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Posts posted by FergsKU

  1. This performace is poor nothing has changed hes the same ole coach and we have the same ole team,0-8 in the division since last season, 3-10 since last season, 1-4 and the bottom of our divison now.


    Screw continutity, he has no cahing sense and it doesnt matter who coaches this team for the rest of the year it has to be better then what Jauron is doing .


    FIRE HIM AFTER THE GAME PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Remember the Bills are an incredibly cheap organization. Dick Jauron could blow up the GD airport and still have a job.

  2. Exactly. It's like if you went out and bought a really expensive sports car (Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc) and then left it parked in the garage 364.5 days of the year. And that half day you bring it out is only to give it it's yearly wash and wax.


    Can you ask why Dick Jauron was hired??

  3. Sort of a spoiler:


    I had read in the NY Post that at some point there is an actual cold blooded murder this season. And only one person on the island knows who the killer is. Knowing for awhile that Shannon was leaving the show, I thought it would be her. So, I'm excited who it is and who does the killing.


    Damn!! I completely forgot about that.  Last season she did tell Sayid how she looked after some kids in France. She mentioned the song from "Finding Nemo", (oddly enough she never said the title, which would have been ok since Disney owns ABC),and she sang it too.


    This was a very good episode, maybe the best of the season so far. This show is far, far away from "Jumping the Shark". It is still the best show on TV right now. I look forward to next week's show.


    Also I am still waiting to see the creature return to the show, they have'nt gone back to that plot either.


  4. Did anyone here JP go on this like 10 minute tirade about takeo at halftime and such?


    That was pretty funny. You could tell that JP was trying to sound eloquent but completely lost himself in the middle of his thought. I'm surprised no one has commented on the question that led him to this. I believe it was something like "JP would you say this team is a huge disapointment or just very overrated?"

  5. Well the hatch said quarantine, so I'm thinking it's some kind of vaccine. Maybe it makes it so you do not experience the visions/strangeness of the island. It could be setting up some kind of struggle between the people living below the surface and the passengers. Although I'm really curious as to the origin of the man. He told Jack that he was training for a "race around the world." Who knows....This show is like a drug!

  6. a few things to look forward to however:

    Did Lem swap out the dope?

    Who will replace Monica?

    Will Aceveda be exposed for his hot on Juan?



    Lem did not swap the dope. The officer that Monica hired to spy on the Strike team replaced it when he was sleeping. It was part of the sting.


    I have a feeling Dutch is going to replace Monica. Although he initially refused it, I think the face that Vic invited him to the bar may change his mind.


    As far as Aceveda, we'll have to wait and see.


    I too was a bit disapointed but I think the "narc" is going to be the storyline for most of next season.

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