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Everything posted by crackur

  1. we gotta stop RUDI tho.......I mean come on ......ha
  2. that's everytime for me lol when were on D
  3. now we just need to learn to tackle rudi lol
  4. I tell you...........this is the best the bill have played in awhile......and thas saying a hella lot
  5. there we go..........now its time to run that ball down some throats.......and drew show how good he can be........I think he likes the weather there
  6. Lindell with a extra point! we will win the game now! cos he is kicking straight!
  7. for real if we didnt fumble they would have never gotten that far relax
  8. I actually thought he was quite honest in the answers he gave........and funny
  9. is it me or are these refs the worst at calls....it takes them forever
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