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Posts posted by im4bflo

  1. So what you're looking for is, when is the Fan Appreciation Day?

    Has it fallen in any certain time in years past? Before or after the Draft.

    Anyway, they're not getting any of my money until I see the new ones,

    they've got a lot of old to try to sell first, I'm not interested.

    I'll always buy the standing Buffalo throwback stuff, but the darker color

    stuff is history! Bring on that Appreciation Day!

  2. Well first thing I was expecting white, but was surprised it's red!

    Second, I know I'm not going to buy that ugly thing.

    Third, just show us the new uni's!

    Then I'll think about spending my money if it doesn't suck.

    Stick with the dominate flag color blue, then red and white please.

    Then you'll make bank, because the fans will buy!


  3. A sparkle, shoot, that Ohio State lid is straight up glittered!


    So yeah, there are definitely sparkles in football. Almost all college team helmets are that way, pros as well.



    That's why we go sparkleless, and play like men!

    Hit'em so hard, we knock the sparkles off their glitter helmets!


  4. absolutely!, i am not a fan of the charging buffalo, prefer the classic look of the standing buffalo, but all things considered, i will take the return to the white helmet AND, dumping those atrocious uni's of the recent past. i cringed watching them play in them, it is probably a good thing that they were as sh-tty on the field as were the uni's they wore. hopefully not much of the country had to see those atrocities as we did. they seemed to be wearing the throwbacks when they got national exposure , i e : the cowboy game on monday night.



    I agree, would like to stick with our original logo, but can live with the charger and that red stripey thing???? lol

    Our originals were class, all changes after that was for 'the man' to squeeze more money from the fans.

  5. I can't believe the new uni's havn't been leaked yet!

    Come on somebody, use those hacker skills for something GOOD! LOL!


    This is 100% correct.


    BTW, a questions for the red helmet folks: do you think it looks better than the white, or is it more of a nostalgia thing from the Super Bowl era? Cause I have to say, the first time I saw the red helmets (preseason game against the Chicago Bears 8/31/85)I nearly puked. They were and continue to be awful for me...


    I remember the first change to RED too, and had the same reaction (puke!)

    Any change takes time, the white looks great, you'll get used to it.

    I bet all the younger fans complain more, because red is all they've ever seen.

    I think this is going to bring us back to a real classic football look!

  6. I've lived around Tampa, Florida for 13 years now and as much as this time period has made me "want" to move on from the Bills I don't think I ever can. Once you have grown up in Buffalo it is somehow ingrained in you. They went to the Super Bowl all 4 years of my undergrad at UB. I'm still absolutely blown away when I meet someone transplanted from Buffalo and they say they aren't huge Bills fans. I met one today and he felt almost embarrassed and quickly said - the rest of my family are big fans!


    I know what you mean, I've lived in SoCal. now for some 26 yrs. now, and could never root for any other team.

    The BUFFALO BILLS are ME, it's deeper than just a fan, it's your roots and home, and makes your heart pump like no other. If we could get people in the office and coaching staff that grew up in WNY, we'd have a CHAMPIONSHIP in no time!


  7. I've asked myself why I watch football anymore, when things like the Jason Peters situation occurs, in light of the players focus on money, and free agency, and I believe what draws me still to taking such an interest in the Bills and football as to write my opinion here and to follow the offseason, is that when you look at the teams and the players today, they're all so very similar in measurables, and even when a team like the Redskins try to buy victory with superstar, one would think superior rosters - because of the better players - they fall short without a specific ingredient or two. I'd say those ingredients are playing as a team, and heart. These guys are so close I think the ones who want it more, and the ones who play together, can rise above the challenge of the sixteen week schedule and the playoffs... part of being a Bills fan is being an underdog - and yes, I'm sick of seeing our guys fall short; at the least, if they aren't going to win, make the other guys dread coming to play.

    I know, the Jets are becoming one of my least favorite teams, as far as rivalries go, because they are so tough. And Rex Ryan brought that with his beliefs. His mentality that they are going to go out there and be tougher, without exception, is what makes that team - and previously the Ravens - what it is. Those guys can't come off the field without having given it their all in the attempt to knock the other teams head off, or they'll be facing Rex, and he isn't going to accept excuses. No excuses.

    Money doesn't equate there. It doesn't matter if these guys are making rockstar money, they're football players and they've got a job to do. It's very 1970's ish. I'd like very much to see that kind of discipline and meanness here again, too.


    Great reply, I agree!

  8. Now that I'm getting up in years, I think about all the DIEHARD BILLS FANS who went too early to see their beloved team

    win a SUPERBOWL, it sadens me, they gave all I'm sure, and I don't know if I'll get to see them win a SUPERBOWL now, the way they're going, it's years in the future. I'm Diehard til death, and have so much invested, I better not think about it, and sure don't want my wife to know about it. LOL!!! But she knows the dedication of one from WNY.

    My Bills hat is off to all my absent BILLS FANS who fought the good fight. I will never forget you! GO BILLS!!!

  9. I got your back....Go Bills! thanks for the fresh air.


    I'm old enough to have experienced the ups and downs of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and now...

    And it's NEVER been worse! But I'll be there as usual, but I've never been so down about an upcoming season.

    It's like there's nothing to look forward to, I'm hoping I'm wrong, but, zzzzzzzzz boring zzzzzzzzzzz!

    Can Spiller save the season, and become a phenom? I hope so!

    Is there anywhere else we can dominate in any way?

    3 QB's and no starter... The 3-4 could be exciting, hopefully!

    The only thing in BUFFALO you can count on, is there's going to be one lleh of a party before during and after the game!

  10. We need to get TOUGH, we need to play smart, but KICK some butt doing it!

    We're not known as the Badasses we were. I still remember that cover of Sports Illistrated...

    you remember?... our D ripping the head off of that Raider QB, it was a thing of beauty! lol

    How about the one with BRUCE on the cover... you know the one... you know those years.

    Who has been that bad on the team since? Nobody's crackin' heads to make the cover anymore.

    If we're not going to the playoffs, lets at least have some dignity, and demand RESPECT through

    TOUGHNESS, not dirty, cleaner is meaner! RESPECT!!!

    I can hear Pantera playing WALK as I write this! LOL!

  11. Well my take on the 3 we have, if nothing changes, and that scares me,

    I guess BROHM is my only (here's that word again)HOPE!

    Maybe in this new offense he can catch fire, but I hate relying on hope!

    Trent from the beginning, to me, he's been a good 2nd stringer, and I'd have him

    on my team for that reason, but not starter.

    Fitz not much better, took more deep chances, which turned into some of our

    more memorable plays last year, but still not a QB to take you to the promiced land.

    So like I said, we're betting on HOPE again, which doesn't work, agreed?

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