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Posts posted by Movinon

  1. Buckwheat and Darla are sitting in class. The teacher asks “who can spell dumb.” Darla raises her hand and says “d u m b." The teacher says “very good, now use it in a sentence.” Darla says “Buckwheat is dumb.”


    The teacher asks “who can spell stupid.”Darla raises her hand and says“s t u p i d.” The teacher says “very good, now use it in a sentence.” Darla says “Buckwheat is stupid.”


    The teacher asks “who can spell dictate.” This time Buckwheat raises his hand and says “d i c t a t e.” The teacher says “very good, now use it in a sentence.” Buckwheat says “I may be dumb and I may be stupid but Darla says my dictate good.”

  2. I love the Friday before a football game.  Especially the Friday before a Bills home game, because everyone on this board is so jacked up.  At least that's been the case in the past two seasons I've been on this board.  :lol:


    Back in the day, when I was a Browns fan, Friday was my Orange Day.  When I wore something Browns-related to support my formerly beloved team.  I used to hate having to go to work or school because I wanted to begin concentrating on the game Sunday.


    My wish is for a good game Sunday...and good moods on the board on Monday.




    In addition to this being the Friday before a home game against a division rival, it's also the Friday before the start of VA's archery season. May the whitetail gods shine on me tomorrow and may the Bills stomp New England on Sunday. What more could a guy ask for ;)

  3. Our family dog Sandee died this January.  She was 21 1/2 years old.  Just a small 12 pound mixed terrier.  It was difficult after all those years.


    That has to be a record for a dog - The longest I ever heard of one living was 17 years but 21 1/2 :doh:

  4. JP needs to check the attitude, because other than being drafted at 22 he hasn't accomplished anything in this league.....got to love the swagger though what a jerk


    I find it odd that you would make that comment about JP, yet in your signature you have YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!! WILLIS IS THE ANSWER!!!!!.


    Exactly what is Willis the answer to? Being an unproven back?

  5. I've heard that there will be sobriety checkpoints around the stadium (from a previous post on TBD).....


    IS THIS TRUE????  Do you have any idea of where or what their looking for....I can't believe they would be checking every car from the game.....were there checkpoints after the home opener???


    Just curious.....


    I suspect they could be looking for intoxicated drivers but I could be wrong.

  6. DB is to blame for only half of the sacks given up. Blitz pick up is to blame for the other half.


    DB stares his receiver down. Most QB's keep their heads on a swivvel but DB doesn't. It seems as though he is waiting on a receiver to get open when he should move on to his next read or two. Either the receiver isn't getting open or the pattern takes too long to develop when facing a blitz, which the Bills often do face. DB literally only sees half of the field, when in the meantime someone can be wide open on the other side of the field. This is easily correctable. DB needs to view his progressions quickly and maybe he needs to develop trust in the other receivers and not just E. Moulds. If a guy isn't open, move on.


    The O-line did WELL when faced without a blitz. MM was working on blitz pick-up in practice on Wednesday so maybe they can get things straightened out.


    Wow, you should call Sam Wyche - I am sure he will learn a thing or two from your insightfulness :blink:

  7. I found that Moulds quote to be very interesting.  "I told him we have to put this team on our backs."  I guess that by beating ourselves game in and game out, we are indeed putting the team on its backs.  If they continue with the mistakes, he'll probably be quotes as saying we have to put this team on our knees.


    It is a valid quote, though.  I had a buddy who ran a whorehouse.  His slogan was identical to Moulds'.



    Drews response was "with my offensive line I am always on my back."

  8. What a society we have evolved into. My "personal inconvenience" trumps the workings of Justice. Sad.  I'll be dead when it happens, but you young folk's society seems to be going headlong into some sort of approximation of that depicted in the movie, "Blade Runner".


    Enjoy. :lol:



    I wasn’t complaining about this being a personal inconvenience issue. I am more than willing to perform my civic duty, my only concern is that that I am potentially at the beckon call of the court for the next 15 months – kind of puts a damper on planning vacation, etc, don’t you think? :lol:

  9. Received a notice and questionnaire yesterday to perform my civic duty as a potential juror at the federal level. If qualified, I can be called anytime from Oct 04 – Dec 05. Seems to me this is a long time and will certainly be disruptive to making any long-term plans. I was under the impression that if you are qualified the window for which they could potentially call you was usually two months or less. Anyone provide info? Oh yeah, live in VA.

  10. Are you kidding me?  Look your kid in the eye and tell him to be a man.  So what if the teachers yell at the class.  Tell him he should be bigger than that... to pay attention and just do what's expected. Oh my god.... let's be sure our children are totally comfortable all the time.  God forbid they experience "tension" and "stress".  Today's children are becoming a bunch of pussies and whimps... and mostly because of their kitty a$$ parents.


    Is he really a rough and tough kid like you say?  or is that just your perception and your myth? If he really is the rough and tough, then he should show it in situations like this.


    A 30 year veteran teacher probably means that the teacher is in their early to mid fifties and grew up in a time when everything was earned, not hanned to you and a time when the parents were WWII era parents.  So that teacher has probably had with the silver spoon fed, video game, tv watching, lazy, unmotivated, fat, medicated to the max kids of this generation... and rightfully so.


    Call me insensitive and and idiot.  I don't give a stevestojan.  I'm right.


    Your response was a tad harsh but I agree with your assessment. Kids today are so damned thin-skinned it’s ridiculous. For crissake if I went home and cried to my father that the teacher yelled at me he would have yelled at me for being such a crybaby.

  11. Oh I just realized "YOU CAN'T HIDE" also has 11



    PLANET EARTH" has 11 letters, too!


    11 letters in "NOSTRADAMUS."


    "THE RED CROSS," can't trust them.


    I would rely on self defense, but "SELF DEFENSE" has 11



    "SEND ME EMAIL" has 11 letters....


    Will this never end? I'm going insane! "GOING INSANE???"

    Eleven letters!!


    Oh my God, I just realized that America is billsfanone! Our

    Independence Day is July 4th ... 7/4 ... 7+4=11!

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