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Posts posted by drhockey

  1. Just odd. Listening during the Afternoon Blitz show with Riggins and Schein, and during one of their breaks they announced that the "Bills were still looking to fill the OC position on the staff and now DJ is turning to Shoop of the Raiders becasue of their connection..."


    I saw the article on TBD earlier this morning, but for other outlets to be reporting this as well seems very odd to me. This would seem to be a pretty major oversight by the media. Hopefully, the Bills are not going through another early departure on the staff.


    I would be very surprised, but the way things have gone since the end of the season, who friggin knows. This has certainly been an odd start to the offseason.

  2. without passing judgement on wilson, it seems more than painfully obvious that he's cheap when it comes to paying coaches. are you guys just being wilfully contrarian or are you lacking some basic knowledge about the man's actions in this regard?



    I agree that the evidence is growing in favor of Wilson being a bit on the cheap side. Bates is collecting $900K from the Pack for the next two years, so would it be completely outrageous to offer him say $1.5 mil?? I mean, he may have his own reasons outside of cash as to why he doesn't want the job, but I thought i read nationally that he was all about the cash. Maybe i'm wrong though.


    But, herein lies the issue with hiring HCs on the cheap. Without knowing DJs exact figures, would anyone be surprised if he is not making $2 mil per year? So, if say Ralph is paying him around $1.5 mil per year, for the sake of argument, then it may be difficult to bring in quality coordinators that are seeking that type of scratch.


    Of course this is all speculation, but it would be nice to snag a top notch guy here and there. Especially, now that the fins are assembling such a quality staff. The Pats are still the Pats, so it would seem as if the Bills have a bit of catching up to do.

  3. Well, I guess they're defintiely moving on to Plan B. I really wanted Bates though; this is majorly disappointing. Well, the Bates to Buffalo talk was fun while it lasted.


    This Johnnie Lynn character was fired by Baltimore this past month, as he was one of the guys that the owner wanted Billick to purge. On the surface, it seems like a bit of stretch to potentially make him DC, but i guess it is what it is.


    Personally, if they are going to Plans B, C, D, etc., I wouldn't mind them attempting to lure Singletary in for an interview, as well as Pepper Johnson from the Pats. At least Pepper has been coaching with Belichick for 6 years or so, and they would be plucking a coach from a division rival.

  4. Good idea; I wish this would influence their decision on which uni's to wear for the future.


    Personally, i would be pumped to see the throwbacks full-time, especially all white road throwbacks. I'm biased because i love the tradition and the simplicity of the old school uniforms.


    In my opinion, the best uniforms in the NFL, and sports for that matter, belong to the teams that keep or go back to tradition (i.e., NFL - NYG, NYJ, Bears, NHL - Leafs, Blackhawks, Red Wings, Habs).

  5. Man, i'm praying that Bates accepts. I'm a little worried that he is contemplating the offer in the first place seeing that there is really only one DC spot left. Also, the longer we wait for news the more worried i get.


    He may just take his GB paycheck for this year and wait it out. But, if we could grab him, it would be an awesome addition.


    Throw in chauffer services with Ralph's Taurus and I think we might be able to seal the deal. B-)

  6. Yes. It takes a real talent to read the local papers. Fairchild has been mentioned for days.  :doh:


    Some people here just WHORE cheap attention. You have NO credibility here !




    I guess i should have qualified my post.....i was trying to be sarcastic, seeing that SOPRANO has misfired badly on a few of his recent inside scoops.

  7. Yeah. I'd rather throw money at a name. Like Kevin Gilbride.



    Throwing money at names for the sake of doing it is one thing. Throwing money at higher quality coordinators that have recognition for the work is another. I'm not going to pretend to know all of the available candidates out there, but let's just hope for our sake that this is quality guy.


    The OC spot is uber critical with this time right now. He's listed as the OC for the Rams the past couple of years, but was he really calling all of the plays with Martz around?? Or, was he just a Martz puppet?? I'm not as familiar with the Rams, so who knows.


    Remember, under the DJ system the coordinators are going to running their respective shows, as he will not be micro-mananging these guys.

  8. Coming out of Oregon, he also has experience wearing a hideous uniform.



    Good point. By the way, can Marv do something right early on and make the switch to the throwbacks full-time?? Although it may not be much, but getting rid of the current uni's would stop the national media crackbacks, officially rid us of the TD era, and instill a bit of historic pride back into the team.


    It's funny too because I clicked on Fox's website the other day and they had a picture of Willis in the throwback uni's, which was for an article on Fantasy busts for this past year. At first, i glanced over the picture without realizing it was him in the throwbacks and thought to myself "those uniforms look great".


    I was at the opener this past year and they look friggin awesome in person. I'm probably biased though, as i love the tradition and simplicity of older uniforms (i.e., NYG, NYJ, Bears, etc.).

  9. Damn, that shows your age. I keep waiting for a chef to stand on the top of the stairs and yell "FIIIIIVE STRAWBERRYYYY SHORTCAKES!!!!!!!!" and fall down the stairs with the shortcakes. Though I think that was Zoom!, not Sesame Street. That whole era is kinda fuzzy for me.



    Ha, that's funny. I do remember that guy too. Although, i believe it was all on Sesame Street.


    I have to admit though that i was partial to a few other shows, including:


    -The electric company

    -The letter people

    -Dr. who


    Now, that is great TV. Screw this new age stuff like "24". Take me back to the good old days. :)

  10. Cross of Haslett as well, as he's gone to the Rams as DC.


    Not that i expected him to be with the Bills though. But, the point is, they are starting to drop like flies and we're going to be left with scraps by the time we get our crap together.

  11. I read somewhere (i believe in the Roch. D&C) today that MM doubled his salary with the fish as OC. And, I read that Bates apparently wants much more that $1 million to be DC, and basically will go to the highest bidder.


    In relation to the Bills, I just hope and pray the Ralph is standing by his word that "money is not a factor" for coaches. I hope some of the quality assistants don't get priced out of Buffalo just becasue we are being tight with the purse strings.


    This team absolutely NEEDS top notch assistants right now. Not only for X's and O's, but also to restore some bit of confidence back into the community that this team is actually taking the staff seriously.


    THe only problem i see though is with what he paid DJ. Say Ralph paid him less than $2 million or even $1.5 per year, then obviously it would be tough to justify paying an OC or DC as much as the HC.


    I just hope they do the right thing this time with the assistants. It will at least make me feel a bit better about this whole debacle.

  12. I think i'm about done with experimental hires for a while. I know the Bills don't have a plethora of options and many other head coaches have yet to fill their vacancies, but I hope to hell they push hard for Bates as DC.


    I think he is by far the most desirable DC candidate out there right now, aside from a diamond in the rough that i have no clue about.


    As for OC, that's a bit tougher. I guess Caldwell would be an intriguing choice. Also, Heimerdinger apparently wants out of NY, so that might be worth it to check out.

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