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Posts posted by OrangeBills

  1. 2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    From the great Jennifer Rubin





    Seasoned legal minds differ on whether felon and former president Donald Trump should receive prison time for his conviction on 34 counts. However, considering the context of Trump’s crimes and his propensity to threaten judges, juries and witnesses, significant prison time is the only punishment that fits the crime and this convict.

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    Trump’s crime of falsification of business records is considered a Class E felony — the lowest-level felony, punishable by up to four years in prison. (Punishment for each count would run concurrently, so the maximum would be four years, not 136 years.) Some, but certainly not most, of the convictions on these types of charges do result in prison time. In “Trying Trump: A Guide to His First Election Interference Criminal Trial,” Norm Eisen examined almost 10,000 prosecutions for falsifying business records in New York since 2015, finding that about 10 percent resulted in prison time. While Trump’s status as a first-time offender would not exempt him from prison time, it normally would weigh in favor of a lighter sentence such as probation only or minimal prison time. But is this a normal case?

    Fraudulent record-keeping charges routinely get elevated to felonies (contrary to uninformed critics who thought this was an exotic maneuver), but Justice Juan Merchan has already recognized Trump’s crime was especially significant because of its momentous consequences: concealing possibly outcome-determinative information from the voters in 2016. (Even Trump cronies recognized the magnitude of their chicanery. “What have we done?” attorney Keith Davidson texted the editor of the National Enquirer after the election.)


    Merchan wrote in a pretrial ruling that “while it is true that the charges involve the lowest level felony and no one suffered physical harm, it can hardly be said that the allegations are not severe.” He stressed: “The People claim that the Defendant paid an individual $130,000 to conceal a sexual encounter in an effort to influence the 2016 Presidential election and then falsified 34 business records to cover up the payoff. In this Court’s view, those are serious allegations.” And, therefore, the convictions are serious.

    In addition to the gravity of the offense, the factors weighing most heavily in favor of a significant prison sentence are Trump’s conduct and character. It is not “simply” that Trump has multiple civil judgments against him (e.g., sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, inflating his property values and misusing charitable funds) or that he spearheaded a violent insurrection to overturn an election or even that his conduct resulted in multiple contempt citations in Merchan’s and Justice Arthur Engoron’s courtrooms. In this case, character and conduct also encompass how Trump treats the criminal justice system.



    From that perspective, imprisonment may be the only effective penalty because of Trump’s defective character. Chump-change fines for contempt during the trial did not slow him down. So long as he remains at large, with unfettered access to social media, he poses a threat to the people he attacks and the judicial system he maligns. Incarceration is the only means of holding Trump accountable for his wholesale attacks on the rule of law that continue to this day.


    Now assess what Biden and the Biden campaign did with 51 CIA operatives who all lied on a signed "affadavit" that Biden then represented as truth which he knew was false in terms of Election interference.  

    I don't even care anymore, this country is done for, will just happen more quickly if Biden is re-elected

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  2. On 3/3/2024 at 12:00 AM, B-Man said:




    Latest Biden Remarks on Border Show Just How Deceitful He Can Be

    By Nick Arama


    We've heard a lot of things from Joe Biden recently. But his latest remarks are not only the height of weakness, but they show just how deceitful he can be on the border. 


    I wrote on Friday about how Biden incredibly claimed he did not interact with his son Hunter's or his brother Jim's partners. That, despite the fact that there's all kinds of evidence that he did so, including Hunter admitting it during his deposition before House committees this week. 


    But that wasn't the only incredible thing that Biden has said. As he was heading out for the weekend for another vacation, this time to Camp David. Biden also commented on the border. 


    A reporter asked him, “Why are you waiting to take executive action on the border?”


    “Because we need more forces on the border, I don’t have the authority to do that,” the alleged leader of the free world responded. 


    Um, Joe? You're the purported head of the executive branch.


    You're the one responsible for defending the border, even though you have failed to do so.


    Not only that, but you actively broke the border with the 94 executive actions you took when you came in. 









    It's the Emperor Has No Clothes Civilization


    He can do or not do what he likes!




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  3. On 6/1/2024 at 3:44 PM, ChiGoose said:

    Pretty good analysis. There’s always room to disagree on the law. If it was clear and obvious, we wouldn’t need lawyers. This being a high profile state case when most commentators are federal practitioners, it’s led to a lot of disagreement. 

    Trump will appeal, and he absolutely should. It’s his right and it’s what any defendant in his shoes would do. 

    I just fail to understand the abundant confidence that he will assuredly win on appeal.


    I don't know why I reply on here, but, if you had children, you would certainly be hoping that Trump won on appeal, because you definitely wouldn't want them to be living in a world where this stuff happens...

  4. On 5/31/2024 at 9:10 AM, yall said:

    I'm a Trump opponent, let me be clear.


    With that out of the way, how were their lives measurably worse under Trump? These people act as though the Trump administration was funding squads of men in white hoods to go around and beat up minorities.


    Like the Democrats in the 1860s-70s

  5. 1 hour ago, buffblue said:

    You know what my favorite part of the 2020 election is? It was supposedly stolen according to Republicans, yet the GOP gained 13 seats and the majority in the House.


    So all of those voters who enabled a Republican majority were legit, but most of those same votes by the very same people for the presidential election were tainted? Lol you gotta love the conspiracy theories of the right 


    This is also a super-dumb statement, demonstrating zero knowledge in how these separate elections happen...also, ironically, proves the point that's trying to be disputed.  But this is where we are, in the USSA

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  6. 3 hours ago, Roundybout said:


    Liberals are not communists

    Liberals are not communists

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    Liberals are not communists


    As usual, this is dumb.


    They simply don't know that they are...

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  7. 3 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised. I’d guess it is more likely to hurt him than help him but there is clearly a large percentage of Americans living in a bubble who may be convinced that this was all improper. They could rally around him in the end.


    Just have to admire the willful ignorance demonstrated here...like this is the country as it's been up to this point.  So clueless, and clearly a product of the Leftist news echo-bubble that can convince people this is something that's happened before.  


    Hey, noone ever dictated that successful civilizations were destined to thrive, or even survive, forever....


    But, DEMOCRACY is on the ballot

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  8. 7 hours ago, SCBills said:

    One doesn’t have to live it to observe it.


    Im in my 30’s, own a business and as my IRS tax bill would indicate.. do quite well for myself.  

    I don’t know how old you are, but as a millennial, am able to see the struggle and the issues presenting the under 45 crowd. 

    Gen Z is even worse off.  Women going further left, men going further right.  Not only are they not getting married or having kids, they’re barely even dating.  

    Women blame men.  Men blame women. 

    Record levels of apathy.  Generations controlled by anti-anxiety & anti-depressant manufacturers.


    Our cultural icons are Megan Thee Stallion and Taylor Swift.  I have no issue with either, but that’s not a culture driven by strong men.  

    Young men aren’t joining the military.  And why would they.. they’re told our masculinity is a problem by everyone in our current administration. 


    Our financial standing as a country is nowhere near as strong as you believe. 

    Societal safety nets that we pay into won’t be there for us unless the govt goes further into debt to subsidize something like Social Security. 

    The family unit is being intentionally destroyed through subliminal message by corporations and media. 

    We see what’s happened in much of Europe.  Where they’ve relinquished their culture to migrants.  And I’m all for immigration of those who assimilate .. but that’s not happening any longer.


    A nation with no borders and no identity with growing stressors on the healthcare system and welfare stands zero chance in the future. 

    Depending on how old you are, maybe you just know it won’t affect you.


    Depending on how much you want to live in a country that has somewhat of an identity, maybe you just don’t care. 


    In short, Globalism


    Why, I don't know, just because some people hate what we had.


    Likely external, Eastern influences

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  9. 7 hours ago, daz28 said:

    Corporate greed is not a lie.  Neither is the fact that artificially high fuel prices are causing inflation.  I know it's easy to just blame Biden, but you'd be better served to look at the real culprits


    Geezus Christ.  It's called a market.  If people don't like the quality/size/price of the product (Snickers Bar) they don't have to buy it.


    Laughable stuff all around we're seeing in these United States

  10. 6 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


    That's a valid criticism and the reason why this is generally considered the weakest case against Trump. 


    The nuance here is that Trump is being charged for misappropriating company funds, which is a misdemeanor, but the DA is arguing that he did so in an effort to violate campaign finance law, which escalates the original charge to a felony. It is my understanding that he is not being charged for the campaign violation itself (I don't believe Bragg could even bring that charge if he wanted to). 


    As I mentioned before, people who are more used to federal criminal practice are generally quite skeptical of this case. Which is why I thought the explainer from Just Security was helpful because it illustrated that this has actually been successfully prosecuted against politicians in Manhattan before.


    Had Trump paid the money out of the campaign funds and mislabeled it to hide the origin, he'd probably face the same slap on the wrist that Clinton did. By intermingling with the Trump Org's funds, he exposed himself to liability under NYS law.


    These people (DAs, Judges) in GA and NY should be disbarred, and frankly probably arrested.


    But we're not a serious nation and so that won't happen.  

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  11. 9 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Aha! Busted. You've been reading all my post on the down low.

    Now you can stop the silliness about "ignoring" people.

    And yeah, he caught you hook, line, and sinker on that Q Analysis ...

    are there some"pedo rings?" I'm sure there are.

    Is there a cabal that includes all the rich and powerful who engage in these things AND then use the blood of their victims to gain additional power? Umm, no.

    Dumb person alert.  I feel bad being direct but am of the opinion that pointing out that someone is way is helpful now, that our society is on the precipice of self-destruction...

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Trump firing up the terrorists, again. He's already killed police officers with his crazy, violent talk, now he wants the whole country to burn if he doesn't get his way. 


    The MAGA clowns want this petulant idiot to be our commander and chief?  


    My ignore list grows!

    I think I'll start feeling a little better about the human race soon....just a little but still


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  13. On 2/29/2024 at 7:03 AM, John from Riverside said:

    Would it make a difference to you if he was convicted?


    and what do you mean by convicted? He is in fact liable for sexual assault forget the money that she received on the defamation for one second there was a legal action before that. Which he didn’t even bother to show up for.




    Some people have no comprehension for American Justice and what it's become (in certain jurisdictions).


    I could be sued for Sexual Assault right now because I lived in Manhattan from 1999-2005, the person (woman) wouldn't have to remember any details, just say I did it.  That's exactly what's happened here in the Trump "Sexual Assault" case. 


    The Leftist morons on here will say "it'll only happen to Donald Trump" because they have zero critical thinking skills, but once lines are broken they are rarely reined in.  


    The American Civilization, driven by private property protection, equality under the law, due process, etc,  is effectively over.  We'll see what the Leftist Overlords cook up for us.   

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  14. 3 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


    Yes Biden caused the inflation the entire world is dealing with?  Very astute observation.   Social programs poised to destroy our civilization?  Impressive statement if your intent was to come off as ludicrous.  You fools have literally nothing other than lame right wing talking points lacking in fact.  


    The idiot Leftists in the world who shut down the Economy caused Supply Side inflation for a bit.  The stupid Leftist President the idiot Leftist "voters" installed, all 81m of them (16m more than St. OBAMA got) created society-level inflation by printing money and handing it out because he's (at-best) a feel-good simpleton who understood very little back then and obviously nothing now

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  15. On 2/10/2024 at 4:41 PM, L Ron Burgundy said:

    We're on the brink of war?  Stop main-lining newsmax.  Russia is reeling and zero Americans will lose their lives.  You see nothing because people your age have no clue how to consume news.  Biden passed an infrastructure bill , the chips act, the inflation reduction act, and more.  


    I dont think Joe has done great though.   I just know the alternative is an unmitigated disaster and clown show.   Lead by the most corrupt politician elected in our country.  One who is manipulated by simple compliments.  Just as senile as Joe and half as intelligent.   And Joe was never Einstein.


    This is the classically moronic Liberal Leftist goofball stupid party line...


    "He spent Trillions of our money, he's so great!  He got a Bill passed to spend Trillions of dollars, he's awesome!"


    We are in upside-down world...these morons don't realize that the real reason our cities/airports/infrastructure are embarrassing and ready to collapse is because they crowded out such infrastructure spending on Social Programs that are poised to destroy our civilization...but illiterate, dumb, Leftist Feel-Good Americans finally stupidly handed a Leftist President a Leftist Senate and a Leftist House, and they passed huge spending programs!  Yeah!


    (never mind the catastrophic inflation - them prices aren't going back down - and crowding out of private investment and drawdown of our National Defense capabilities - those ammo stockpiles likely won't be ready when WE need them...but all good, SPENDING BILLS!)

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  16. On 1/29/2024 at 6:55 PM, John from Riverside said:

    That literally makes no sense which is not a surprise coming from you

    When Donald Trump was in office, he quoted numbers like this that were in his favor. Every time he opened his ***** mouth.


    Now that Biden is quoting superior numbers you can’t bring yourself around to believe it


    Bottom line Trump was hoping for a failure, and it hasn’t been


    Nah, you're just dumb


    If you blow up the Federal Balance Sheet, putting us all at risk, by printing $12T+ dollars and shooting them into the Economy...your numbers better not be crummy.


    But, and he reason Biden is so unpopular....absolute prices up 28% everywhere make nothing affordable.


    I don't expect the Leftists on here to understand even basic Economics so why bother?

  17. 9 hours ago, Billy Claude said:

    There might be individual refs/players who might throw a game.  As many has pointed out, that probably has happened though I think it is much rarer than many implied.


    However, to believe that there is the NFL office decides winners beforehand is frankly ridiculous.  It makes zero sense for the owners to accept it -- unless you think only Goodell and a small cabal of owners are in on it.


    Ask yourself these questions. Why would David Tepper throw a drink on a fan if everything is fixed? Why would he fire his coach and GM so he has to pay multiple coaches/GM if everything is pre-ordained.  Why was Pegula paying three coaches at once?  Why is Haslam guaranteeing Watson $230M if it doesn't matter.


    Everybody knows Jerry Jones is one of the most powerful owners in the NFL and the Cowboys are one of the most popular teams. Why don't the Cowboys do better in the playoffs?   When do they tell new owners or potential owners that the games are fixed?  Why don't any of these owners sue when they find out?  Why do the NYC/Chi teams stink so much?  Why are many of the top teams in the league from tiny markets like KC, Buffalo, Cincinnati, and Baltimore.


    It makes zero sense for these multi-billionaires to accept the level of ridicule they get from their fans when their teams stink (see Johnson, Woody).  If I was Tepper and found out I run a scorched earth policy and sue the NFL (and any owners in the know) for every penny they have.




    This is not as far-fetched as you would make it out to be.  It could be very simply about Franchise-values...simply put, if you bought something for $300m in 2000, and they came to you and noted that it will be worth $2-$3 BILLION in several years if you play along, I suspect owners will go along with it...


    It could have been communicated very innocently.  "hey, owners, we know there is no more money, really, in in-stadium Revenue or value.  The tickets and seats aren't getting more expensive and the stadiums can't get bigger.  Instead, we are signing this MEGA contract with these Cable/Television networks (back then) that have gobs of money because idiot Americans just pay for cable bundles, but that's our ticket.   The ONLY thing they ask for is that we have appropriate, exciting matchups on TV at the right time.  This may mean we'll have to endeavor to ensure the "right" teams are on at the "right times" and the right teams are good, most of the time.  We'll give you a bone every so often, but by and large your job will be keep the masses appeased and collect huge dividends and see your franchise values erupt well above the debt used to purchase the Team"


    Whether implicit or explicit the League could then orchestrate through various mechanisms outcomes they desired. 


    Just spit-ballin' here 

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  18. 45 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I don't even know what this means. People here seemed all hot and bothered about the general notion that governments restrict freedoms in service of the common good. I pointed out that that's what having a government is all about. It's the opposite of anarchy. You want to make it a crime for drag shows to allow teenagers to attend, even if it's with their parents express permission.

    In other words, you want to restrict the liberty of people to do what they damn well please in service of your idea of the common good.





    Sometimes, you don't need to get dragged into the details.


    The American Left is a destructionary device.  It's as simple as that.  Not build, destroy.


    You don't understand that becuase you subscribe to this or that little pedantic issue that fills your mind/day, and aren't able to conjure a realistic picture, but that's what's happening and what's further planned.  


    Stop worrying about the little stuff.  There should be LESS government, in most all instances 



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  19. On 11/26/2023 at 9:19 PM, Irv said:

    Didn't Biden go over to Ireland a little while back and fell asleep there too?  Biden botches another promoting this bull####.  Has blood on his hands all over the planet due to his incompetence.  What a mess. 


    It's not "Biden" 


    He's merely a symptom.


    Unfortunately, as predicted by historians (because it happens throughout history), civilizations eventually become soft, forget what "got them there", then succumb to a Leftist slide into self-destruction (that is categorized miscorrectly as being conquered but that's not right).


    Biden is a symptom.  The American and Global Left are the problem.  Unequivocally.

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  20. 12 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:


    The left supports dudes that start stabbing kids?  That's how this works now?


    Btw.  If that heroic teacher, then unarmed civilians didn't stop him.  What would have stopped him from stabbing more?  




    He would have felt constrained by societal norms?


    That's what I keep hearing from the (clueless) Biden Administration about just about everything


    The Pacification of America has spread to Europe (or, more likely, they've adopted the same view)

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