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John F. Kerry

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Posts posted by John F. Kerry

  1. Once again, if I lost enough IQ points I might agree with you.  Sadly for you, I haven't.  Paco's question is comparing Bush's speech to Anan's, only because it makes his limited point.  Pretty limited comparison, like taking a two person poll.

    You guys say again and again, the UN NEVER applauds speeches, and you offer Anan's speech as proof.  Without reviewing all the speeches in the history of the UN, what proof do you have?  Do you actually believe your own nonsense?


      So many closed minds...so little time.




    No, it is more like Annan spoke DIRECTLY BEFORE BUSH, so it is a valid comparison since it is THE EXACT SAME AUDIENCE.


    I know that critical analysis is not one of your strengths, but damn.


    BTW, you can't afford to lose any more IQ points. You need to preserve the few that remain.

  2. Really?  Do tell?  Must have been exciting, what did you do?  Do you have any video? 


    I am honored to be posting with a hero such as yourself.  I bet you came back and told everyone about you and your fellow warriors heroics too?  How you killed all those armed rough and ready communists, even while facing protests at home for those comunists agents who went there.  Those same ones who sat on communists tanks, talked bad about you our troops, and rallied in Washington against all of you heroes there.



    I went for four months, got some medals, threw them away, came back and said that my fellow soldiers are war criminals, and now am trying to get them to vote for me for President.


    Oh, yeah, and I was in Congress for a few years, but we won't talk about that.

  3. I know better than to take the word of someone I'm arguing with, especially someone who personally insults me, like some of the characters (for lack of a better term, lest I be censored again for fighting back) on this board.


      I was commenting on Bush's speech, not comparing it to Anan's.  However, if you turn the page back, you'll see that before the war, the neocons guaranteed

    we'd be greeted as liberators, with flowers and parades in Baghdad.


      If that weren't a misbegotten lie,  at least the British delegation would have broken out in applause. 


      And, once again- just because a neocon says it, doesn't mean it's true- do any of you now guarantee that in the history of the UN, a speech has NEVER been interrupted by applause?  While we're comparing speeches, why not compare all the speeches made by world leaders in the history of the Assembly?




    Nice way to avoid Paco's question. He specifically stated that you have no basis for comparision, since you only listened to Bush's speech.


    Keep it up. You are just making yourself look worse and worse.

  4. It is people like you who are killing me in this election. You are exactly the reason why I am having a tough time getting my message out.

    Wow.  Is this guy for real?


    Here's some solid advice- why not write a book about your struggle?  You could easily get your message out- but you'd better check Amazon- I think "Mein Kampf" is taken.




    Yes, I am for real. I guess you are too stupid to see that.


    Stick with "Bush Bad," "No Blood For Oil," "Halliburton," "Mission Accomplished," etc. It is much easier to just parrot than to actually think. If you actually thought your posts (just in this thread) through, you would realize you sound like an idiot:


    "The UN hates Bush because they were quiet during his speech."


    "No, that's just the way the UN listens to speeches."


    "Maybe...but the UN hates Bush because they were quiet during his speech."


    "But they were just as quiet during Annan's speech."


    "I don't believe you, because they like Annan and they hate Bush because they were quiet during his speech."




    But of course, you now need to say people advocate murder, they are Hitler, etc. You may want to watch the Hitler stuff, though. This board does not tolerate that kind of stuff. Moderators and Adminstrators have been known to delete posts like that.

  5. OK- here goes a neocon-style argument about a specific talking point, disregarding the rest of the person's post, and giving them the choice between two points that have nothing to do with their larger opinion:


        You failed to comment on  Bush's disregard for the thousands of innocent Iraqi lives he needlessly terminated, or in his words, "liberated".  You did comment on what you claimed was my double standard about speech applause. 


        Surely that means you have a double standard about double standards, leaning heavily towards accepting murder.




    It is people like you who are killing me in this election. You are exactly the reason why I am having a tough time getting my message out.


    You want to focus on the relative amount of applause, or lack of applause in a body that does not applaud, instead of discussing something that is actually important. You also continue to trot out the same tired rhetoric, and parrot it because you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.


    Now, run along. I think the Teletubbies are on, and that seems like more your speed. You do not have to think about anything, just play along with what they say.

  6. That may be part of the reason for the nonresponse, but Bush's tired rhetoric and political doublespeak truly ring hollow when not backed by a hand-picked audience of salivating Young Republican hacks worshipping his every misstatement.


       It's like a bad sitcom without the benefit of being pumped up by a laugh track- you get to see how truly lame it is.



    There were crickets during Kofi Annan's address as well. Does that mean your analogy holds for that speech or are you just applying a double standard?

  7. Will the libertarian candidate be invited to the debates?  How about any of the other third part candidates. 



    Nope. The last thing we need is to have third party candidates screwing up the system. We will keep things as just Democrat and Republican.

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