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Posts posted by Florida_BillsFan

  1. IVAN is on a similar path.



    Glad you made it through OK - we are in Kissimmee and Charlie didn't leave much for Frances here - took another huge Live Oak limb down in the front yard but no further damage to the house - Charlie crushed the gable end of my house over the garage leaving a 10' foot hole in the side which I closed up with plywood.


    You guys in So. Florida took it on the chin - hang tough.....

  2. Hunkered down here in Kissimmee - just south of Orlando - we got hit by Charlie pretty hard and looks like we are going to take the brunt of Frances - although she is not quite the B word she could have been .... winds will only be in the 80 mph range when she gets to us.... less than Charlie that put a tree in my roof - so we are just waiting for the B word to come and go and get on with our lives......

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