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Everything posted by rocketbills

  1. this is very dissapointing. perhaps we are just a little overrated? so what if we beat the hell out of a horrible texans team. wow i hope we get this ship turned around and win this one or it will make for a potentially LOOOOOOOONG season
  2. i know the kid can play. he was highly recruited out of tulane and our scouts are not idiots. but he has to atleast start hitting the wide open recievers, thats something even ryan leaf could do. i just hope he settles down today and atleast ends up having an average day to bolster both his and the teams confidence in him.
  3. if jp completes 50% of his passes and completes one for longer then 20 yards i'm buying everyone a lap dance tonight!!!!!!
  4. 3/7----why can't this kid complete a damn pass??? i wish i could watch this game
  5. i figured out D would come out smokin after getting smoked last week. I realize the 1st rouging the passer should have never been called, but it just seems like our D likes to give up the big plays. i hope things change because going 1-2 is not the way i was hoping to start the season......jp HAS to make some big plays for us to win today. no question about it. he is the key to the season. young or not, atleast get the balls to the open recievers.....
  6. thanks for the update. i am going to give jp all the chance in the world to lead this team, but if his accuracy is only sub-par, i don't care how many first downs he can pick up with his legs, he will never make it in this league........i guess we will see what happens with this kid....go bills! john in nc
  7. bills will get the ball back then? also, for those watching, how does JP look so far with his accuracy...thats the one thing that i have heard questioned about the young qb comming out of tulane and he was awful last weekend..... thanks for your responses!!! john in nc
  8. I watched Roscoe torch the number one rated D in all of college football last year (N.C.State). You are just a blind and dumb bastard and have no idea what you are talking about. why don't you go jack off and pull for the patriots. Go Bills!!!!! tommy in LA
  9. you damn right i am. i have never once blasted a bills player in public and i never will. if you think you can do a better job then any of the above mentioned player, then fine, strap on a helmet and show up at tryouts. if not, then keep your mouth shut because anything you have to say about a rookie prospect aka JP LOSSman is pure speculation at this point........need i remind you that it was stated as a fact that he was not preparing himself for game time this year..and yes, this is after he was fully healed from his injury
  10. A true fan backs every player, good or bad. If you don't like him, fine, thats your right to have your own opinion but atleast show a little bit of class and support the players. I hope JP has a great year next season and I hope we win the superbowl, but if the kid falls flat on his face and we don't go to the playoffs for the next 5 years that won't bother me one bit. I'll still support the kid and I'll never publically call him out but I'll smile to myself thinking of all the fans who have annointed him our saviour. The fact of the matter is that if every player played with as much heart and effort as Bledsoe we would be one of the best teams in the nfl. If his family is all the way across the nation and he wants to spend half of the offseason with them, thats fine with me. Unless you have had a sit down heart to heart talk with him and you know why he does what he does, you don't have a damn right in the world to question him. He is a veteren and a very good player and I'm sure he kept himself conditioned and in great shape in Washington. I never once heard a single coach or player call him out for not spending 100% of the offseason in Buffalo. If you can find a quote where someone who is credible (that means someone other then you) called him out, please copy and paste it. thank you for taking the time to read this post. john
  11. Some of the posts I have read on this message board regarding Drew being released this offseason have seriously disgusted me and pissed me off. I realize he is not the 2nd comming of Joe Montana and I know he was never able to take us to the playoffs but to say "see ya buddy, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" and "I'm so glad to see that bum go, now I can finally get a good nights rest" is just appauling and makes me ashamed to call some of you fellow fans. Drew has been nothing but professional since becomming our starting signal caller and he has added excitement and hope to a team withtout any big name QB since Jim Kelly. Yes he was a statue in the pocket, yes he had a tendancy to hold on to the ball too long and sometimes he tried too hard to make a big play, but he gave 100% of his heart on every snap he ever took and he deserves to be sent off with the highest degree of respect and appreciation possible. To me, Bledsoe embodies everything that the Buffalo Bills stand for. A true blue collar worker who gives his upmost effort on every play and who is as much a team player as anyone I have ever seen. Never greedy, he has always been willing to do whatever it takes to help out the team...restructure his contract, sit on the bench behind tom brady while keeping his mouth shut (yeah I know that was in foxboro but it just adds to the point I am trying to build)... he was a leader on and off the field, with his arm and with his heart. I'm not saying Bledsoe deserves to be our starting QB. That is a debatable point and I know there are always two sides to every coin. But please atleast show him the same love and appreciation that he has shown us by letting him bow out graciously while telling him thank you and goodluck whever your path may take you. I will always think of Drew as a tough as nails QB, much like Jim Kelly and I am proud to say that he played for the Buffalo Bills. If he were to decide to retire a Bill, he would only add to the long list of classy and first-rate players who have already done so. Thank you Drew for making me remember why I love the Buffalo Bills...... John
  12. I see where there was a steady wind of over 20mph. with gusts over 30. how much did this play a part in both qb's having subpar completion percentages? thanks for your input guys. go bills!!!!!
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