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Posts posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. 11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:


    Do one simple thing: Acknowledge to the American people that COVID exists. It is a major problem. It’s going to continue until we admit it and each of us stands up to do our part. If he does not acknowledge that, then he is facilitating the virus. He is enabling the virus. . . . Just wear the mask, and say to the American people, “this is real and it’s a problem and we have to do our part.” We started masks April 15. First state in the nation to start masks. They make a difference.

    Someone that believed their own rhetoric and thought this was all a joke. Trump takes it seriously, so he knows his rhetoric is BS. Trump gets tested often while telling his cultists to not worry about it. Cannibal 


    Cuomo - Started masks April 15th, kept killing seniors until early May.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Penfield45 said:



    Hoax right? 


    What a huge collection of whimps.  I fear for our country when this is how our "front line workers" B word and moan when they are asked to do their job.  I understand it is a new virus, but how the heck did we get to the moon, get thru WWII, abolish slavery, etc?  With some bravery and humility.


    Time to sack up, America.

  3. 26 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    Can’t be too safe!!! 


    But seriously, this is what I keep telling my wife, but she’s convinced that the mask thing will go away once things are “back to normal”.  Heh.


    Trust me, this mask thing is the bomb.  The toothless hicks weren't using them, and look at all the cases now because they are rebels.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:



    Masks are here to stay.  Who is going to be the dude or dudette to rescind their mask order?  NO ONE, EVER.  Once COVARD1919 is over, then the FLU and the common cold will require it.  Just look at how many lives we saved!!!1!!!!!!1111!!!  We have to be a smarter society, SMART TOUGH LOVIE NY

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  5. On 7/2/2020 at 10:48 AM, Buffalo Timmy said:


    Covid is not political but we will use the force of government to force people to comply with our law unless it is politically motivated against conservatives. NY is such a mess they will need a bailout soon but have money for this crap.

    I forget names all the time.  Who was at the party?  You know that guy and his wife.  And that other couple, what's their faces?  Sammy, Swimmy, Samsonite!!

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  6. 8 minutes ago, GG said:

    In case this wasn’t posted before.  Pretty clear explanation of why the data doesn’t line up with the narrative (and of course why this was a relative non-event in Asia)




    Big if true.


    Seriously, looks like George Carlin's "swimming in sewage as a kid" approach to life has some merit.  Who would have knew (probably not WHO)?


  7. 28 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:



    If I’ve told you people once............

    Planning on a trip to NY in three weeks. Has Cuomo built his wall yet?  Will us filthy “immigrants” from shithole states be allowed in?  

    Yes, but you need to hide in Fredo's basement for 14 days first.  Then and only then can you enjoy the milk & honey that is NYS.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, Mango said:


    Literally one city, in a state that is on a steady decline, is your big "contact tracers are infected by politics". 


    Cool, DeBlasio sucks, always has. He was wrong here. 

    Reads a lot like you are implying protests are leading to spike, which is silly. But oddly enough most states spiking are generally not a bastion for liberal protest on a large scale. You know Arizona, still locking kids in cages, they love to protest to help protect POC.  New York is continuing to trend down. Minnesota has been trending down. Washington State is trending down. California has remained largely stagnant, but high as the largest state in the country. Florida and Texas will probably pass California this week. All these places that are making headlines for the size of their protests have seen a continued and significant downward trend in infection rate. 




    I believe if we can protest (which looked to get a little hectic sometimes) and the hospitals have not gotten overloaded, then we can go to football games.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Mango said:


    That was only in NYC, and is so incredibly irrelevant. You are trying to make a point that has no basis in any sort of reality. 1 week before protests began in NYC there were 2000 cases in the entire state. A week later we were down to about 1000, and now we are in 6-800 area. It is almost as if the people who marched for George Floyd also believe in science and protecting their fellow man. 


    Easy there, Mongo.  Irrelevant to you, but I am just pointing out the illogical thinking.  Contact tracers have been polluted by politics as well - acknowledge that fact, and we can have a coherent conversation.

  10. On 7/4/2020 at 11:35 AM, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    If the football game turns into a super-spreader event and my Granny who signed no waiver gets infected and dies as a result of being cared for by a friend of a friend who was there, can I sue?  If she can't get the best medical care because the hospitals are overwhelmed and contact tracing indicates the game was a major spreading event?  ?‍♀️



    When screened, contact tracers were not allowed to ask if the exposed individual attended a protest/riot in June.  Implement the same rules for an NFL game and your fear goes away.

  11. 23 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    What if he "leaves" while setting in motion an operation that weaponizes the federal intelligence and law enforcement apparatus by using fake made up BS that is designed to hamstring and ultimately take out the incoming Biden administration? 


    You cool with him leaving like that?


    Dats what Obummer did.

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  12. 28 minutes ago, realtruelove said:

    Once we have a "vaccine" that's probably only going to be 40% effective, everyone will feel confident to go out again.  Big pharma will be making a ton on money and all MSM will trumpet how it's over, we can carry on with our lives.   One positive from the increased cases is that we are one step closer to herd immunity.  Last time I looked, we are all going to die of something.  "Get busy living or get busy dying"  God Bless America.

    Ever hear of the term “moving the goalposts”?  Because that’s what the D’s will do to you when the vaccine hits the streets. Masks to infinity, and beyond!

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