermectin, but how do you really know?
  12. I believe I mentioned this to you 4 years ago. One of he problems with assuming a drug with no proven efficacy in a situation like a pandemic of a highly transmissible disease is that there was a limited supply and manufacturing chain for the drug. People who were using and actually needed the drug for ailments other than Covid could no longer get the drug because people like you were trying to get it for no useful purpose. Furthermore, Covid affects the cardiovascular system and so does HCQ. It turns out the drug may have contributed to the deaths of many people who had Covid. There was simply no excuse not to wait for clinical trial on the drug.
  13. J&J was paused for 11 days because of rare blood clotting disorders but when the pause was lifted, there wasn't much demand for it anymore. It was never as efficacious and there were generally better options.
  14. Companies have taken the vaccines off the market due to lack of uptake.
  15. I understood Biden just fine. My confidence was shaken more by the man who suggested injecting disinfectant as a cure for Covid.
  16. Neither side should politicize public health. Harris's statements were bad. Biden's, not so much. His point was that if the agencies are rushed or pressured, that will lead to a lack of confidence. I don't believe the vaccine was open to all adults at that time. If it was, it had only recently become available.
  17. Well a higher percentage of the unvaccinated died than the vaccinated, so there is that.
  18. Alina Habba and convicted felon Donald Trump fined $1 Million for filing a frivolous lawsuit ABC News The opinion from Judge Donald Middlebrooks calls Trump "a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries." "He is the mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process, and he cannot be seen as a litigant blindly following the advice of a lawyer. He knew full well the impact of his actions," Middlebrooks wrote in his opinion. "As such, I find that sanctions should be imposed upon Mr. Trump and his lead counsel, Ms. Habba," wrote the judge. Funny thing is that Habba boasted about this and the Magadonians cheered here on.
  19. What a stupid thread. The Magadonians can't acknowledge a conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election when two of the three co-conspirators testified to it in court of law but if something strange happens on a day one of their favorite whipping boys is set to testify, there must be a conspiracy.
  20. Many serial killers start with animals. When she talks about this, it is disturbingly creepy. She is devoid of emotion.
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