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Posts posted by goober

  1. James Wilson has been camping out on the roof of his home and calling himself "not only the CEO and director of the National Association of Desperate Husbands," but "also a card-carrying member."


    So what will it take to get the 33-year-old independent marketing consultant from Redford, Mich., to come back down? "Well, it is going to take for my wife to finally give in and remove the children from our bedroom, put them in their rightful places, in their own bedroom," he said.


    James Wilson and his wife, Valentina, have a 3-month-old daughter, Jayla, and a 2-year-old son, James III. Valentina Wilson says the children will remain sleeping in the marital bed for now.


    "Wait until my daughter gets older and he can get the bedroom back to just us," she said.


    James Wilson, who has been chronicling his woes on his website www.husbandonstrike.com, says the children are causing an intimacy issue, but his wife says that's not the case. "We get all the intimacy we need, you know," Valentina Wilson said.


    Valentina Wilson said she was prepared to let James stay up on the roof because she was confident that he would return home on his own. "I think he will come around," she said. "It will get cold up there. He will miss us and will get hungry. He will come back home."


    Her husband said that he chose the roof as his place for protest instead of simply hanging out at a friend's house because he wanted to grab his wife's attention. "I just decided I didn't want to protest using any normal striking method," he said. "I wanted to be as unique as possible.



    why did i waste my time reading this?

  2. I'm dying just giving up wings for Lent.  I can't imagine giving up beer for March / April hockey.



    you gave up chicken wings temporarily as a way to honor Jesus (but no way could give up beer because of the hockey schedule) ? send a message to george carlin with that news, you can probably make it into his standup routine. you'd be famous afterwards. what better way to celebrate lent than that.

  3. Gave up the drink for Lent. And I'm an edgy SOB.



    so you give up alcohol temporarily? big deal. there's always benzodiazipenes. try some. alcohol isn't everything. also - pot, meth, acid, mushrooms, sniffing gas fumes, inhaling butane, sexual asphyxia. I've read about that Jesus guy, and he undoubtedly still wants people to have their sh-ts and giggles during lent.

  4. This is more pointless sentimentality than addressing the salary cap implications of many of the prior posts - and i can understand the opinion that dropping Moulds is necessary with his salary implications, but i definitely feel worse getting rid of him as opposed to Bruce and Thurman. Those guys were egomaniacs who had clearly lost a step, Moulds will contribute more than they did on other teams. And I think Moulds cared more about the Bills than those guys did- certainly Bruce just wanted money and attention. None of us know exactly what happened with his Mularkey dispute. So best of luck to Moulds, a sentiment I rarely feel when a Buffalo player goes elsewhere. Usually I hope that ex-Bills quickly tear an ACL after they leave town...

  5. What American shows AREN'T popular in the UK is a better question....


    Right now we have: Smallville, The OC, Americas Next Top Model,American Idol, One Tree Hill, Friends, Thrid Rock, Futurama, Family Guy, Simpsons, ER, The Apprentice, CSI, West Wing, Will and Grace, 24, Despeerate Housewives, Invasion, Alias, Charmed, Shipwrecked, Knight Rider, Roseanne, The A Team, Planets Funnist Animals, COPS, Malcolm in the Middle: Nip/Tuck, Law and Order, Brat Camp, Punkd, Meet the Barkers, Pimp my Ride, Wife Swap, Cheers, Wonder Years, Bold and the Beautiful, Quantum Leap... you get the idea


    We get most if the same TV here as you do there. It is the wonder of Cable/Sattelite... But even on regular TV we get a ton of US shows as well as British stuff...


    well, how do they rate in popularity as compared to japanese game shows? and 'meet the barkers' is on there? that's just sad.

  6. ESPN didn't give any love to the NHL even when it had the broadcast rights.  During the months of Feb-Mar, you'd still routinely get NBA, NCAA hoops and even spring training highlights before you got NHL coverage on SportsCenter.  I hope the league does well on NBC.  I watched yesterday's coverage and it was promising.


    ahhhh, spring training. i love how ESPN makes baseball out to be a 12 month season. god i hate baseball...

  7. Unbelievable!


    And think about this too:  The Kings are one of the best teams in the West.



    and they can't get a few seconds on sportscenter this morning? oh well. reason #20 why i quit watching ESPN years ago.

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