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Posts posted by Aimee75

  1. 2 minutes ago, thronethinker said:

    This is the most winnable game they could have in the playoffs other than probably Miami. If Buffalo can’t win this game handily then they have no business being the 2 seed. 

    Yeah, we can't use the weather as an excuse either. It's not "perfect" out, but it's light wind and snow(where I am at least). So, if we lose, we were either outcoached or outplayed or who knows? I am already so tired from this game, and it hasn't even happened yet 😑

  2. Just now, Simon said:

    My confidence has been dropping all morning.

    >There is probably going to be lower attendance

    >The fans that are there are likely to be uncomfortable and a little shell-shocked by the stadium conditions

    >While the Bills have spent the past 48hrs trapped in their houses, the Stillers have had additional time to get together, do extra walk-throughs, etc


    The first two factors could really mitigate the effects of the crowd and home field advantage.

    The third could give the Stillers a bit of an edge, particularly coming out of the gate.


    Both the Bills and the Mafia are going to need some good veteran leadership to be at their best today.

    I have thought about this and low key worried about this.


    I am also reading through the comments here and feeling very terrified that today I am one of the more positive ones in here 😱

  3. Just now, Breakout Squad said:

    Watching the Cowboys get man handled by a lesser GB team makes me a wee bit nervous. Bills should win but I think it’ll be close. 


    That game was an eye opener for me. I really think the Cowboys came in unprepared. If we come out as flat as they looked yesterday, I will officially know where I stand with Sean.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Xwnyer said:

     am nervous and worry that home field advantage won't exist because of the few seats that will be full.   I have been concerned about Pittsburg from the onset and now with this weather we may become one dimensional.  

    What on earth? The weather is fine people. Very little wind, light snow, it's cold but not Pats WC game cold.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Virgil said:

    I'd say I'm at a 6.5.  With the wind still projected to be bad, it doesn't seem like a great passing day.  I still believe we have the better overall team, but this is the type of game where fundamentals are key, to which I do believe the Steelers are more disciplined than us. 


    As for home field advantage, I'm not sure what to expect.  Like KC last night, I expect there to be a lot of empty seats.  There were a lot of seats available, and who knows which fans those went to.  Also, Pittsburgh is as prepared for these conditions as anyone in the league.  


    Also, I absolutely hate when EVERYONE picks the Bills to win.  


    Even still, we have Josh and I like him running the ball  and making plays to squeeze out a win.  Cook needs to protect the ball and Fournette just needs to keep it consistent.  


    I believe we should win and think we will.  But, and maybe it's the BBFS in me, I'm also very much prepared for a loss.  

    The wind seems fine??

  6. There was a Buffalo News writer named Jason Wolfe, he did a piece a couple years ago, about how the NFL doesn't want Buffalo to have a dome. It wasn't long after the Pats wind swirl game, and he said the NFL loved it and the ratings it brought. I don't remember the whole article verbatim, but you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe Roger and some of the owners sent the message to not have it be a dome?

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  7. 20 minutes ago, zow2 said:


    Maybe the nasty weather starting out this weekend will prove to be a big assist for Buffalo to get to the AFC Championship game.  I gotta believe recent experiences in wind (NE game, Balt playoff),  Freezing cold (NE playoff game) and snow (Miami and Cinci games) has the Bills, McDermott and Allen more prepared to deal with the conditions better than our opponents.


    I was in the stadium for Wide Right so I get what you're saying...just feel like the string of bad endings in playoffs has to end.  The fanbase and team is ready.

    I do like the positivity. I do worry about some of the players though, a number of them are vocal about playing in the cold. I saw pics of Josh with layers and layers of clothes on at practice today, and it was 40 degrees😕

    17 minutes ago, Aussie Joe said:

    So the weather forecast is improving Aimee?


    • Eyeroll 1
  8. 1 minute ago, billsfan714 said:

    Weather guy on CBS evening news said cameras may not be able to see the field, hearing contingency plan to move game to Monday, not sure how much better Monday would even be.

    Isn't it supposed to die down by Monday?


    This doesn't even sound entertaining or fun to watch. What is the point if the field is a whiteout and we can't see anything? 

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  9. 21 minutes ago, Success said:

    Anyone remember that playoff game in the waning days of the Kelly years, where we rushed for over 300 yards?


    They used so many reverses, and then fake reverses once the D was anticipating them.  It was genius.


    I'd love to see that kind of play calling.  When you do that kind of misdirection in a game like this, the D has a really challenging time turning on a dime.


    Was it against the Dolphins in 1995? It's the only game I can think of before he retired. We lost to Pittsburgh the following week in the divisional.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Heitz said:

    We’ve reached GDT like hysterics 🤣🤣🤣 :beer: 

    It's how I perpetually feel. Years and years and years of this has done this to me. It started with "Wide Right" and I feel I have had(I mean, not me personally, but as a Bills fan and I am sure a lot of you relate) so many years of heartbreak and truly believing this team is cursed. It's just how I feel 😭


    So, if we pull out a win on Sunday, when is this supposed next band supposed to start? Would it interfere yet again with our game next weekend?

  11. We are a cursed team, and the curse comes in various forms every season. This year it appears to be weather related. Some deity out there does not want us to ever advance to a SB ever again. 


    I know the game has not been played yet and we could win, but if we don't? I am 100% blaming the weather. In more neutral conditions I believe we blow The Steelers out, so yes, if we lose, the curse has struck again and now we gotta worry about getting "home field" advantage.

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  12. I just don't want the weather to be the reason we lose, if we were to lose. If we win, we most likely get The Chiefs, at home, for once!! I want to see Josh beat Mahomes so we don't have to listen to that narrative that he can't get past him when it counts. I don't want the weather screwing with this setup. I can handle a loss if I feel the other team was the better team or just flat out outplays us. If it comes down to fluky stuff it will be a long off season.

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  13. 1 minute ago, BlazinBill said:

    What happened to embracing our home turf- every time we get a storm it seems like so many just stack the deck against and plead for the game to be moved- it's just funny to me. We used to pray for bad weather games for teams to travel here.I have no idea what happened to people over the last 30 years but I eat so much popcorn watching all the chicken little attitudes on here. I mean I get the Steelers are a cold/bad weather area team as well but come on man

    Because Lake Erie doesn't freeze anymore. Back in the 90's, when the Bills were hosting playoff games and going to Super Bowls, it was different, it was snowier, but we didn't get dumped with the amounts we get dumped with these days. It's a huge nuisance, along with being unsafe. The lake no longer freezing has caused some issues.

  14. Just reiterating how much this situation sucks. If we play the game Sunday, it's not going to be fun to watch(well, speaking for myself) when you can't see the field or tell what is going on. On the flip side, if we move the game, we lose the home field advantage and that is something the team worked hard for. I feel like the best bet would be to move it to Monday, but for some reason it seems like that is not an option and I don't get it.

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