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Posts posted by brihs2005

  1. Still the most loaded team in the league and the NFL in my opinion. When would you want JPL to see them, or for them to see JPL for the first time. Want to see them at home or away first, what weeks, etc.


    I don't know if i would rather see them early so that Belichek may not know the "perfect" gameplan against JP, or see them late (both games late in the season) so JP can get some NFL experience before being thrown into the gauntlet of the world champs?


    Any thoughts?

  2. I do agree that the average QB should be around the range of 1 turnover per game, but i don't want an average QB playing for OUR Bills. I want above average at the worst.


    Compare Stats of Random QB's (picks only)


    Bledsoe... 450 Pass Attempts, 16 INT's.... 1 INT every 28.125 passes

    Manning... 497 Pass Attempts, 10 INT's.... 1 INT every 49.7 passes

    Harrington 487 Pass Attempts, 12 INT's .... 1 INT every 40.583 passes

    Plummer... 521 Pass Attempts, 20 INT's... 1 INT every 26.05 passes

    Pennington.. 370 Pass Attempts, 9 INT's.... 1 INT every 41.11 passes

    Brady... 474 Pass Attempts, 14 INT's.... 1 INT every 33.86 passes

    Boller... 464 Pass Attempts, 11 INT's... 1 INT every 42.18 passes

    Carr... 466 Pass Attempts, 14 INT's... 1 INT every 33.28 passes

    Favre... 540 Pass Attempts, 17 INT's... 1 INT every 31.76 passes


    I just want to see less mistakes made, particularly ones we can control.


    Would like to see a number around 1 pick every 35 pass attempts, assuming Losman throws the ball no more than 30 times a game (about what Drew did) i think we will be in good shape. Drew's mistakes were mostly mental and some were bad luck, get rid of the mental errors by way of JP and that number is easy to reach.

  3. DB had 19 turnovers last year (16 Picks, 3 Fumbles Lost)


    I see JP struggling throughout the season, and i see him making plenty of mistakes (mis-reads, under throws, over throws, throwing into double or triple coverage, or passes that are ALMOST intercepted). But really, do i see him making a game changing play every game for the negative? 1 turnover a game for a QB in my opinion is unacceptable. I am willing to cut some slack but i don't want to see JPL turn the ball over 19 times next year. I can only imagine that his ball security is decision making (when not to make a throw) will be better than Bledsoe leading to around 13 Turnovers for the season in a run happy offense.


    Anyone want to start the over/under on turnovers we think the young man will have next year. I think less than 1 per game and we are in the playoffs.




    PS Bledsoe's Fumble numbers were soft as some of his turnovers were credited to McGahee and Shaud Williams i believe

  4. First, i am happy as you all that he is here a few weeks before the rest of the team reports, but really - the guy is a professional athlete earning a salary, its not like he is getting paid hourly and working overtime. If you were in your mid 20's and told you better get your a$$ back here by your head coach, your OC, your QB coach, and the GM, my guess is you are on the first plane from CA to Buffalo. Like i said, i am happy he is here, but this should not be seen as a magnanimous gesture on his part, merely something that was expected out of him.


    Sorry to rain on the parade, but i offer up a toast to you all. *Raises a Labatt* I drink to the JP-era that is just now getting underway.

  5. How about:

    Goodbye to Drew and Matthews.

    Hello to Charlie Batch and Brad Johnson (or maybe Kitna if the Bengals are interested in Travis) and let the 3 of them battle it out for the starter's spot.

    Whoever comes into camp the best prepared is named starter in July/August. Whoever ends camp the hottest is named starter for Week1.

    Ride your #1 guy for a few weeks until defenses catch up with him and he cools off (or gets hurt), then plug in your very capable #2 for a mid-season jump start.

    Ride #2 for a few more weeks until he cools off (or #1 is healthy), and then either go back to your #1 or plug in your very capable #3.

    Rinse, lather, repeat and then whup up on the AFC West champ in the first week of the playoffs.





    Best post of the week in my opinion... Nice job Simon

  6. I was thinking along the lines of tagging and trading Jonas, and/or packaging him or henry with a second rounder of this year, next year etc. More curious about what pick we would need to get to in order to get a top player at either of those 3 positions. I have faith that if there is a way to get there TD will figure it out.

  7. New to posting but have been a fan of your comments for several months on TSW. Happy to be joining fellow Bills fans.


    My question involves the draft this year. Given TD's tendency to trade to get a first round pick at some point in the first round, i wonder if there is a way to do it this year, by either a package deal with henry, jonas, etc. What pick would we need to be at to get a top OT, OG or DT (assuming Williams may leave). I am not a draftnik and don't know where the top college prospects fall on the Big Board and if some of the marquee players at those positions may fall to the late 20's for us if we make a trade with Seattle or a team with a pick in that range.


    Thanks all, enjoy the games this weekend.

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