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Posts posted by Torrey

  1. It’s crazy.


    Some of these posters are defending our WR Corp, wacky blind faith with no logic at all.  


    What the !@#$!! 


    News flash. Op is correct, we need to upgrade our wr and ol and we are ignoring it. 


    Its odd how they just ignore it. 


    Very Billsy and Very Typical. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 8 hours ago, The Process said:

    Without doing my homework ...... I can't think of many teams that have had more than two franchise QBs in their entire history...

    You need to educate yourself. Make yourself at least “look” intelligent. 


    I suggest doing your homework... trust me, do your homework. 

    8 hours ago, HappyDays said:


    Thanks for that. So when you said "we have a reputation of choosing the wrong QB" which group were you talking about?

    You don’t want to end up like the “We” guy. 

  3. 23 hours ago, Scorp83 said:

    I haven't really been bashing... I've been posting what the media & experts are saying about him... even though you,@Hapless Bills Fan & ect. feels like it's not credible enough.  Glad you notice what I've been doing for the past months... that's great! I dont have to keep reposting...I just keep posting new stuff about him. 


    Don't get mad at the messenger... even though I don't believe in Allen until he proves it. 


    But that's my point...besides a handful of people...there's way more experts that feel like Allen will bust out, enough for me to spend months posting their stuff...& its NOT because he's a Bill that experts dislike him. This stuff has been said about him throughout the entire 2017 college season last year & during the predraft period.  


    Like I've said... I just haven't drunk the koolaid because he's a Bill... 


    Now if you want my opinion...let's switch the tune from media outlets that dislike Allen as a prospect.


    What made Mahomes not worthy in their eyes to move out of 11 in the 2017 Draft?? 


    If they would have taken Mahomes or Watson... they still could have possibly drafted Edmonds... & we would of had Mahomes & Edmonds instead of Allen. 


    This is why I said... Mahomes, Watson, Rosen & Jackson will play a huge part on McBeane future... Allen CANNOT BE ANDY DALTON, or Kirk Cousins! He has to be better to justify the pick, and I dont believe he will. I pray I'm wrong...either way...its a win...win... for me. But until then...I will continue to give this board the RED PILL... & let you all continue to read the ton of experts that will forever breakdown his game until Allen actually proves he's Great!



    Now that's my opinion...

    Unfortunately this board has gone the way of BBMB. Everything is considered spam, everything. 


    [off-topic commentary on mods deleted; poster messaged informing him of several appropriate avenues to make his complaints]

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