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Cutting Drew With Dignity

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Posts posted by Cutting Drew With Dignity

  1. After another bad season this year and probaly having around 40,000 for the rest of teh season at best...id have to say the franchise is in alot of trouble considering we will be bad next year and likely the year after that.


    by the end of 2006 Ralph or god forbid his daughter will look into moving the team to LA by 2008!



    A convincing case for chemical castration.

  2. You must resolve not to drink with her until she turns of age to drink her self and don’t even dare be so silly as to share alcohol with a minor anywhere, anytime, you could very will ruin the rest of your life. If alcohol is that important to you than find another young lady of age that may.



    Better make sure that she curtsies too.

  3. What they're really saying:


    'Yo Eric, check out the revolving hubcabs on the Escalade. P-W's auto shop is off the hook.'


    'Hey Schoeb, we still on for hunting in Texas over Thanksgiving?'


    'Yeah man, those are real gold stripes sewn into the sweat suit - Mr.Wilson hooked me up with a ridiculous roster bonus.'


    'You eating the last 34 wings?' 'Go ahead Big Mike, take them out'.


    'Never mind my trouble in the red zone, Maura. How's the kids?'


    'Hello Coach?'

    'Yeah Tom'

    'I'm going to the Canadian Ballet. Wanna come?'

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