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Posts posted by donbb

  1. On 8/22/2018 at 5:40 AM, BeginnersMind said:

    Maybe merge this with Deep State and Q/N threads?


    Great idea - hope this happens soon!

    3 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


    I'm not sure why you curse at me and call me names. Just noting that you keep doing it.


    What do you think happened on 9-11? Anything besides terrorists flying 3 out of 4 planes into buildings? Anything about building 7? Explosives. Missile into Pentagon? Mossad involvement? Deep State? 


    He won't answer your question as his intellectual dishonesty is off the charts.

  2. 57 minutes ago, westside said:

    A lot of these so called lefties have more than one user name. Tibs for example is paid to spread his hate filled posts against Trump. A few others I suspect too.

    Then you have the "independents" who are really radical leftists. All you have to do is read their posts. 


    They all get there message from MSM, then turn around and attack DR, who does his own homework and then some. Being a democrat who walked away from the party 2 years ago. I despise these so called democrats we have now. They are as dirty and deceitful as they come.


    Flynn - guilty

    Manafort - guilty

    Cohen - Guilty


  3. I'll be sure to keep this updated and bump when necessary. I'll also update the pronoun if/when Hope or Ivanka get indicted.:beer:


    Flynn - Guilty

    Manafort Trial 1 - Guilty

    Manafort Trial 2 - Guilty

    Cohen - Guilty

    Gates - Guilty

    Papadopolous - Guilty


    Who will be next? Stone? Trump Jr? HILLARY?!

  4. 17 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


    From the article:



    So  Joe Biden is a racist for explaining that Obama was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a  nice-looking guy."


    Do you nuts even think through what you're writing, reading and citing?


    What Biden said was certainly insensitive and racist. He owned up to it  and apologized for it.


    Trump hasn't owned up to ****.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. Here's a pretty comprehensive list through early this year of reason's why Trump is seen as a racist - https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/15/opinion/leonhardt-trump-racist.html




    The points in that column are certainly a better argument than this :lol:


    39 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Blindly speculating (the most dangerous kind) based on the reports of one 30 something male nodding in agreement with the judge this morning as he told the jurors they had to respect the minority view, it would seem probable that the hold out is not a narrative follower. That would lead me to believe he's in Manafort's corner. 


  6. 2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    I hate attempts to read into the minds of the jury, but it was just reported that one of the jurors (in his mid 30s) was vigorously nodding his head when Judge Ellis addressed the court (after the note) about respecting the minority view in the jury room. 



    18 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Blindly speculating (the most dangerous kind) based on the reports of one 30 something male nodding in agreement with the judge this morning as he told the jurors they had to respect the minority view, it would seem probable that the hold out is not a narrative follower. That would lead me to believe he's in Manafort's corner. 


    You hate that type of speculation, then less than 2 hours later you partake in the type of speculation you hate.


    Must be fun riding all the roller-coasters at Six Flags Conspiracy

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