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Posts posted by BeantownRob

  1. Was reading an article today by Cris Carter suggesting that RANDY MOSS seek a trade and get a fresh start somewhere else.


    Granted, this is a pipe dream for the BILLS..but Donahoe has had a knack for making big deals.


    Think about it..Henry is gone anyway, Moulds..although a great player is past his prime..Dont get me wrong, I think that Moulds is a great football player..but clearly his best football is behind him now.

    Moss I believe is better than Moulds in the same way that McGahee is better than Henry..its a matter of history as to what a small difference like a McGahee substituted for a Henry can do..(No disrepect meant for Henry or Moulds here just writing what I think could take the Bills back to the BOWL---and WIN).


    Its a win win..Minnesota gets a proven running back, and proven receiver..two for one..they like Buffalo players anyway (See A.Winfield).

    The Bills trade the two into the NFC and the Vikings trade Moss to the AFC.


    Again, I say..pipe dream...but man...WOW...think of MOSS Lined up opposite

    Lee Evans...McGahee in the backfield!!!!! Plus our O-Line and the #2 Defense in the league, special teams!!!!!! Damn, I think Moss would lick his chops at this deal...


    Then again, im just a caveman...what would I know!





    We don't need that jerk on our team. Please!


  2. Some of these are hysterical!!

    When I was at Bport State I worked in the PE dept as a work study student, typing, filing and helping out on the sports fields.

    There was a secretary there that I used to love to terrorize.

    One day two of us glued down her typewriter, phone, pencil holder, etc.

    Well, it turned out that the glue we were using which was in a generic white bottle that said 'plastic glue' turned out to be Crazy Glue. Her desk was ruined....................And the two of us were split up!!

  3. Yeah, usually the guy who wins, in sports and business, isn't Mr Popularity. As far as prices go, we're happy to pay. Kraft put his money where his mouth is. Can't say the same for the Colts owners. They want the fans (taxpayers) to foot most of the bill, and reap the rewards themselves.



    The stadium is new, novel and it houses a Champion. When this team falls from grace it will be ugly around here. I guarantee it.


  4. Bob Kraft, the owner of the Patriots makes me want to vomit. I know people of have dealt with him both on a business level and let's just say he is not Mr. Popularity. Did you get a gander of that fat slob busting out of his shirt in the luxury box last year at the SB? Smug and arrogant............like their fans.................


    Their fans shell out ridiculous prices including astronomical parking fees, etc. and they get jack back. I guess when you are winning it doesn't matter. Their team is getting old, they are losing coaches in key positions. We'll see how much longer this team can hold up. After next year I wouldn't be surprised to see them crash and burn. And their fair-weathered fans will be howling and spitting in their chowder. Mark my words.



  5. Wait a minute here. That article's references to the defensive collapses late in the game have merit BUT how many times has the D been on the field and how many offensive penalties have we incurred??? This has put us in bad field position far too often.

    I agree that the defense is a good group but has had it's letdowns. Drew's inability to score in the redzone still plagues this team. His turnovers are always at the worst possible time. He doesn't learn. Don't you see this???????????

    And as far as comparing Bledsoe to Kelly or Marino??? Give me a break.

  6. Packers.  My father-in-law lives in Green Bay.  Gotta root for them for him.  That, and the town is just like Buffalo -- they love their Packers like we love our Bills.  Plus, they're classy fans (unlike Pats fans).  Saw Buffalo/Green Bay a couple of years ago (10-0 final) and the fans were cool throughout.




    I like the Pack fans as well. Class act.

    But I am rooting for the Steelers and ANYONE who plays the Paytoilets. Their fans are a joke.

  7. Let the Steelers have it, and don't let up.  Even if we are down on the scoreboard, make it so loud that the Steelers can't hear themselves think.  Be the 12th man today.


    As for me, here in NH (Patriots country), it looks like I won't even be able to see the game.  Ugh.






    GO BILLS :(



    GO TO HELL, PATS. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  8. What do you care what the Bills do anyway?  I still can't figure that out.




    Pats fans in general suck, so they go on other boards that have more interest. If they lose this week to the Jets, that bandwagon of theirs will have a lot less people on it.

    I live in the Boston area and when Parcells arrived here he said "you could hold archery practice in this stadium during game time and not hit anyone". This is the 4th largest market in the NFL. Bandwagon Boneheads.


    The Sox own this place, hands down. Just after the Pats won the SB last year there was more coverage of the A-Rod thing in the local tabloids. And they like to think this is a football town. Not even close. Yeah, they sell out, yeah they have a waiting list. They should be able to fill a 68k stadium with a population base of several million!


    And I am NOT rooting against the Jets in hopes that we steal their spot. They are NOT gonna lose to the sorryass Rams next week. And I would love nothing better than to see the Pats have to go to The Big Ketchup bottle again (as in a REAL football town).


    GO BILLS :devil:

    GO JETS! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  9. I just got back from Cincinnati last night.


    It was nice to see Lori, AiO, Jay and Jack in Syracuse at the tailgate. I only saw #89 briefly as she refused to get out of their vehicle to stand in the cold!


    My friends from Cincinnati and I ended up parked between them and Pinto Kenny's group. I finally did a bowling ball shot...or two. My friends were impressed by the enthusiam and rowdiness by the Bills fans in such adverse conditions....what's a little snow and cold, eh?


    I will have pictures to post by the end of the week.


    The Bengals fans sitting behind us at the game saw my Bills hat and yelled, "WHO DEY?! WHO DEY!?" at me when I came in. After TKO scored, they were pretty quiet. LOL


    Thanks to UDonkey again for coordinating festivities!


    BTW, that stuff was wisnowika -- Polish Cherry Vodka. 100 proof! Yummy!









  10. I am certain that the Bills are going to go 10-6 and in my opinion, will get the 5th seed in the AFC playoffs.  I also believe that San Diego will lose to the Colts this weekend and be the 4th seed and will be the match-up for the Bills in the wild card round the weekend of January 8th/9th.


    Here is how its going to happen.


    Denver @ Tennessee - Titans put up great effort in final home game and Billy Volek to Drew Bennett send the ponies to the glue factory for the season.


    Baltimore @ Pittsburgh - Steelers lock up #1 seed in the AFC Playoffs, plus they get revenge for Ravens earlier victory and now get to rest their starters against the Bills which only makes the last game even easier for us.


    Houston @ Jacksonville - Toss-up game as I see it.  Texans playing well late in the season, almost beat the Colts, dominated the offensively challenged Bears in Chicago and since this is a big rivalry game, Houston just may be able to pull off the upset.  Even if the Jags, get this one, they will lose to Oakland the last week of the saeson.


    New England @ NY Jets - Patriots, will be fired up after the stinging defeat by Miami.  Will look to lock up the 2nd seed in the AFC and will hand the Jets their 5th loss of the season.


    Bills @ San Francisco - No trap game here.  Buffalo has way to much of everything against this pitiful 49er team.  Easy win on the coast, 30-3 with the defense and special teams each scoring in this one and with Moulds and Evens lighting up the lame 49er pass defense.


    After week 16 - here is the w/c picture


    NY Jets 10-5

    Buffalo 9-6

    Jacksonville 8-7

    Baltimore 8-7

    Denver 8-7


    Week 17


    Bills win against the Steelers and wrap up a playoff spot.


    Jets lose to the Rams and slip to the 6th seed based on Buffalo's better record against common opposition.


    Here's how the AFC Playoffs shape up.

    1. Pittsburgh 14-2

    2. New England 14-2

    3. Indianapolis 13-3

    4. San Diego 12-4

    5. Buffalo 10-6

    6. New York Jets 10-6


    Wild card Round


    New York Jets @ Indianapolis Colts

    Buffalo Bills @ San Diego Chargers


    This is what I think is going to happen.  What about you folks?





    I wish I shared your optimism. The Jets won't lose to the sorryass Rams and Jax will pull out two tough wins. I hope I am wrong. If not, hey, this turned out to be one heckuva nice comeback for the Bills!!







  11. Had a great day hanging out with Rockpile & babyrock at McFaddens. 


    Thanks Matt & Matt for growing the club.  The place was rocking and brought back fond memories of early '90s and Name This Joint.  I understand that the crowds have been growing like mad over the last few weeks, and no seat could be had after 11:30. 


    It was also a treat to be called a "fair weather fan" by some of the regulars who've never seen me or Rockpile there before.  But at least I wasn't called obscure.


    (ps - many of you young parents should go to parent camp with Rockpile.  He's done the job right, and is properly rewarded for his hard work)




    I am a Boston Bills Backer and have partied with the NYC Backers four times over the past three seasons. They are a great bunch. Matt and Matt have done a tremendous job there.


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