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Posts posted by Engineer1

  1. This is from his web site:


    What's in a Name?

    I tell you, with me nothing works out. I always get stuck. That's how I got my name, RODNEY DANGERFIELD.


    When I went into show business I saw an ad in the paper. It said: "Improve Your Personalilty..." So, I went to see the man.


    He told me my personality was okay but my name was my problem.


    I said to him, "My name? How could a name be a problem? Even William Shakespeare said, 'What's in a name?"


    He said, "Who?"


    I said, "William Shakespeare."


    He said, "Look, do you want to listen to me or do you want to listen to your friends?"


    I said to him, "I don't understand. Is it good to change your name?"


    He said, "Of course I always keep changing my name. In fact, right now I can give you a very good deal. I can give you a new name for five hundred dollars".


    I said, "Five hundred dollars! That's a lot of money."


    He said, "It's a great name. It's a name once people hear it, they'll start saying it."


    I said, "What's the name?"


    He said, "Rodney Dangerfield."




    He said, "See, you just heard it, and your're starting to say it! Listen to me, take the name."


    I said, "Wait a minute. Suppose I use the name and I don't like it. Can I bring it back?" He said, "Of course. All I ask is one thing. While you're using the name, don't give it a bad name!"


    So I decided to call myself Rodney Dangerfield. As soon as I got home, I thought to myself I made a mistake. I called the guy up. I said, "Look, I want my money back. This is Rodney Dangerfield."


    He said, "Who?"


    I said, "Dangerfield! Don't you remember?"


    He said, "Oh, yeah, Shakespeare's friend."


    I said, "Look, I don't want the name."


    He said, "Don't be foolish. Try it for two weeks. I guarantee you'll like it."

    I tried the name for two weeks, I still didn't like it. I went to bring it back. I couldn't find the guy.


    He changed his name.




    We'll miss you.

  2. I know the obvious of getting rid of Manning was big. BUuuut i needed to make a move. I was 1-2, and the win was only because of Mannings historical first half this past week. Without that, I would be 0-3, and thats due to lack of RBs. And i tried to get Priest or Ladanian, but my whole team would have needed to be traded.


    I was trying to go for averages. I know Hasselbeck will probably average about 4.5 or 5 points less than manning a week. But, I think Westbrook, with his ability to catch the ball, will make up for it (we get one point per catch).


    Since you get 1pt/catch look into trying to aquire the Bears RB (don't remember his name) and D. Davis - RB Houston. These two catch a ton of balls and are usually undervalued.

  3. :lol:

    I will grant you zero state is teh 3rd best team in the Big 12. the problem is the gap between #1 and the rest is so large.  Look I appreciate OSU is trying but OU contends for national championships every year. This is the way it is, has been and will be for a long long time. OSU just happens to be in the wrong state  :lol:


    We'll just see how much of a gap there really is come Bedlam @ Stillwater. B)


    Orange Power


    As for the main purpose of this thread, I don't feel we need a firesale of all the good players on this team. I would like to see the following:

    1) Bledsoe benched in favor of JP when he's health.

    2) Major changes to the O-line in the offseason if improvement is not made this season.

    3) A high draft pick on a CB and another for a TE


    5) Lastly, MM needs get into the players grills and kick some ass :rolleyes: the Bills need some !@#$n' attitude!!

  4. 71st Street Depot on 71st and mingo. On the SW corner there is a gas station. Right behind it (south) is the place.


    But with you being a dorky Zero State fan....I don't know if you would be accepted....  :P    :)


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :) They will beat OU's ass this year. Our stud QB is cleared for practice.


    I was also there watching the GB game. I wasn't there for the early games. I'll keep an eye out for you Sunday for the NE game.

  5. Great, that will give us all the reason we need to put Travis on the bench and start McGahee.....Travis runs off at the mouth about wanting to start, yet he pussies out of an important drill? Sounds like Willis time to me, man.


    Don't start that stevestojan up again. During the Raiders game Willis was called on to run the ball down the middle and got -10 yards. No way is he ready to start.

  6. Something that has helped me is changing the fullback in the split back formation to McGahee. Throw to him in the flats. You will usually gain 6 yards and set up a long bomb to Moulds.


    My main problems with the game is that I like to move the QB around in the pocket. When you do this with DB he'll throw an int or will be completely off target. I wondered if it was the way DB was programed or if it was me so I tried McNabb and poof easy victory. So IMO the programers of DB didn't have a very high opinion of his ability to complete a pass unless he is planted.


    Just my 2 cents.

  7. I'm still have a little positive feelings about this season left. Only 2 games have been played under a new head coach. It takes some time to install a new O. I for one see some positives over the last two games and see an improvement over the last part of last season. If Moulds didn't get his hand stepped on and fumbled the ball in the red zone on the Jac game we would have scored more than 10 points. If Henry didn't trip over the TE's foot we would have scored more than 10 points. Both of these examples are flukes that will not happen every game.


    GO BILLS!!!!!! :blink:

  8. To all of you that are so sure we will beat the Patsies....... Why don't you pick them in the suicide pool???  :o


    I'm not in a suicide pool but I do have Bledsoe on my fantasy football team and I do plan on starting him over McNair.


    After this week the wagons are done circling! Its wagons HOOOOOOOOO!

    Move over Chow's the wagons comin' through!!!!!

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