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Golden Wheels

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Posts posted by Golden Wheels

  1. Raiders fans thought he was going to be the next Wes Welker, but Oakland cut him earlier this week to sign a guy who was a teammate of Derek Carr at Fresno State.


    IMO Willis' best chance to stick with the Bills is on special teams, giving them depth at WR if he's pressed into duty. He may get playing time in the next 2 preseason games if Rex wants to keep potential starters out of a situation where they could get injured.

  2. Confirmed by the NFL:




    NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reported Sunday that Pierre-Paul suffered a hand injury Saturday night while attempting to light fireworks, according to two sources briefed of the situation. The full extent of the injury is unknown, but did require hospitalization.



  3. Reports are coming out of South Florida that NY Giant JPP seriously injured a hand in a fireworks accident last night according to a reporter at a Miami radio station.



    Andy Slater@AndySlater 29m

    Big Jason Pierre-Paul story about to break in S. Fla. He severely injured hand in fireworks accident. @Coach_Eisy first to hint at situation


    Anyone found another confirmation on this?

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