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Posts posted by 30dive

  1. So today is the day I pack up he computer! On Tuesday the wife and kids leave for our our new home and I 'll meet the movers. :devil: So when I turn the computer back on and log into TBD our family will be the newest residents of the Keystone State. Have a great Labor Day weekend, be safe and GO BILLS!

  2. Wow what a summer! After many years of work, my wife completed her PhD yesterday. Her defense started at 1pm and at 2:30 her committee Chair came out of the conference room, shook my wifes hand and said congratulations Doctor! Obviously I am really very proud of her.


    Now she can get to some serious work helping us get ready for our move to Hollidaysburg PA. Just a short four weeks ago my wife was named VP of Student Affairs at a college up there so we, like the Beverly Hillbillys are loading up our truck and moving to Bever.....well the Hills part works. As for me, I am looking forward to playing Mr. Mom for a couple months and getting our kids set up in our new suroundings, etc.


    Thanks for allowing me to brag on my wife a wee bit!

  3. So after a little over a year of knowing that we were going to move somewhere, but not knowing where or when, my wife has competed her PhD and accepted a really great job near Altoona PA. Now before all you PA bashers come out of the wood work, we realize that this part of the country is not Shangri La (sp) but the job is a perfect fit, the money is great, and while the area may not be great for its nightlife it does appear to be a good place to raise kids (we have 2 girls, 11 and 8 years)



    So here is the question: Does anyone have any ideas on school districts? We have been told to look in Hollidaysburg, which seems very nice, but I hate to limit it to just one. We are in a rush as my wife will be starting on or about 9/11 and we need to find a home in aschool district that we will like.


    Oh the job is actually about 10 miles west of Altoona, so Johnstown would not be out of the question, however State College would be a hike, apx. 50 miles.


    Thanks for any help you can offer.



    And oh I'm about five hours closer to the Ralph!

  4. I bet they still sell Veal at Wegmans though....




    ...Yep, they sell live lobsters, live crab, veal and think of all those little piggys and chickens that they sell in varrious forms of, well, dead. And they also Irradate there foods, oh my!


    And I say thank God for that! They are a grocery store, they sell food to humans, humans eat other animals that are below them on the food chain.


    People Eating Tasty Animals = PETA

  5. A week ago I wrote looking for ideas regarding a really bad stay at the Marriot Fair Oaks in Fairfax VA. Some of you suggested that I let it be and move on, but most of you suggested that I complain. I decided to complain, but kept my complaints in a civil tone. Marriot Corporate responded the next day and informed me that they were going to forward my complaint to the Hotel manager. Yesterday evening the hotel wrote me and is going to credit my charge card for 50% of my weekend stay.


    Lesson learned, make your issues known, but keep it civil. The Marriot earned my business back.

  6. With more and more electronic media (web and cable) outlets poping up every day these guys have to say something. Writing about the NFL in June is like me placing a bet a The World Cup. I've seen the game, know a little about it, but I have no idea what the outcome will be. Neither do these NFL writers. So in the World Cup I'll take the home team Germany and I'll take Italy because I've heard there good. That said it is meaningless, just like some guy sitting at his computer looking at last years playoff teams, pro-bowl players, etc. and then looking at the rosters for each team and then placing a value on each team based on past performance, additions and deletions and the draft. Now the Bills have an even more intersting catagory for these "experts" to add into the mix. They see the words of the Bills owner Ralph Wilson as some kind of white flag, an admission of sorts that the Bills cannot compete in the NFL. So let them have fun bashing the Bills, writing about pro- football is a band wagon sport, and the wagons are jumped on and off of based only on one thing...WINS.

  7. Windows don't open, safety. And the sound was coming through the floor.....Hell I feel bad for the folks on second floor..I was on the third.


    Some of you are confusing me. There is no implied gaurantee that I will get an enviroment in which can get a restful night sleep? Boy their commercials certainly imply I will!

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