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Posts posted by col_forbin

  1. ...and they play who?????? :lol:




    University of Tennessee, Clemson, Jacksonville, and A-Sun conference. Been to the dance in two of the last three years losing by a basket to Wake Forest in year one and Cincinnatti in year two. Hoping to see them go further this year.



    Don't get me wrong.....I'm sure they are a great team. I just wonder how well they would fair in a tougher conference. (ACC, Big East, Big 10) I think it is pretty safe to say they would not be leading the nation in scoring.

  2. Years ago, Vitale was the best there was.  He seemingly watched every college hoop game played...it was incredible.  Plus he brought a ton of energy and enthusiasm to the game.


    Unfortunately, he has become a paradoy of himself (a la Madden and Emeril).  He HAS to have a diaper-dandy and a Windex man in every game...it sucks so hard it blows.  His act has gotten so old, it has mold growing on it.


    But, he still knows his hoop and that comes through even when he's doing shtick.


    I've never been a Packer fan, but he, too, knows the game.  I think he's actually gotten a little better over the years.  Maybe I jut got used to him.


    Who was the other big name that was Packer's nemesis?  Was it Al McGuire?  Anyway, there wee three distinct styles but, unlike in most sports, these guys REALLY knew the game.  They may have been hard to listen to, at times, but if you listened, you learned.


    Raferty, Digger Phelps and others also do a decent enough job.  I don't really like any of them but the put the Theisman's of the world to shame.  Compared to the NFL analysts, College hoops guys are actually tolerable, IMO.



    Raferty, Sean McD, and Bilas are the best crew out there IMHO.

  3. So did you get this message from your buddy, RUN to the PC or laptop to MAKE sure you were the FIRST one to start the thread?!?  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



    I was hoping somebody knew if this is real or BS. It looks like it may speculation on my friend's part. He got is info from a NCSU board.....go figure.

  4. What an awesome night of sports. First the Terps fall behind 13-0, and finally get a lead with a couple minutes to go...Fear the Turtle...


    At same time watching the Sabres, also a very nice, high tempo game,and with the two tuner D* Tivo, watching both games with no commercials....


    9.00 Duke game on ESPN and the 3rd period of the Sabres. Do the same pause and switch tuners when at one point, about 10 minutes into the hoops game, message comes on screen...Game not available in area...WHAT.


    Wait, find it on a local channel, and thank GOD i get Packer and Brando instead of Vitale. Does Vitale even watch the game anymore? I swear to god all he wants to do is tell stories and use his catch phrases.

    BTW, Packer, who hates the Duke bias as much as anyone, made a great point around midway of the 2nd half. After mentioned how tired Duke looked, Packer rattled of for at least the third time the stat duke makes more FTs than their opponents attempt.He said that Duke had become accostomed to all the stoppages, and with the refs not calling everything Dukes way last night, they were not getting their customery break every other time down the floor.Made sence to me.


    Last point, that Reddick kid can play a little bit!!!!!!!!



    You're joking about Packer right. Packer is an idiot plain and simple!!!!

  5. I'm following my place of employment school.  ETSU leads the nation in scoring and Tim Smith (who goes over two thousand points tomorrow) is leading the nation in steals...at 5'8" the most exciting player in America.




    ...and they play who?????? :(

  6. Around here it is 1 of 2 (3 or 4 depending on turneys) Super Bowls. I look for the refs to finally start calling fouls on She-will tonight. Thus allowing Pyscho "T" to have his way with McRoberts down low. It will come down to how will the Heels defend JJ and how well they shoot from the 3 point line.


    I look for the Heels to win by 3......87-84.

  7. That should definitely result in some weight loss.  The question is this...can you keep it up, or after you lose the weight, you go back to eating some of the old, "bad" things?



    I tend to agree with DUEY. I'm sure you will lose weight this way, but how long can you go on eating 15 bananas a week??? The best thing I can tell you is some how workout during the way. Even if you can only fit 30 minutes in. Everything will fall into place from there. Good luck.

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