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Everything posted by Let'sGoBuffalo

  1. I am talking about closet RW radicals like you. You have become a major disapointment. You have lost my vote for sure.
  2. I see your argument is at a dead end. Keep parroting your same old talking points and ignore reality. And you want to be president? haaaa! You really need to wake up. What a disapointment you have become. I really had hope for you!
  3. Why BLZRUL, do you waset you time with idiots?? The same old garbage is spewed over and over again by these radicals that try to defend the indefensible. And... The same bad news, failures, lies, spin and deceipt continues. God, is this the worst administration in history or what? Too bad the empty heads on this board can't see the hand in front of their face.
  4. You can remember information and recall it. That's about all you got. Yes, Kerry immediately called for that ad (specifically) to stop and it did. Not it's Bush's turn.... and Bush?.. NOPE. He wants it to happen. Darin, didn't you get the hint? Dense? Stop replying to my posts, please. You are a waste of time.
  5. DNC Talkiing points?? Hardly.... it's pretty obvious to most. I could spend the whole day trying to show you what is happening, and yet you would still spew your "all" post. You can't or, refuse to, get it obviously. You cannot comprehend or refuse to see what is happening (it's incredible, especially after it happened to McCain and Cleeland already). I feel sorry for ya pal. But don't feel bad, 100 million Americans fall into the same trap every time. FYI, The post was directed at Tom, of course you probably saw some similarities in your own character and called it your own.
  6. I used to think that you were just a geek who had an incrediible ability to remember things. Then I thought you actually may be somewhat intelligent and had some scant ability of common sense. But Now I know that you are just a simple mind that's able to retain information and spew it at will. IF you really believe what you say, then you need help with what is happening. You see, Bush wants to group ALL ads into the same catagory as the SB ads. That is his strategy. Those ads are in a catagory all by themseleves though. They are LIES, AND DISTORTION. They SMEAR AND ASSASINATE someone's character and personal reputation. They are fabricated and are LIES. Do you get that? But Bush wants to have it both ways. KRC, DC, you guys are pretty simple not to get it.
  7. Alaska, you are not even worth my time. Ken and Tom, we all know what "All" means. To group the SBVT ads with "all" the others is negligent, irresponsible and weak. That campaign is nothing but a smear on someone's personal reputation and character and based on fabrication and lies. THAT campaign should be singled out by Bush and ended. I have no problem with 527's if they are based on facts and address the issues. Kerry had the integrity to condem and call for an end to 2 ads that were in bad taste. Even McCain wants Bush to single out those lies and smear ads and call to end them. Please, stop spinning this issue guys.
  8. Most of the nation stood up and applauded Cam Cleeland. Bush says "all 527 ads are bad" But he won't single out the SBVT Smear campaign because it's working for him. After all, Bush smeared and lied about McCain, Cleeland and now Kerry. He's desperate and that's the only way he can win. Cleeland challenged Bush to call for an end to the SBVT smear campaign full of lies and distortion. He wanted to meet with Bush, but Bush hid in his house. I can see him now hiding behind the crack in the curtians peering out... "You're not gonna let em in are ya?" What a whimp. If Rove was smart he would have let lil dubya out and told him to say what the nation wants him to say. Hey, if the campaign continued, then at least dubya would have done his part. But the idiot Rove is outsmarting himself and wow, what a backfire that's about to hit him. The diffference in The SBVT and the other 527's is that the SVBT (and I use the word truth extremely loosely) is that the SBV's are LIARS and involved in personal character assasination using lies.
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