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Posts posted by wvbillsfan

  1. I don’t think we punt with Dhop. Continuing to put faith in Davis development has cost us. Gabe is a nice player but not a consistent number 2


    Had a chance to sign him or trade for him and we passed both times with a clear need. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Juice_32 said:


    Everything you mention is why the late game choke jobs are so frustrating. The problem is purely late game situational. McD's late game conservative tendencies have been beaten time and time again, it's on tape and it's like taking candy from a baby. He is either unaware or too stubborn to change, either way he has to go.

    Thank you for pointing this out 

    All the numbers long term are going in his favor because of his style of defense. But situationally we get destroyed because he doesn’t adjust. 

    Offensively he is aggressive in the right moments. Usually he will go it for on 4th when needed. 
    But defensively it’s soft coverage until the other team gets in plus territory and then reckless aggression. 
    Just find the middle ground with tight coverage and creeper pressures at the end of games. Make a qb go through a progression 

    If he hasn’t figured that out now I’m not sure he’s going too

    • Agree 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Love Josh.  We all love him.  But thus far tonight it’s the bad Josh.  Can’t win with bad Josh.

    I’m not sure we ever get over the hump with him as qb

    just continues to make that same int over and over. 
    I would say 5 of his interceptions are trying to hit that shot against cover two. 
    Self scout man. Cbs are sinking on you 

    • Agree 1
  4. End of the game stuff is a little suspect to me. Still playing entirely too soft and giving teams a chance a couple times a year with that Hail Mary. 

    Just entirely too easy without using any time. 

    Id also like to see us continue to be aggressive late in games. The defense was playing well so if you’re punting because you trust your defense then by the same principle you go for it because you trust your defense. 

  5. I don’t know if it’s disjointed or we have a better understanding of situational awareness 


    We moved the ball ok. I think when Tre got that int at the one we moved the ball  and got 3 out of it. We had very solid drives that just ended in three points. However we are consistently running the ball and controlling the game. The explosive plays aren’t coming as often as they seemingly did but they still happen. 


    I would like to see our tight ends more involved. It would be nice to draft a guy in the first round and actually use him consistently. 

    I assume that will come with time. Kincaid is solid and when he gets more chances our offensive rhythm will improve. 

  6. Buy- O’cyrus and Kincaid 

    rooks looked solid


    Sell- Gabe Davis

    I just need more and that was a terrible route on the int. Continues to leave fan base looking for a reliable number two option


    Hold- Josh Allen

    Too early to sell his stock could skyrocket if he just cuts down on turnovers 

  7. The only part that I see was on Dorsey was his unwillingness to run the ball more when we just needed to play mistake free football. 

    But ultimately guys were open. Throws were there to be had. Allen just didn’t execute. 

    At this point I’m more worried about the “eyes all over the place” statement than anything. 

    What is fooling him Allen that he can’t get through progressions or it is a lack of trust in his OLine. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, appoo said:

    Was happy with Dorsey’s game calling honestly. Allen ficked this single handedly

    No real issues overall but I would’ve liked to seen more running with Harris and Williams 

    Throwing 40 plus times is a recipe for disaster against that front and secondary. 

    Had a 10 point lead and called plays like we were behind. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Alpo Chino said:

    Needed more Latavius and Harris. Type of runners you need vs a physical front. 


    Getting guys like that and improving our guard play was supposed to mean we weren’t gonna throw it 40 plus times a game. Some smash mouth football with those guys helps out oline wear guys down. 
    Just don’t feel like we will ever commit to running the ball to balance our offense 

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