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RG Murdock

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Posts posted by RG Murdock

  1. Who's kidding who here? There are no more "Under the radar guys" in the NFL! This is not 1967. Every NFL players decent catches, TD's, impact plays are covered ad-nauseam across literally hundreds of networks, podcasts, FB, Instagram, YouTube, etc. etc. Donte Hardy/Harris doesn't ring many bells, the same way most fringe players don't get much attention, by not doing that much except a few flash plays.... I guess this truly will be the year when Beane digs through the NFL dumpsters for some saviors, while the Dolphins and Jet's are shopping on 5th Avenue. If this continues I'm afraid It'll be reflected in the standings come next January.         

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  2. No thanks. No big difference between this guy and McKenzie. McKenzie wasn't used right last year. Good locker room guy. Hopefully this is fake. Beane needs to start stepping up. Good impactful LB's, OT's, and WR's are dropping off the available FA list hourly. Right now, Bills are no better than 3rd place in the AFC East. Hopefully Poyer is retained. Can't lose both TE and GP. No replacements will be as good as those two. Wake up Beane.    

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  3. 19 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    With the way the market is going, maybe we can get Poyer back on a reasonable deal.  I would be good with that

    I agree. Even if the deal is a bit heftier the Bills should sign him ASAP. Just for continuity, the Bills can't lose both TE and JP and just think the D is going to just hum along. I would love a couple more years of the Hyde and Poyer show. The most dynamic duo in the NFL!! C'mon Beane, bring him back!!   

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  4. Bills need to get on the stick, and quick. Good players are falling off the FA list hourly. Bernard looks like another wasted pick. I think for continuity, Bills should take a serious look at keeping Poyer! Bills can't lose both TE and JP and think their going to be the same or better. As of right now, the Bills are 3rd in the AFC East.. On merit..   

  5. According to WhoScored and PFF McGovern is a middling pass blocker (Ranked 17th) and a pretty bad run blocker (Rated 31st).. Nothing to get excited about. Meanwhile, Edmonds to the Bears for 4 years $95M.. $50M guaranteed..... I guess too expensive for the Bills?    

  6. 13 hours ago, nosejob said:

    I would love one more season of Poyer and Hyde so they can figure out the future.( Hamlin ain't coming back),  but if I'm a player having gone through what Buffalo did this last year and at this stage.... a warm weather, red state would be kinda intriguing. I was born here and live here now, but I would head south...in a New York minute.

    Go ahead and move to your beloved red state paradise. I prefer to keep my freedoms.  

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  7. 2 hours ago, gonzo1105 said:

    He’s overrated. I don’t care if they get him. They still can’t rush the passer

    More whistling pass the graveyard for Bills fans. It's comical. If the Bills signed Ramsey under those conditions, there'd be Bills fans gloating all around. Same Bills fans also think losing Poyer "He's old and washed up", and Edmunds "Highly overrated and a liability". is a plus!!. The Jets and Dolphins are making big times moves, while the Bills go backwards. Josh and Diggs can only carry us so far. At this point in time (Considering Edmunds and Poyer are gone). The Bills are a 3rd place team in the division, and it's not even close. Beane better get going!!    

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  8. This ONLY makes sense if Justin Fields is the real deal, which is not a sure thing at this point. Nice haul though...... As we have learned first hand in Buffalo, In the NFL, the QB is EVERYTHING! You get very, very few shots at ever having the overall #1 pick..... Like Vince Lombardi famously said back in the 60's- "The NFL is the worlds greatest sport, but is has one very big flaw, the QB is far too critical Vs. the rest of the players".... It seems like this is being proven more and more each year. Good luck Bears.. It's really a big roll of the dice..

  9. Edmunds is going to ball out somewhere. I hope it's in the NFC. He's just turning 25, and has been the defensive leader on this team since he was 21. The team was never any worse than #5  overall team defense when he was the leader. Poyer is also going to be a huge loss. You don't just bring in a couple of middling LB's and safety from free agency and not drop on performance. Most here just have just said "Just get Josh more weapons". I agree to a point, but this Bills team will look entirely different on D from this point forward. It's like trying to imagine the 1990's Bills without Cornelius Bennett and Mark Kelso.  

  10. 17 hours ago, Victory Formation said:

    Nobody’s saying that, he’s good depth though, which is great because football is a violent sport, y’know?

    If your going to post here you better understand very obvious sarcasm..... Geez.. Where were you during my real estate sales days?   

  11. The answer is yes, and more! 7 years ago, the Bills were totally irrelevant. Had appeared on Sunday night football once in 20 years!! Frankly, I believe he saved this franchise. Sure Josh Allen was a huge reason for this turnaround. But who can say for sure that if Josh was under the guidance of likes of walking joke Rex Ryan, Doug Marrone, Dick Jauron, etc. he doesn't end up like Josh Rosen, or Sam Darnold? Were lucky to have McD.... However if he can't get the Bills to the SB over the next two years, he has reached he peak, and would need to go... He deserves that chance.     

  12. 11 minutes ago, bigK14094 said:

    This tax issue is real, and may account for Buffalo having some issues signing free agents.

    Buffalo Bills player Jordan Poyer is the latest to slam New York taxes and says he’d ‘love to go to a state that doesn’t take half my money’ (yahoo.com)

    Poyer stating NY taxes take half his money is ludicrous.....   Below is the top ten high state income tax list for earners making over $500K+ (The highest bracket) from Wiki for 2021. I don't see players bitching about going to the California teams, Pennsylvania teams, New Jersey teams, Green Bay, Minnesota etc. etc. Not everybody can go to Florida (BTW, a net "Taker" state that gets money from NY, NJ, CA etc. every year to help keep their taxes low!)  Not an excuse.     


    The top 10 highest income tax states for 2021 are:


    California 13.3%

    Hawaii 11%

    New Jersey 10.75%

    Oregon 9.9%

    Pennsylvania 9.8

    Minnesota 9.85%

    Washington 8.95%

    New York 8.82%

    Iowa 8.53%

    Wisconsin 7.65%

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  13. This is easy. Frazier just didn't want to quit as it's never a good look unless your just retiring.. But he didn't want to continue with the Bills. (Maybe he's tired of being trashed for having a top 5 defense for the last 5 years). He'll have ZERO trouble latching on as a DC when he returns in 2024. For the Bills, it's also easy. Al Holcomb will just be elevated to DC. Maybe McD will take over D-play calling for a while? I also believe this move confirms that Edwards and Poyer will not be returning. Bottom line is Frazier likely saw a Bills defensive regression coming this year, and he wanted to step out while his D was #2 overall. Smart move. Frazier gets the last laugh.     

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  14. 1 minute ago, Kiva said:

    You’re right. Small market team in a broke city. Why can’t people of Buffalo have nice things? Instead of settling ,  just move them to a better location. 

    Well maybe you could chip in?  I have has season tickets for decades, I attend the games no matter the weather, and have tons of great memories, that I hope continue. I walk the walk... With your cavalier response, I doubt you have ever attended a game.    

  15. 16 hours ago, Kiva said:

    As long as it’s inside. A Dome is ALL that matters.  These rendering are not impressive at all. It’s almost like they don’t want to spend the money necessary. City of Buffalo? Pegula? 

    Domes not coming, never was coming. Pegulas aren't kicking in an additional $600M+ to build. Makes ZERO economic sense. A Dome in Buffalo would be used 8/9 times! There's no large conventions in Buffalo. Buffalo has fewer hotels than Toledo Ohio. The city is broke. Pegula could easily move the team to Austin, San Diego, Toronto, etc. etc. And he wouldn't have to spend a dime! The ONLY way the Bills stay is playing outside. Must be nice to live in la la land, and just hold your breath and whine for a dome like a child who wants a toy he can't buy. It has to make some economic sense. Were lucky to still have a team.... Grow up.         

  16. 10 hours ago, newcam2012 said:

    I'm sure at this point in his career he wants to go to a team he thinks has a shot at winning it all. He played against Miami 3xs this year. Read between the lines. 

    Poyer stated that New York State takes 50% of his earnings. So he's exaggerating quite a bit. He also takes an easy cheap shot about our weather...... Poyer became a star with he Bills. One of my favorite players. Sad he couldn't leave with some grace... "IF" he signs with the Dolphins, I'll cheer a little louder against them.... If that's possible    

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  17. I agree with this assessment. You know your WR room is garbage, when your listed with the Panthers, Falcons, and Browns. When you look at it, Beane has royally messed this team up! The Bills D-Line and O-Lines are in shambles, The WR room is pathetic (Even with the magnificent Diggs). Were about to lose Poyer and Edwards with ZERO replacements (The Bernard pick was disgraceful). The Miller acquisition is setting the team back. Bills have little cap room, and 6 draft picks. And were counting on this man to bail the Bills out?? Good luck with that. I smell 3rd place. Without the Allen Pick, Beane is Doug Whaley or Buddy Nix.... Or worse....  The bloom is off the Rose.              

  18. Remember this post... Beane's going to sign BOTH Edmunds and Poyer! He realizes that the Bills D is not nearly the same without BOTH. Realizes they have NO replacement for EITHER. Poyer gets a front loaded 3 year $30M contract ($25M guaranteed). and Edmunds gets a 5 year $90M contract ($80M guaranteed, with lessor cap hits the first 2 years). Both slightly less then market values, but both elect to stay. Go Bills!!

  19. Has anyone EVER confronted Beane on the Bernard pick? I'd love to see his response. It's picks like Bernard, Basham, Epenesa, that have me doubting Beane's thinking when it comes to defensive line picks. Bernard even looks soft. If the Bills take a step back this year, it's mostly on Beane. His D-Line picks have been mostly atrocious. Even the Oliver pick, appears to be a bust considering where he was drafted, and the fact that the Bills are NOT going to keep him.      

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  20. Remember this post... Beane's going to sign BOTH Edmunds and Poyer! He realizes that the Bills D is not nearly the same without BOTH. Realizes they have NO replacement for EITHER. Poyer gets a front loaded 3 year $38M contract ($30M guaranteed). and Edmunds gets a 5 year $90M contract ($80M guaranteed. Both slightly less then market values, but both elect to stay.   Go Bills!!    

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  21. 9 hours ago, PBF81 said:

    As long as we have a healthy Allen ...

    Yeah, well Vegas is for suckers.. There's millions of us. Just like the Dolphins had a healthy Marino, and the Chargers had HOFer Dan Fouts for 12+ years and did nothing but slowly fade away after a few early years of success. The Bills have a certifiable joke of an offensive line, and a D-Line made up mostly players who have no contracts after this coming year!!  They have one quality wide receiver!!!. Keep clutching those pearls Bills fans. I have attended Bills games since the Rockpile years, and what Beane has done to this franchise core with his handling of the the O-Line and D-line is nothing short of laughable incompetence. How long can Beane live on the Allen draft pick? He has no money to spend, and 6 draft picks... The Bills have Allen, Diggs, and Milano, and a bunch of guys... Good luck....           

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