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Everything posted by Stiffler

  1. You don't cut someone that has value. Period. That is just bad business. If the Bills are dead set on getting rid of him, then they can trade him at a discount-- say a fourth rounder next year. Better than the nothing the Bills get from cutting him.
  2. I think you are misconstruing why Travis was more successful later in the game. It wasn't because he needs 20+ carries to warm up. It was more because he had worn down the defense with his pounding running style -- and he didn't wear down as much as the defense did. So when he hits the hole with first quarter force, he tended to get more yards. I do not see this being a problem, as McGahee will do as well as Henry in terms of wearing down a defense. In that respect, the 1-2 never-ending punch of battering ram-style running, Willis and Henry could be fantastic. In theory of course.
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