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Posts posted by Griswold

  1. Thanks to all for the suggestions. Here's what I did...


    Dell Refurbished.... then added on the optional 3 year phone & onsite w/free parts. Thought this was a good move since I'm not in town to come around for the simple (for me) troubleshooting needs. My mother actually has the patience to use the online support. If a part craps out, they'll come by her apartment. ...in theory at least, I've never had this type of warranty...


    The first time I went to Dell, all I could get on the refurbished computers was $100 shipping. No way, not for $350 unit. Then I checked a few days later, they had a free ground shipping promo and $25 off.


    Dell Dimension Inventory Search

  2. Don't hire Jerry Seinfeld's maid... unless you're looking to get laid. ;)


    Anyone remember that episode? The Maid


    It's also the Coco the Clown episode.


    Sorry for the tangent.


    I hear the Independents are much better than the franchise services. The franchises, like Merry Maids, have some really bizarre work rules to boost efficiency and squeeze more houses per day out of a crew. One rule, they use the same rag and bucket all day... cross contaminating you with other families on the route. Yech! :o

  3. Per John Clayton and posted on ....




    Could this have any impact on the Cards need to move Shelton and create some cap space??



    I think it could hurt efforts to move Henry. Cards are said to want a new contract with Henry if they trade for him. A contract between Henry and the Cards will likely eat more cap, than the cap savings gained by unloading the relatively cheap Shelton contract.


    Having said that, maybe the Cards are in good cap shape even after signing KW. I don't know... But I would like to see Shelton a Bill/

  4. Buy an 802.11g card -- 55mbps.  I like Linksys personally, but DLink, 3Com, etc all make good stuff.


    Buy an 802.11g router/access point.


    Yep. The key is to get 802.11G. The G is critical. There are B systems out there that are outdated, insecure and slow. The retailers are trying to give away the B systems... e.g. you'll see B systems for $50 with a $50 mail in rebate.


    G is what you want.


    Once you get your system going you can join the geek cult of Homebrew Antenna Tweakers. These guys can party! :w00t:

  5. Yes, Bledsoe and Lindell were weak links yesterday.


    But a simmering issue with Tight End also hindered the offense. TE depth hurt the Bills ever since Campbell went to the IR, with Euhus right behind him. Think about it: Banta (really a long snapper), Neufeld, Trafford (rookie FA), Peters (really a Tackle), no great depth there. The numbers testify to that.


    Mularkey football requires a good TE, and we just don't have one behind Campbell. Remember Campbell's three TD performance against STL? Sweet. That was Mularkey Smash Mouth football!


    Maybe Euhus is OK, but the others are scrubs. Facing weak opponents (Miami, SF, Cleveland etc.) kept the achilles heal hidden. Pittsburg exposed and exploited TE problems.


    Good News: No major off season personnel moves required to fix this. Having Campbell and Euhus go down was just plain bad luck.

  6. Google Search:


    "Tom Brady" gay    47,700 hits


    "Terrell Owens" gay    16,300 hits


    "Jeff Garcia"  gay    9,580

    I don't know what the read is on Owen's "outing" of Jeff Garcia- I guess it's possible he was trying to hide his own, uh, "fancies" ;-)


    But to answer the original question- Yes- he's quite a bit bigger than Tom Brady.



    Nice analysis. Let's tweak the numbers with this method:


    Percent of Player Gay Page Hits = Total Page Hits for Player WITH gay / Total Page Hits for Player * 100


    Here's what I got:


    TB 47800 / 313000 * 100 = 15% of pages with his name mention gay

    TO 16300 / 291000 * 100 = 5.6%

    JG 9580 / 160000 * 100 = 5.9%


    TB wins by a wide margin!


    I can't believe I spent 4 minutes of my life doing that!

  7. I'm Active Duty in the military. One of my duties is that I counsel personnel who have gotten in to trouble, or are on their way to trouble. I have to counsel them on the implications of their chosen behaviors. Implications include confinement, pay grade bust, discharge etc.


    It's a bittersweet duty: many of these kids (most are young) will flame out no matter what we do... but once in a while we break through to a kid and he/she will turn out great and proceed to achieve their goals. Even if I can salvage one person for every three or four losers, I feel good. That's a rewarding part of the job.


    The big problem I notice is this: No one is intimidated by a discharge outside Honorable. Try telling the MTV slacker 20 year old that a General Discharge will haunt them down the road, and you'll experience my futility. Try telling a 19 year old kid who wants to get drunk & laid at a Rave party that a VA mortgage will be important someday.. you know what I mean?


    Question for you all: What impact do you know of for not getting an Honorable Discharge? The impact of a General Discharge is what I'm most interested in. Do any of you have good stories to tell?


    I know it varies by state, and the discharge type, things that come to mind: VA mortgage access, Fed Employment, Any employment, Loss of Security Clearance (important to some), Loss of GI Bill, etc. etc.


    Help me help some wayward kid!

  8. Check it out. Looks like someone trying to be negative despite the good. Kind of like TSW poster Promo The Robot. In fact, this article labels Donohoe "Commander Tom" which indicates a fetsih with 1970's Bflo TV, so the author could indeed be PTR. He took a break from watching Bowling for Dollars to write an article.


    Jets Confidential


    The author starts out with some feint praise of Mularkey & Co. for winning on the road. It sets the false tone of impartiality. Then the article goes downhill. He starts with backhanded compliments of Bledsoe moving the team down the field.


    The author then proceeds to sleight WM by inferring Bledsoe's interceptions were due to WM missing blitz pick ups. He further roasts WM for having "barely over 60 yards through three quarters". I guess the first downs don't mean anything. I need to learn about football. Then the dude reaches to put "ironic" and "antithesis" into one sentence... that took until Wednesday and a few Tylenol to accomplish. Alanis Morissette would be proud!


    The author's biggest offense is relying almost exclusively on strength of schedule analysis to skewer the Bills progress. Incredulously, he slurs the Bills progress as coming from a soft schedule, then the dude turns around in the next paragraph and discusses how the Bills could be billsfanone by having a soft schedule for the remainder of the season. Give me a break.


    To this guy, the Bills victory was only due to Seahawk injuries, which made a lame Seahawk team more weak. He then goes into a multi-paragraph explanantion of how the Bills have benefitted from weak opponents. He even makes excuses for the Jet's loss to Bflo due to a Jets letdown "coming off a big win."


    I like this loser quote "I know there's a lot of euphoria today in Buffalo, but if we are to be honest, this team thus far has done absolutely nothing that it did not do last season." I guess drastically improved offensive line, a more effective running game at critical moments, and better recievers doesn't count as better than last year.


    This guy is reaching too far to paint a negative picture, the motivating rationale could be to preserve an income stream posing as an unbiased Bills Fan for opposing team boards.


    I didn't know the Dan Rather Journalism Institute turned out sports writers.

  9. So clearly looking over those numbers there is a north/south devide.  The same would be true if looking at the mountain states vs. the left coast.  the only true battleground states are midwestern states. 


    These graphics describe my point... look at them and you'll see there is not this monolithic red/blue divide: Red Blue Maps In Detail.


    There just is no "state by state" divide by political philosophy as commentators, pundits, extreme liberals and extreme conservatives suggest. I think the media pushes the Red/Blue state thing because it makes a easy to make, sound-bite sized story. Extremists push the Red/Blue issue because it gives them something to squawk about.

  10. In the states Bush won... with few exceptions he did not win by a landslide. Example, he won Ohio by 2%.


    In the states Kerry won... with few exceptions he did not win by a landslide. Example he won PA by only 2%.


    A philosophical gulf between Red & Blue states, or Red & Blue people simply does not exist. In most cases a Red is Red and a Blue is Blue by only a few percentage points.


    People saying "fyou to the south" or calling "middle America flyover country" really need to get a grip. People referring to the left & right coasts as out of touch need a reality check of their own as well.


    The people/party who continue to perpetuate the false Red v. Blue argument will have it explode in their face, and lose the next election cycle.

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