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turd ferguson

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Posts posted by turd ferguson

  1. need to pick a 3rd reciever for this weekend. already picked TO & PP with Gonzo as my TE. Should I start Justin McCareins(my other options are M Muhammed and Josh Reed). I am basing my starters on who they are facing and McCareins seems the best of the rest for this weekend. Any thoughts??????

  2. uh excuse me, but you are not the first to say that. Poojer has been trumpeting Jim Reid for at least a year. Ried is a Mcpherson disciple and it would be a welcome return for SU Football! Don't worry Pooj, I got your back!


    I'll be the first to say it...Jim Reed should be SU's next head coach.  I just hope it's not September 12th.


  3. well who the hell am i thinking of? i thought anderson was a sr this year. my bad.

    Um,  I'm pretty sure RJ graduated that that's why he didn't play.  The NCAA frowns on that kinda stuff. 


    I read that Greg Paulus (sp?) has already signed with Duke for bb but that he might just be the best HS quarterback in NY.  This my friends is a big problem.  If local kids loaded with talent want nothing to do with Cuse, the program is in big trouble.


    Last years "presss conference" was the tip of the iceberg, this season is gonna be a train wreck and unfortuantely another wasted year.


  4. recruiting...ha what a joke. we lose that kid from onondaga hs that broke all sorts of schoolboy records, and this qb that you speak of. why the hell wasn't rj anderson or gaines in the game, are they that bad that a frosh gets the nod? goddamit!!!!

    If Purdue is kicking them down like that imagine what my Seminoles are going to do to them :w00t: .... 107-0  :o


  5. If they can his ass now i will be pissed because it puts us behind another year. his ass should have been canned last year. Jake blamed it all on deleone! bring in jim reid, the univ of richmond former coach, he was a dick mcpherson disciple and did an awesome job at u of r. or suck it up and get george o'leary where he belongs, back on the shores of onondaga!



    44-0...he should be canned before the game ends.  I hope they don't let him on the plane back to Syracuse.


  6. where do you live? OJ's former house????

    thank you thank you, i am here all week, please try the veal and remember to tip your waiter or waitress.


    Wife called me over, freaked out by a large black spider she almost touched...looked suspicious, so I prodded it a bit with a stick and got it to flip over...


    Here's what I saw


    Damn, that'll make me think twice next time I do yardwork...


  7. yes they have the same pixelation problem, but at least i know circuit city offers the extended warranty where they will replace the cost of the unit for the duration of the warranty, not the value, the amount you paid. otherwise you are stuck dealing with the manufacturer

    I'm looking into getting one this weekend, but I was wondering if any folks out there have some experience they wish to share...one question I have is, do LCD TVs have the same potential problems with stuck or broken pixels as LCD computer monitors, and if so, how do companies deal with this? I'd hate to drop a load on a slick LCD TV only to find a couple of brightly stuck pixels.


  8. no friggin way does helen hunt qualify, she is a hottie


    I'll throw in Helen Hunt.


    We had a "butterface" in our office years ago.  She was British, so she also had summerteeth.  The bosses had her record their voicemail messages.  Made it sound like they had some credibility.


  9. Standing Ovation from me for you Mr 1billsfan. Allen Iverson always plays his heart out. off the court he may be a thug, but on the court where we are supposed to be judging him there is no one that plays harder. He is like dennis rodman, on the court he is a friggin mad man, off the court is another story

    Alan Iverson plays harder than anybody in the NBA, and he gave his all for the USA basketball team, including giving his summer to represent his country in the Olympics. He did nothing to embarass this country over there. Do you still root for a running back who had sex with a fifteen year old? Get off your stupid high horse and Iversons back you non-patriotic jackass.


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