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Posts posted by Hawk

  1. Yeah, neighbors who take care of their property and landscape on a regular basis must be a real pain in the ass.  :huh:




    Have you tried a little thing called communication?



    To Coach:


    I keep my property up bub..But I prefer to keep my grass,,I repeat MY GRASS,, about an inch high. She cuts hers down to the roots. If you would have read my post...I was complaing about her cutting MY property..not hers.. :doh::doh:


    To Keg:


    My Irish wife went off on her, when she made the four foot cut in front of our flower bed. She still didnt get the hint. Besides why do I have to spell it out to my neighbor not to make a patchwork quilt out of my lawn,, ???? I would think that's a given. 0:):)

  2. I'll start..


    "The Grass Wars"

    The neighbors on my right are the most anal people about their grass I have ever met. They cut their little patch of heaven every other day. Which I dont mind. It's when they still have the joneses to cut more. They come right down along my sidewalk and make one swipe along the front of my house, and then four swipes along the side of my house. Once they actually couldnt get enough and actually cut a four foot wide run in front of my flower bed. So now to piss them off I wont cut mine for 2 weeks. I also put two lengths of those white flower bed pickets, extending from my flower bed to the property line. But, she just goes right around them. Im tempted to throw some large screws on my lawn, so when she cuts my side again, the screws will machine gun into her boyfriends truck. Nah I probably wont. 0:):P

  3. Tragic story.


    Scares the BeJesus out of me because my oldest daughter is going through a similar situation right now. They did get divorced, but live only 2 miles from each other. They also are trying to work things out. They and their 3 kids have been spending a lot of time together, lately. My son in law has a side where he comes off as the nicest kindest persons you would ever want to know, and he uses that to keep friends an family, sympathetic to him, and make my daughter out as the bad person. But he has a very dark side, with several instances when the police had to become involved. He has never to my knowledge touched my daughter but he has threatened her, to a point where my daughter got a temporary restraining order and had him removed from the home. This man is an expert hunter and has a mutitude of weapons in his home. Again they are now trying to work things out, so I keep my opinions to myself, but am watching closely.

    On a side note to SDS. Just my opinion, but when news like this happens, and the story is put up on TBD. I dont see the need for any further discussion by the other members. As in this case some people knew T80 personally and although they need a place to grieve for their friend and discuss their feelings. Sometimes it leads to cruel and hateful things being said, along with sidewalk Psychiatrists, engaging in an endless analyzation of the tragic circumstances, with the goal of oneupsmanship, being their only goal.


    God Bless the families. :pirate:

  4. Never saw this topic brought up before. Was wondering if any of you bowl currently in a league here in Buffalo? If you do how about some stats.


    Heres mine;

    Avg : 210


    High game: 300 (2)


    High set: 784


    Even if I am wrong about all this - I do not think the plane actually crashed. I think it was simulated or created in some way. Right now, the only explanation  I have that would account for this  is the matric group therapy theory.




    Tell that to the guy that got sucked into the engine in the 1st epy.. :huh:

  6. I had a husky that had small cataracts its entire life and never got bad, so we never had to do anything about them.  How serious is your dog's case, are they visible with just a casual glance?



    Well actually we found out she has full blown diabetes. Many decisions to be made in next few days. :doh::huh::lol:

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