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Posts posted by seadog

  1. Did any of you have a ouiji board when you where young?


    I did at the age of 15.  Didnt think much of it until it told me that when my grandmother would pass away. It got the month and date right on the nose. :(


    Yeah ,my mom and played with 1 time and never again. I asked it if any one ever died in our house. The thing spelled out yes. My mom and looked at each and never touched that thing again. Scary thing is 5 years later my mother died in that very house.

  2. The FG he made in the Snow Bowl against the Raiders is one of the greatest kicks of all time.  The AV of today is NOT the AV of a couple of years ago.  Dude is as close to automatic as it comes.  Keep in mind, he made the longest FG in the history of Heinz Field in the first quarter of the AFC Championship game.


    Meanwhile, Lindell is shanking 28 yarders.


    No way. No more Bill Belichk rejects. I'm tired of his used garbage. I remember about five years ago when Vinatteri wore that scarf and missed two field goals against the Bills that cost the Pats the Win. What a fag, no NFL player who wears a scarf during a game will ever play for the Bills.

  3. given that bledsoe most likely won't be on the bills, why is it a crazy speculation? what do you think will happen?


    Bledsoe restructures next week and starts for the Bills next season, end of discussion. So who's going to be starting at tightend? Can Willis make it through a whole season uninjured?

  4. It looks like Grey will be gone. He is generating an awful lot of attention and is a hot minority prospect. Personally i would love to lose him S.U., It would do wonders for their recriuting and they would be the defensive juggerknot of the Big East. I don't see anybody on the current staff to replace him, and with all the Pittsburgh ties on the staff is their any Steeler defensive personel coming to town?

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