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Buckner's Glove

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Posts posted by Buckner's Glove

  1. To the soldier who died in Iraq today: you're protecting America...from what???


    Bin Laden struck at us, now we're striking back...wtf does Bin Laden have to do with Iraq???


    I love how he shows all these pics of Iraqis with guns and RPGs. Apparently it never occured to the author that they would not be pointing guns and RPGs at our boys if they weren't there in the first place.


    Yep, I watched it...WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP!

  2. More education is not a measure to be proud of when there are college graduates who can't read and guys holding MBAs from Harvard who can't speak the language at an eighth grade level.


    Your opinion is noted.  It's also silly and stereotypical mynah bird.  Maybe another college class will help.   :D


    I sense some resentment about "college classes". Bad experience?


    As far as MBAs from Harvard with an 8th grade reading level, I find it difficult to believe. Of course there is an exception to every rule - I suspect I could name at least one MBA from Yale with LESS THAN an 8th grade reading level, but I digress. Judging by your disregard for higher education, I'd venture to guess that you have little if any and are therefore in no position to judge.


    I eagerly await your next "zinger", Darin.

  3. That's ABSURD. Talk about inane. You DO realize that 90% of inner-city voters are Kerry supporters, right?


    And ain't to many bright bulbs in the ghetto, or elese they WOULDN'T BE IN THE GHETTO.


    Let's not start throwing around stereotypes, lest someone brings up the backwoods rednecks living in Kentucky and West Virginia! They wouldn't be in the trailer park if they had themselves a edumucation!

  4. The state of Alaska will go to the President by at least 10 points and maybe by as much as 20.  Definately not a swing state.  I've never been on the fence - I'm not voting for either of these two idiots.  That way as we continue down the road toward inevitable ruin, my conscience will be clear.


    More proof that education doesn't equal intelligence, as if we needed that.


    Still on the fence...you could have answered the question without the insult! I'll assume I'm a bit more educated than the poster who is attempting to de-value my accomplishments? :D

  5. Sean Hannity regularly does "man on the street" type stuff on his radio show that shows how unbelievably ignorant some John Kerry supporters are.  I have no doubt the same exists on the other side, as we have a sampling of proof here.


    It shouldn't come as a surprise with the government tentacles so deep in "education".


    Exactly, there are uninformed voters on both sides with strong opinions. Statistically, however, Kerry supporters are more educated. I think the religious right truly swings this in favor of the Republicans.

  6. if you continue to work hard you will then attain a MBA just as our President did, is that not something....


    The differences are that MY Daddy didn't grease any palms or pull any strings to get me in, I'm paying for it myself, it won't just be for show, and when I'm done I'll be able to string two coherent sentences together without sounding like English is a second language.


    Other than that and my technical background, Dubya and I will have something in common.

  7. Tell me you don't have a college degree.  Please?


    Education does not equal intelligence and never will.  O'Reilly was way off in his criticism of Stewart.  Of course, he's also an arrogant fuss budget who is a pretty easy target for J.S. and his merry band.


    The "Daily Show" is hilarious and very well done.  I didn't think they'd survive losing Kilborn but they have instead blossomed.


    BS in Computer Science and I'm working on my MBA.


    Still sitting on the fence AD, or are you finally ready to admit you love G-Dub??? I'm sure the entire state of Alaska awaits your endorsement with bated breath!

  8. It's a good signing if only for the fact that a successful defensive system remains intact with him running that side of the ball. I thinks some of the 3rd down problems will fix themselves with the return of Milloy and eventually Vincent. Locking Gray up now will also send a message to guys like Sam Adams that Gray will be in Buffalo just as long as any of the players, so the players had better listen to him. The timing is probably motivated in part by fat Sam's outburst during the Miami game.

  9. "Gosh, I don’t think I ever said I’m not worried about Osama Bin Laden. That’s kinda one of those exaggerations." - GWB at his 3rd debate with John Kerry


    "Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I--I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." - GWB in March of 2002



    Is he lying or just really, really dumb?

  10. Shouldn't the Republicans be trying to distance themselves from Jessica Simpson??


    Laura Ingraham makes me proud to be a man, though.  I like the ones who are a little bitchy.


    Who do think has a higher IQ, Dubya or Jessica Simpson?

  11. Which one is Buckner's Glove?  On one hand, he flails around randomly like a monkey (on crack).  On the other, he appears to possess the same IQ as a cinder block.  Hmmm....this is a tough one.


    Look, I have a fan - I guess I struck a nerve somewhere along the way. There's nothing quite like matching wits with a half-wit!

  12. I fail to see the correlation between the two examples.  On the one hand you have a politician who used someone else's family situation in an attempt to gain power.  On the other you have a media personality who has been accused of something.  Nothing like comparing monkeys to cinder blocks.


    O'Reilly is innocent until proven guilty.  Period.


    You've simply convicted him because you don't agree with his politics.  That's an indictment of you.


    I actually like O'Reilly, as many of his view are relatively moderate. He does come accross as morally superior at times, with little compassion or tolerance for those who do not live their lives in what he believes to be a proper manner. I do not put him in the same category as Rush, but there are some similarities. Rush was addicted to pills, while O'Reilly, it seems, is addicted to phone sex and power. Both are conservative talk radio hosts with very high profiles who are quick to jump all over anyone who does something that is not in line with conservative values. In other words, if a democratic politician or talk show host was accused of either popping pills illigeally or engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with subordinates or co-workers, both of these guys would be all over it like flies on stevestojan (especially Rush). Of course, in O'Reilly's case, these are only allegations, but after reading the report, I find it difficult to believe that this woman made up all of these unwanted encounters. I wonder if she taped any of the conversations?


    As with Limbaugh's situation, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  13. And other than Blzrul, who amongst us doesn't?


    I hate when stuff like this comes out. We're all supposed to stand in judgement of a guy who's trying to get some tail when getting tail should be a priority for everyone. :(


    Hypocrite! Don't call Dick Cheney's daughter a lesbian, but O'Reilly's just trying to get some tail. He's married with children and holds himself up as a shining example of morality and good character. If you actually read the allegations, you'll realize what a scumbag this guy really is. He and Rush should go pop some pills and catch a sex show or two in Thailand!


    But the libs are morally corrupt!



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