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Posts posted by Puhonix

  1. The love for the fish on this topic makes me want to <_< ....


    Maybe i'm getting old but the Fish IS THE ENNEMY and ever will.


    I vote for the Pats they actually have real fans, i like Boston, New England people have much more in common with Western New Yorkers that Buffalonians will ever admit, and two of my best friends are Pats fans.


    That makes me want to :worthy:

  2. You don't have to cheer for us... But I appreciate that you won't cheer against us.


    Being a part of TBD for a few years now... I've got a soft spot for the Bills and their fans. I still love the rivalry, and I love beating Buffalo, but I'm no longer cheering for them to choke.


    Just don't become the Patriots, and I'll forever like the Bills (more than normal) for 15 weeks of the season.

  3. This old timer walks into a bar with his cat. The cat is decked out in Buffalo regalia, including a custom made Buffalo Bills helmet.


    The old timer motions to the bar keep who is also the bar owner. The owner comes over and the old timer pleads to let him watch the Bills game with his cat. He tells the bar keep that he's never missed a Bill's game in is life and that his TV at home just broke down. The bar keep said that as a rule, they do not allow pets in the bar. But the old timer ensures the owner that his cat is well behaved and will stay on his lap.


    Reluctantly the owner concedes, seeing how much this means to the old timer.


    Ok says the owner, you can watch the game over in that corner. I'll put the Bill's games on that TV for your. But, you must keep your cat under control.


    Well, half way through the 2nd quarter, the Bill's kick a field goal. The cat jumps off the old timer's lap, runs to the bar, jumps up on the bar and runs around the bar on its hind legs giving all the patrons high fives. Then the cat jump off the bar, goes back on the old timer's lap and sits there well behaved.


    The bar keep comes over to the old timer and says wow, I've never seen an animal do that before! What does he do if Buffalo scores a touchdown?


    The old timer replied, I don't know, I've only had him five years.

  4. I'm usually the first to fire a few shots across the stern, but I thought I'd sit back and wait for it... instead all I find is an "old tired" joke about Bills practice being suspended due to an unknown white substance...



    Here's one for you that I can't turn around against Buffalo:


    What do they call a huddle in Miami?





    A drug ring.

  5. Just look up Last Christmas on youtube. I don't want Puhonix to gun me down. :P:P



    You know, I keep forgetting this, but Nat King Cole probably made the best Christmas songs, and sang O tanenbaum in the original German.


    I'm not a ratpack hater in anyway, but Nat needs to get more props.

  6. Any pointers for me to improve in the future? <_<


    Oh gosh, that's too general. It's cloe to telling someone "I've got a football team, any tips on making them better?"


    From the image you showed me, I think you did good. The ISO was where it needed to be for what you were going for, you nailed it when you said you needed a tripod. Keep shooting and I can advice per photo.

  7. You can still use filters, but I've found it's easier to just apply the filter in Paint Shop Pro (or Photoshop) after the fact. If you're still using film, and know how the filters work, then there's nothing stopping you from using them. I still use them from time to time with my camcorder.


    And you can shoot B&W with most (all?) digital cameras -- but again, it usually makes more sense to photograph in color and then just remove the color in software. <_<


    As for mini-tripods -- thanks for the links, Cincy & Dean. Do those really work pretty well? In particular, I've seen the one that Dean linked to -- but I always just assumed it was a crappy gadget that didn't really work well. Am I mistaken?


    You should still use filters whenever possible. I do as little tweaking as possible in photoshop, just level adjustments really.

  8. "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you gave it away." (Hee hee)


    When you hate tha song as much as I do... just that much may send me on a shooting rampage. Not funny. <_<


    I've always loved 'Baby it's Cold Outside," and my personal favorite is Jordan/Fitzgerald. No question.

  9. well yeah puhonix, you also missed the whole thing about boston shutting down because terrorists put up mooninite lite brites all over the city :w00t:


    Damn terr-ists using a childrens beloved icon to plant bombs. I'm glad the intellectuals that run Boston were able to eliminate the dangers posed by these terrifying flashing lights. I cannot begin to tell you how many beloved friends I have lost to blinky Light Emmiting Diodes.


    Next, we must eliminate the global warming caused by Lana's fart. I mean, seriously, can't we get this under control. There's got to be a lock and chains we can put on the Taco Bell doors.

  10. I call bullsotjan. You havent been working hard. Unless you count watching the ACC tourney, the NCAA tourney, and skipping out early to go to FSU baseball games "working hard". I've been working hard.


    We've both been working hard. I didnt exactly say what we were working hard at. Let's leave out the details.

  11. My wife and I am are now the proud parents of a precious baby girl. Kaylin was born on March 12th. Here is a link to her site Kaylin <_< Wife and I have some updates coming.


    Oh and AJ is off to Oregon to knock up Lana.

    Holy Crap Dude!!! That's such great news! Congrats to AJ! Oh, and about the whole baby thing too. <_<

    Kaylin is lovely, keep her away from meazza (does that still apply?)


    Where the hell ya been ??? ;)

    I've been working hard, and fooling around harder. Been doing a bunch of photography, but really was just around.


    WB, my friend! And yes, Lana does in fact fart.

    Personal knowledge there buddy?

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