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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. You honestly think Portugal can beat Italy. That's a laugh. 


    But i don't know if Italy can beat the Germans.




    Come on...the laugh is that your cocky when the Italian team could not beat a USA team that had players sent off. Had trouble with an Australian team, and now, think that you'd have an easy time against a real soccer team like Portugal?


    As far as I'm concerned, the Italian team has played powder puff teams thus far and are lucky to be where they are. I only hope they can knock off the Germans, but I highly doubt it. The Italians don't even really deserve to be playing right now as every other team has gone through tough opposition where as the Italians have had an easy schedule.


    It's football, and I don't know which team will win, but the Italians are the least deserving right now, how played the poorest football of the 4 remaining teams, and in my opinion are the weakest team of the 4 remaining teams.


    Yes, I honestly think Portugal can beat Italy. Portugal was in the Euro final. Figo was also FIFA player of the year. I see far more quality on the Portugese team than on the Italian team - a perspective from a neutral. I'll be cheering for Italy in the next game - but I don't expect them to win. Vastly overrated now for many years.

  2. Please please...Italians beat Germany! I think you guys can do it too! Go Luca Toni....hopefully, he's the next Paolo Rossi for this game.


    I really think the Portugese are the most deserving team based on their past tournament experience. they were runner ups in Euro and have demonstrated that they are a strong side without a loss since the final. I think their golden generation is due. France, they have their world cup. Italy - beat germany, but then they will go out in the final.

  3. In a 4-5-1 (or more accurately 4-4-1 in Crouch's case yesterday) the idea is that the midifled supports the lone striker who holds up the ball for them to run onto and attack. Crouch did this very well with Lennon charging up in support. (ie: it was SUPPOSED to work like that).


    Rooney did not do this, largely because for the most part when he was on the field the midfielders did not run up and support him well at all. As a result the defenders had all the time in the world to isolate and frustrate Roooney (who then lashed out at one inexcusably).


    If Lennon had been in Crouch's position and tried to do what you suggest he too would have been isolated without support (as no one else had the speed to support him) and would have been dealt with just as effectively as Rooney was.



    no doubt...that's what you typically do with one striker. But with ten men, the only way England was going to get a goal was on a quick counter attack. Not with Crouch holding the ball and letting build up develop. So, I agree that that's the way it's SUPPOSE to work, but when it was obvious it wasn't, they should have changed it up. And I'd rather have an isolated Lennon making his runs than what I saw happening.

  4. Exactly. Argentina were the better team but lost because their coach was gutless. He set up to hold out for a 1-0 win and had no plan B to fall back on if Germany equalized. Messi could have caused havok in the German defence in extra time, but the idiot had already used all of his substitutes.




    yes, the team played negative soccer after their goal, even though they were in good control of the match. Taking Crespo, Riquelme off and never seeing Messi or Saviola in that match was an injustice to all of Argentina.


    And I never really thought Riquelme lived up to expectations outside of the first match against Ivory Coast and maybe S&M. He was good but never really lived up to his "10" stature. And as many predicted, Arg would go as far he would take them, and he did not have an exceptional game against the Germans.


    But the Germans did very little to deserve the win, and I thought the refs helped them by not giving a penalty on a clear penalty against Maxi Rodriguez.

  5. What surprises me the most is that England has only two top quality strikers.  Owen and Rooney.  They really need to work on the development on that part of the field.  With a strong midfield they should be scoring insanely.  Erikson has failed and he will be gone.

    No.  Definately not.  Although I thought that Brazil would eventually learn how to gel, I didn't really watch many of their games.  Their wingers are old, Cafu and Roberto Carlos.  Emerson had a so-so year with Juventus.  Ronaldhino has wayyyy too much spotlight on him.  The only consistent players on Brazil IMHO were Adriano and Ronaldo.




    I'm not sure I'm convinced of the "quality" of the England midfield. Sure, it has a huge reputation, but no real play maker, no creativity. All the players do well for their club sides but really, I can't remember one memorable pass, play or movement from the English midfield.


    Brazil won the confederations cup one year ago. The team has quality players. What was different from 4 years ago, IMHO, was coaching. Rono deserves the credit he gets, but this world cup, he was forcing the issue way too much. It's almost like Brazil thought, we show up, we'll win. It was a shame to see them go out this way, because I thought they could do much better. I did not pick Brazil to win, because of an old rule I generally follow in that when Nike starts to support you, you've already hit your peak and are generally on the way down (at least in Soccer). And I thought they would really have a difficult time repeating.

  6. Coaching has been the achilies heal for three teams:


    Peckerman - why would you play Tevez when you have Saviola and Messi. And Tevez is good, but I like the other two better. Why put Cruze on? Why take Riquelme off so early? Cambiasso should have started. Stick with a line up. Argentina was in control and those subs killed them. As well, the strike combination was not the one I would have picked. I really hoped Messi would start up front with Crespo.


    Erikson - why put Crouch in the forward roll when your only chance was scoring on a fast break, and he is a holding player. He should have played a deeper role and put lennon up front. How many fast breaks did Crouch stop and hold the ball. If Lennon had received the ball in those situations, he would have created scoring opportunities. The "Theo" decision really could not have worked out worst for him. They need speed up front when downt to ten men, not Crouch. Nice to see the Canuck - Hargreaves get the man of the match award.


    Parriera - why give an over confident team a chance to become even more over confident by beating up on a bunch of german Div 4 teams 13-1 as warm up matches. This team was clearly not mentally ready. Every player was watching too many "soga bonita" commericials and thought they had to dribble through 3 players before passing the ball. the hallmark of Brazil soccer is one touch soccer and swift attacking movements, which the didn't demonstrate once in this tournament. Ronaldinho (who I love) is trying to take on three players in midfield. Poor. Again, players need to gel, stick with a line up. You've had 4 years to figure out your line up and then start changing it after 3 games???


    Well, as long as Germany doesn't win, I'll be happy. Congrats to the French and Portugees.

  7. Soccer withdrawal today....I'll have to go back and watch some of the matches I taped that I haven't watched.


    Brazil.....be afraid. Yes, you are the favourites but with game winners - Henry, Ribery, Trezeguet, Zizou, Vieria ...this team seems to be shifting up a few gears.


    Arg vs. Germany - I haven't been this nervous about a sports event for a long time. Go Arg. I think if both teams play to their maximum potential, Arg will win fairly comfortably. But I know Germany will have a high work rate, take away the midfield and really give the South Americans no time on the ball. Could be an epic battle.


    The rest of the games....all very tantalizing...I can't wait! And I have Friday off!

  8. what are you watching? The ABC feed or the univision? I had no BBC over of the weekend....stuck watching ABC...that was painful, I switched over to Univision.


    I agree....the tournament has been very good this far. Just tell the refs to put away the yellows from here on in.

  9. It was a terrible ref'd game. Also some idiotic decisions by the players as well. Alot of those tackles were not necessary. And by now, you should know your getting an automatic yellow for time wasting.


    But yes, the ref totally killed what could have been the match of the tournament. But it was still a good game.


    I'm not sure what the story on Van Nistelroy was? I think we would have scored when Kuyt and others missed.

  10. yah...it's like saying...I can skate so fast that I can't get the puck...offside is in hockey too...


    ...it's very funny to watch the fans watch 4 soccer games in 4 years and then think they know what rules should be in place....


    NFL football - I can't think of a greater sport where the refs have a say in adjudicating penalties. Soccer isn't even close to this. NHL - refs have the same say as they do in soccer.

  11. well, I think you guys have gotten better. You have to remember, US soccer was a joke in the past. Now, your a respectable nation when it comes to soccer you just can't compete with the big boys yet.


    Your about on par with Australia...similiar type of development. How you get over the hump...I'm not sure...it will be tough. Especially with the emergence of African soccer and the East Asian soccer.


    Without world class players, you'll never be more than an also ran. So until you have US players playing for Real Madrid, Barcelona, Chelsea, Bayern, AC Milan, Juve, Man Utd. etc., you can't really compete with other teams that have world class soccer players. You have players from the KC Wizards, etc.

  12. the other question is can the USA develop soccer players? I'm not sure they can. The best North American soccer player is Owen Hargreaves. Canadian. But plays for England now. He was 14-15 when he went to Bayern Munich Jr. team and they developed him. Sadly, if he had stayed in Canada, he wouldn't be the player he is now.


    I think the brighest talents in the US have to go to Europe at an early age. It's a waste having Adu play in the MLS and he can barely crack the DC United starting line up. I'm not sure why there are calls to have him in the US team. He just doesn't seem like he's as good as his hype.

  13. Did anyone watch any of the qualifications matches of the US?


    If so, these results should not be surprising.


    The US needs to ditch Arena, bring in a south american coach and adopt a south american soccer style. That's the best thing USA soccer can do in the long run, have as many south american soccer coaches in the youth system as possible.


    And someone made the comment about hard work, etc. overcoming a talent deficit. This ain't hockey where you can just check harder or hustle harder...I think in Soccer, it's very hard to beat a team with a significant skill advantage....impossible, no...harder, yes. Soccer requires alot of skill, something lost on the average joe...so I don't care how fast you are or how hard you work, someone with a nice touch on the ball, will beat you all day long, because the ball can move faster than you can.


    The reality is, the USA is not a very skilled team. And got beat by teams that were much more skilled and showed more quality.


    But I give them credit for the Italy tie....I thought it would be 0-3. And really it should have been two ties and a loss as they got hosed on the penalty shot.


    Also....with such a large hispanic population in the US, why are their not more hispanic players on the national team? Seems strange to me.

  14. Here's one more (and I don't even like him too much). But he impressed the snot out of me.


    'Landon did things against Italy that I've never seen him do before,' Arena told ussoccer.com. 'He demonstrated to the world, and more importantly his team-mates, that he is a great player in any kind of game.'

  15. Italy played like crap, but they proved that you can basically lose the battle of possession time and have your shots on goal limited and still win, as long as the other team can't finish worth a damn. Why is Landon Donovan even playing?? Can anyone really say that Freddy Adu wouldn't have done better than all but one or two of these guys? I get so frustrated watching this pinball passing crap every time they get in around the top of the box. Dempsey and Pablo both took shots, and Beasley had a nice ball, but that was it. Meanwhile there's Donovan sitting there taking part in these dinky passes that eventually get intercepted. That being said, he did play better than last game, but that's not saying much.


    The game was just as entertaining as it was frustrating, though....I just wish we'd have turned our edge in possession time into a couple more GOALS.



    I'm not sure what game you were watching.....(and Adu is not near good enough to play on this level...same with the other striker. Eddie Johnson. His technique and touch are not up to par)

    Meanwhile, Arena has hailed Landon Donovan for his sensational performance in the dramatic 1-1 draw against Italy which featured three red cards.

  16. National Holiday in Ghana for the US Game....




    Luca Toni is 6'4, not 6'7.


    This, and the previous last two world cup team for Italy are a disgrace to past Italian national teams that had an abundance of quality. I'm not saying they can't pick up their game, but they have not shown me anything, and I really don't expect them to.


    Unable to score against 9 men USA team? Shame. Gritty peformance by the US. I thought Donovan played great in the deeper midfield role. Convey also was very good.


    The Italians - no creativity, little skill, little imagination - a huge dissapointment. Will be an interesting game Ghana vs. USA.


    Thus far, the teams that look like they came to play -

    1) Arg

    2) Spain

    3) Germans (not convinced they have enough talent)

    4) Ghana

  17. That the best you could come up with in the last couple of hours?  :doh:


    It certainly explains why you became a soccer fan - because the kids playing sports that their dad's would actually watch would kick your ass for being so lame.  Now get in the mini-van so your mom can drive you to kickball practice.




    ...eagerly waiting a reply so you could add to your 22 thousand posts? Sad blog by the way. Sad stories. Corvettes...haha. I bet you work in a cubicle too.



    PS. I grew up playing hockey, and I'm fairly certain I could skate circles around you.

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