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Posts posted by Snorom

  1. Good, so you apparently want to follow cap numbers that are traditionally under where we really are, and FA prices that are often over what they actually get signed for.


    No problem, unless you try to claim that we cant get ____ because of cap cash. Then your incorrect numbesr go out the window with your arguement backed by NO data.


    You like em, fine. Ill trust in TD, he never ceases to suprise and Clump aint the GM of the Bills!




    whatever you feel.


    I believe Clumps info based purely upon past experience. The same way a person deals with most everythng in there life. You trust what has been right before.


    I guess time will tell wether he's right or wrong, but I'd bet the farm he's damn close to correct.


    You can choose to believe or disbelieve whatever you choose.


    In Clump I Trust... that's my moto

  2. I raised these same concerns about MW a few weeks ago when considering if you want to extend his contract.  I'd extend him based on his play of last year, but not at LT money.



    I doubt MW would bite then. His contract already has some big "LT" numbers in it. If he extends it will be for more of the same. Thats why TD is not going to rework MW's contract in the near future IMO. We need to see some more back on our initial investment before we invest somemore.


    MW needs to be restructured ASAP





    Would you restructure MW after last season debacle? He dissapeared from camp for a few days and was in real bad shape.



    Restructuring means MW gets a heluva alot more money up front and his cap hits are enlarged over the next 2 years, or he can extend his agreement which means he gets a heluva alot more money up front and we are stuck with him for an extra year or so.


    If MW comes into camp, in shape and on time, and he has the "I'm your new LT attitude", and then back it up I would forsee TD extending MW's contract and giving us quite a bit of space over the next few years.


    If MW pulls another out of shape "Where's Waldo" then I don't forsee TD doing anything that would force us to hold onto MW any longer then we have to.



    Our other concern in Eric Moulds who has a very nasty cap hit next year. Restrucuturing only bought us 1 more season with EM

  4. No Im serious! and stop calling me Shirley.


    Look, I respect both players immensely, but Zach is overall better than Takeo. He's a smarter football player, and he's always around the ball. Sure, Takeo may be able to hit harder "Takeo destroys Zach Thomas" but Id rather a player that's going to make plays.


    Ok, I'm off my pedestal.




    Zach is a MLB and would be around the ball more often. In that case we should compare LondonFletcher to Zach Thomas, but when we compare Takeo Spikes you are looking at a guy who is expected to play pass coverages and defend the run from the OLB position.


    I'm not sure if this counts, but Takeo had 5 INT's last year, 4 Forced Fumbles, and 3 sacks. I have to assume those are some serious play making stats.


    Zach had more tackles, but any MLB should have more tackles then an OLB.

  5. Buccaneers | Johnson to be Released - from www.KFFL.com

    Mon, 28 Feb 2005 10:29:46 -0800


    ESPNews reports the Tampa Bay Buccaneers plan to release QB Brad Johnson once the final paper work on a new deal for QB Brian Griese is completed.

    What does everyone think about Brad Johnson?  Could he be brought in as a back-up for JP?  Would he be willing to come to a team in that capacity for maybe 2 million a year?




    Nope. BJ is just as immobile as Bledsoe these days. The Bills won't spend 2 mil a season for a backup either

  6. Or here's the post for those of you who can't read it....


    So, anyways...Philster, Ally, Halbert, and I go over to the pinto after the game to talk to Kenny. A guy comes to the bar and is drunk out of his mind and pissed. He also did a bowling ball shot to get even more plastered. :snicker He rips a poster off the bar that says "Run, Willis, Run" and says that he is Travis Henry's agent and demands to talk to whoever owns that bar, and he found Kenny. Kenny was talking to him and he told the agent that he is a huge fan of Travis Henry and tried to calm him down. The agent kept asking everyone why we hate Henry so much and then repeatedly said "I'm going to **** over Buffalo so much. I will **** you guys so bad." And he kept saying about how he is going to get Henry a huge deal somewhere else and is going to really **** us over. He was going on and on about how he feels that we hurt Travis and he does not understand why we love Willis so much and won't give Travis any love. Oh, and he also proved it to a couple people that were there, he showed Travis Henry's number on his cell phone to Kenny and some of his friends that were with him and were sober also confirmed that he is Henry's agent.



    I also have a pic on there for proof that it is him...Hadley Engelhard.



    Don't believe it.


    how is he going ot screw the Bills. Will let him be the backup all year. Can't see how that would be the move TH wants.

  7. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/02/27/...ain676728.shtml


    A 63-year-old man is charged with sexual gratification with an animal for allegedly having sex with calves.


    Harold G. Hart, of Neillsville, allegedly told police that he routinely stopped at a Greenwood farm, usually after bar closing or on trips to strip clubs near Marshfield or Neillsville.


    A criminal complaint filed in Clark County Circuit Court said the farm's owners installed a motion detector on Jan. 22 after regularly seeing footprints and vehicle tracks on their land. Around 4 a.m. the next morning, a sensor sounded and Hart was caught leaving the barn, but Hart allegedly said he just used a bathroom in the barn and had never been there before.


    Hart told police he had sex with heifers before he went into the service in 1963 and resumed about a year ago at the farm. He admitted to using a rope to tie calves around the neck and estimated he had been to the farm "at least 50 times," according to the complaint.


    He told police he never had sex with animals while maintaining a relationship with a girlfriend or his wife, the complaint said.


    Hart also is charged with disorderly conduct and two counts of obstructing an officer. Each charge carries up to nine months in jail.


    Hart is scheduled to appear in court March 10.



    I guess the mans favorite beer was a heiferweizen :o

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