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Posts posted by Rayzer32

  1. I know it's still early on in the season and I am still thinking the Chiefs may not make the playoffs, but gotta hand it to Clark Hunt for going out and getting the top dogs to run his team. Kansas City is far from a gold mine of a city, but I liken their fans to those here in WNY. Not an overly glamorous city without a huge population, but the fans have always supported that team and Hunt has shown his respect for the fans that make him money by going out and bringing in the right guys to turn his franchise around. Kansas City's fans are I believe the loudest and make Arrowhead the most difficult stadium to play in for opposing teams. Until this year, my opinion was that Green Bay, Buffalo and KC were the toughest road stadiums to play in. I am moving Buffalo down on that list. :blush: The only thing that scares opposing teams coming to the Ralph now is the snow.

  2. Wrong, he is inconsistant and that is correctable.

    Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, JP Losman and Trent Edwards tend to disagree with you. If inconsistency was correctable, dare I say it, but Rob Johnson might still be QB for the Bills, or at least Losman. Fitzpatrick is consistently mediocre, just like any of the past QBs have been with putrid O-lines in front of them. The only guy that has any chance of becoming a good NFL QB right now is Brown if the right person worked with him at his young age. Look at dirty Sanchez, they changed the way he holds the ball in the off-season and he has been playing pretty good so far. Teach them before they take too many shots to the coconut and can't be fixed.

  3. I like Fitz's moxie, but he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

    Agreed. He has a big heart, just like many sub-par QBs have/had. But unfortunately he doesn't have a very big or very accurate arm. He is pretty accurate up to about 20 yards, but anything deeper than that and he has been way off target. But seeing how he has lost two straight his spot on the bench is probably being warmed up for him. If he loses against J-ville we might see Brohm soon after and by week 10, maybe Brown will be starting. My original prediction for this team was 4-12, now I'm thinking 2-14 and that's stretching it.

  4. There's no point in drafting a 'sanchize'. You need to draft a capable QB.

    I don't care if they trade for a capable QB, just so long as they go get one. Look at guys like Favre, Brees, Schaub who were traded for early in their careers. I just don't think the Bills have anyone smart enough to recognize a possible star in the making. Since Kelly they have bombed with Collins, Van Pelt, Flutie, Hobert, Johnson, Travis Brown, Shayne Matthews, Losman, Edwards, Holcombe. That's a pretty bad track record.


    1st, a stat like that is pretty worthless given the small sample set (maybe 30 passes). However, FWIW, I'd bet that most/all the QBs w/ low ratings had more INTs than TDs. Despite his abysmal performance TE had no picks & 1 TD. Had the Fins managed to hold onto those 2, he'd probably be at the bottom of that list.

    1 INT alters that rating a ton. But many of those QBs on that list didn't have many attempts. It was obvious that the Jets did not want Sanchez to have to throw to win tonight.

  5. post the YPC stats, that should tell the truth, or 3rd down conversions

    Well that's why I stated that it's a very misleading stat. It doesn't tell the real truth as to how the QB actually looked on the field. But in Trents defense, when he does go deep, he throws a pretty good ball. Did anyone happen to see Matt Moore for Carolina yesterday? He was atrocious when trying to go downfield. I am not defending TE at all, he was absolutely pitiful yesterday and I'm all for a new QB, but neither of the turds we have on the bench do it for me either. I'll just hurry up and wait until someone at OBD realizes that maybe a capable QB behind center can actually help this team.

  6. That new Arrowhead Stadium was rockin. I don't think I have heard a louder crowd than that one tonight. It was much louder than NY, Dallas, Washington which get the biggest crowds or louder than any dome crowd I have heard. The Ralph can get loud, but not like it just was in KC. Those lucky fans only had to suffer a few years of sucktitude before a major overhaul took place, unlike us poor fans in WNY. We have some of the most loyal, hardcore fans in the league, but I think KC is right up there as well. I hope Ralph was paying attention. I'm not saying the Chiefs are going to be any good this year, but tonight they definitely showed the fans that they are moving in the right direction.

  7. Let me first say I think this "stat" of the QB rating is kinda misleading and meaningless, seeing how you can have a terrible rating and still win a game. But it's quite interesting to see how some of the "star" QBs and other starting QBs compared to TE in this category. Some pretty big names below him, but unfortunately for Trent, most of these guys have already proven what they are usually capable of.


    Aaron Rodgers 73.1

    Trent Edwards 73.0

    Brett Favre 71.7

    Jason Campbell 69.7

    Matt Ryan 67.6

    Matt Schaub 67.5

    Donovan McNabb 63.4

    Joe Flacco 62.2

    Jake Delhomme 59.2

    Mark Sanchez 56.4

    Kevin Kolb 56.2

    Sam Bradford 53.1

    Alex Smith 52.5

    Matt Moore 32.6

  8. As I posted in the other thread about this:


    DAL: 380 total yards

    BUF: 166 total yards


    There's a huge difference between moving the ball & not scoring, and not doing both. The Bills offense isn't even in the same league as the Cowboys.

    Well I didn't really mean this to be taken seriously, as I know the Bills are not even close to being in the same talent pool as Dallas. There have also been many times when the Bills move the ball only to shoot themselves in the foot in the red zone. I'm not sure if it's better to say we got manhandled, but managed to score 10 pts with only 166 yds of offense, OR, we moved the ball up and down the field and amassed 380 yds of offense, but only came away with 7 pts.

  9. It would be nice to hear him take some of the blame himself. Three years of this now and I have never heard him say I need to get better and throw the ball down field. Or, I have to get rid of the ball quicker, or the o-line is young and will improve and give me more time to throw the ball down field, or I just plain suck. Anything to let us know he has to get better as a QB, and the not we have to get better as a team quote made famous by DJ. State the obvious just once Trent.

  10. We tried to get McNabb but, like Shanahan, he didn't want to come here. Its a bit of a catch-22. We have such a bad organization we can't get good FA's and coaches. And we can't get better BECAUSE we can't get them. We're going to have to get out of this mainly through the draft and hopefully Nix and Gailey have what it takes. Once (if) we get back to a winning organization, picking up some of those good players and coaches will get easier.

    Yeah, but soon rookies will refuse to sign here as well. Remember that little cry baby Eli Manning refused to play in San Diego because Daddy said so? Or Jim Kelly who chose the UFL over Buffalo? After what this team/town has done to Losman, McGahee, Lynch most likely and Edwards, soon the young guys are gonna start demanding unrealistic contracts to play here. At least that's what could happen, but I think the kids are so jacked to get paid, they shouldn't care where they play.

  11. I don't think it's penalizing them at all when you've already bailed them out by wiping the game winning TD off the board. If they held up and were in position to decline the penalty, then sure the game's over. But if they need to accept the penalty to save their bacon, they've already been adequately rewarded by the flag and should at least have to make a legitimate stop at the end so the last play of the game at least actually counts.

    This is crazy. Why not just make accepting all penalties mandatory then? Orapko did what he was supposed to do which is to cause havoc and get after the QB, and since he did such a good job he forced the o-lineman to hold him. That's how you play defense, don't penalize Washington because Dallas f'd up.

  12. Maybe the Bills aren't as bad as we think, or they look. The Bills scored more points today than the Dallas Cowboys, who are one of the big favorites to go to the Superbowl for the NFC.


    Unfortunately for the Cowboys, Wade Philips is their coach and as long as he is there, they will never go to the SB. They may have had more bad play calls, and more untimely dumb penalties than the Bills did. Boy, I feel bad for Jerry Jones.............NOT!!! :w00t:

  13. This crap the NFL states about making a "second football move" is so stupid it's not even funny. So what constitutes a football move? Him getting up and showing the ref the ball is still in his hands? Give me a break, that's a TD in most likely 14 of the 16 games in a week and wouldn't even be challenged or reviewed. No one was complaining as Detroit was celebrating until an official, who wasn't even in as good a position as the ref that called it a TD, opened his mouth. Bob Costas said it best. "If it looks like a touchdown catch, it should remain a touchdown catch". He said it was definitely misinterpretation of the rule by the officials. The rule needs to be changed. Gee, that's never happened in the NFL before, a rule change during the season? Same crap, different year.

  14. Gailey said tests need to be done, but initial reports describe it as a "long term knee injury". This dude just cannot stay healthy. Maybe he needs to go play flag football or something here there is no contact...


    "Long term knee injury"


    Let the injury fest begin for the Bills...

    That's surprising, he was actually jumping up and down on it on the sidelines after the injury. I thought he looked okay and would be coming back into the game. This sucks.

  15. So you're calling the refs incompetent because of a coin flip?


    Holy ****. Is this what I sounded like when I first started posting here? If so, I apologize to everyone.


    Rayzer, stop while you're just a little behind.

    I've been posting here for 6 years. And yes, botching a coin flip is incompetent. And FWIW, you sound like an ****** in about 75% of your posts so no need to apologize, it's much too late for that. Have a swell night sweetie. :doh: Oye!


    If this were the Patriots, this would have been ruled a touchdown.


    Case closed.

    This is most likely 100% true. And if it were the Bills, it would have been incomplete and most likely everyone on here backing the call right now would be M-Fing the officials like crazy.

  16. Honestly? No, you can't.


    The rule sucks, IMO. But the ref called it as it's written.


    Here's my concern - since this isn't the first time this rule has been questioned and gotten attention in the NFL world, why didn't the receiver JUST HOLD ONTO THE BALL UNTIL HE STOOD UP. Learn the sport you play, understand the rules (especially the "controversial" ones and play by the rules.


    I agree this rule is questionable, but no, again you can't say the rule is moronic, and then say the ref is incompetent (the ref, the guy responsible for following the rules) for abiding by it.


    But I'm done here.

    I tell you why he didn't, because he had already completed about three football moves by the time he let go of the ball. You can't tell me you've never seen guys do a lot less and have a completion get called. So, yes I can say the rule is moronic, because if it was written properly and clearly, there wouldn't be so many people questioning it. And I can easily call the refs incompetent. When a well paid NFL official can't tell the difference between heads and tails during a coin flip, I consider that a little incompetent.

  17. Have to have two feet inbounds , control of the ball including landing with it.

    What I'm saying is Johnson had control and or possession of that ball longer than so many catches that get called complete along the sidelines and such. He had control of that ball for at least two steps, and had his knees, legs, elbows, hand down before he let the ball out of his grip. What more did he need to do?

  18. I appreciate your effort there, but am not convinced, since it is obvious to me that the process was complete. Anyone watching that play (and considering it was video-reviewed, that would be anyone) can clearly see the ball is caught, all feet, arms, butt down... and the player put it on the ground to celebrate. For the official to choose to read more into it than that is an unacceptable insertion of the official into the play, which is something the NFL should be trying to avoid, especially in game-changing plays. That the video folks chose to screw the Lions is simply further indication that bad teams can expect to have the rules interpreted to their detriment. The NFL should be ashamed, and if they trot out a few flunkies this week to natter on about process, that will only make it worse. This beats the tuck rule!

    Very well stated. And if the ground can cause a fumble if the player is not touched, then in this case he fumbled the ball out of bounds making him the last to have possession of the ball. But, if he never had possession, then a fumble is impossible. The league only makes it harder on themselves with their petty little rule changes.

  19. But you also said "I have never seen a more incompetent call in my time as a fan of the NFL. The ref even watched the video replay and STILL had the balls to call this an incomplete catch."


    The call was, well, very competent. He would have had to "have balls" to call it complete.

    So apparently I can't call it an incompetent call IMO and also call the rule moronic IMO? What's the problem with that? I can question both, right?

  20. I actually like the rule. I was so tired of all the guess work that was involved with "did he show control before it came loose when he hit the ground?" stuff. This way it's clear. You hold onto the ball the entire time - even if the ball touches the ground as you roll - and it's a catch. If it comes free it's incomplete. Cut and dry - that's the way I like my football rules, less room for interpretation from the refs.

    It's just another rule that the officials will mis-interpret time and again. I'm sure another official may have ruled it the other way 100% of the time. Too many inconsistencies with the officials in this league.

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