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Posts posted by THEHARDTRUTH

  1. My concern with Shaq is lack of pass rush. The concern with Ragland was coverage ability. I think Mcdermott has made it clear he wants versatile players. Neither of these guys appears to fit that mold. Concerns about Lawsons play are valid. At least with respect to the pass rush. Unless your goal is 8-8 every year. Good luck against the Pats sunday if you cant generate pressure with just four guys. Brady will eat us alive if we give him time or start blitzing him because we cant get pressure with just four. Remember the first time the Giants beat them in the Superbowl? They absolutely abused him with four man rushes. I think thats what Mcdermott has in mind. I want championships not 8-8. We need more from our ends and dline as a whole if we want to beat the best teams.

  2. 2 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    His benching was likely due to a disciplinary issue not related to his play on the field. Take off the tin foil hat. How's that for THEHARDTRUTH. 

    My apologies. Your use of the word likely really cements your theory. Did you get that directly from Mcdermott? Or was that during monday film review with you and the defensive staff. You might want to work with Shaq a little more on his pass rushing techniques. Clearly someone with your deep knowledge of the game can turn this guy into a HOF overnight. Ill bet he sets the league sack record by the end of the year under your wing.

  3. 8 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    No. I just decided not to argue any further with your uninformed opinion.

    Right. I dont agree with you so Im uninformed. Is Sean Mcdermott uninformed? How about Leslie Frazier? Ill bet they have an agenda or simply dont know the game. Thats why they benched Shaq. Maybe you should submit a resume because you clearly know more than they do. Im sure the part time job at kinkos and the 80  hours a week you spend in the gaming chair doing bong hits more than qualifies you. Now this is the point were you sign in as someone else and give me the "hes one of the most respected posters on this board" blast. Or you can just cry to one of the mods and get me banned. Right Sally?

  4. 42 minutes ago, clayboy54 said:

    The part that I really don't understand why you all don't seem to get, is that in the 1st season of a new staff and team rebuild, how do you know what they're trying to do? I believe they're trying to evaluate what they have and what they need, all while trying to win a few games. If you don't try fitting a square peg into a round hole, how do you know it doesn't fit?


    Additionally, the staff needs to know which player can comprehend and execute certain schemes. These players for the most part are not rocket scientists. Some can get it, and some just cannot, for whatever reason. Part of it is physical. A lot of it is mental. So, in the 1st year you ask them to try this and try that, each for a few games. You see how they comprehend the mental concept of the play, and you see how they physically execute it. Then you start making decisions. In our case, I believe that at the highest level, you just don't have many players on offense that are complete players at much of anything.


    So, I ask you, early in a rebuild, do you completely structure your concept around marginal players you have, or do you design a system that you believe will win in the long run and keep a few bridge players at certain positions until you can acquire complete players to properly execute the system over time?


    I guess it depends on who you are.

    Sorry but your just thinking way to logically here. Much easier to just be an angry know it all blowhard and demand that everybody get fired or cut. Then your suppossed to follow it up by telling everyone that doesnt agree with you what a moron they are. The real problem is you dont play Madden 16 hours a day so you clearly dont have the qualifications to be commenting. Id suggest taking a step back. Keeping your well thought out logical posts that simply make to much sense to yourself and go develop some real anger. Kick a few puppies. Swear at some old people in the grocery check out. Get in your car and flip a few people off for going to fast or to slow. Then and only then will you have the suitable temperment to post here.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Kelly the Dog said:

    But I just read how a single 14 yard completion shows why he sucks and will never be any good. 

    No worries. Hell be a one of the best backups in the league next year. Probably sign a series of one year deal between 2-5 mill a season over the next ten years and retire a very wealthy guy. After that hell probably be a coach. They say the best coaches are journeyman types whose careers never amounted to much. They tend to be far more patient teachers and usually understand the difficulties that those with inferior talent encounter just trying to stay in the league year after year. The future is very bright for Tyrod.

  6. 2 hours ago, John from Hemet said:

    When you factor in the way we got Tre and that 1st round pick and how KC is floundering (and we just helped that) the whole thing is looking like a slam dunk.


    Not only is Tre better then Gilmore at a fraction of the price tag but we also picked up future assets

    I would have been happy with him if he was the tenth pick overall. To trade down to 27 and get that kind of production out of a rookie corner is fabulous. This kids attitude is great. The production even better. What a great move.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Kelly the Dog said:

    How does "really hard to play clean football" translate to "You have to rely on your qb to throw the team to victory?" That's quite a stretch. Did you use an English-Non-Sequitor, Non-Sequitor-English Dictionary?

    Wow. Listen to the snarky sarcastic tone. Lets start with you not acting like your two. Then lets move on to me clarifying my comment. Hopefully youll respond like an adult. 

    It means that you cant play a perfect game every week to compensate for average qb play.  It means there are times your defense is going to give up 35 and you need to score 36. It means there are times when your going to be down 10 in the fourth and need your qb to carry you to victory. Maybe youve forgotten but thats how we made it to 4 straight superbowls and the game is alot closer to that style of play today(early 90s Bills) than the 66 packers. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Kelly the Dog said:

    No, because they are playing not to lose and not playing to their own players strengths like the previous coaches did. They are hurting their own team. You said yourself you hated that philosophy and then complimented these coaches for doing the exact opposite.

    You have a valid point but its pretty obvious that they dont think that style of offense(read option, tyrod running) is going to win big and I dont see the Pegulas firing Mcdermott because he refuses to cater to tyrod. Just heard Mcdermott say its really hard to play clean football every week on his presser. My translation? Sometimes you have to rely on your qb to throw the team to victory. Has Tyrod ever done that in two and two thirds seasons? Not that I can remember. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    Just settle... could be worse... At least he doesn't throw picks! It might not work anyway!


    What a sad, pathetic way to think. Good luck winning a Super Bowl with that mentality.


    I'm glad we have an aggressive, forward thinking staff in here who isn't beaten down and rattled by losing. It's clear that the people running the team aren't going to settle for 1950's football.


    And yeah, it might not work. Luckily you can always heat up some milk and wrap yourself in a fluffy blanket to feel safe.


  10. 5 minutes ago, BigBuff423 said:


    I agree, it's called perspective....look, I hate the Pats, but honestly it's just because they've been so good for so long....yeah, yeah, all the cheating stuff sucks, but they keep winning and we keep whining about them....it is what it is...if we want to be hated by the rest of the league for something other than dumb tailgate stuff, then McD and the team need to start kicking tail and winning games. Enough with the complaining....also, as for Brady, I can detest the team because they're in the same division, but read about how he handles himself and how he contributes to people outside of football, and you can't hate him as a person. 


    Reading about his mother with cancer, how they rallied as a family to come together and support him during the season, it humanizes him and the game needs more of that...not just him, but all of the players. Kyle Williams is one of my favorites for similar reasons, just a really decent guy and many of the Bills, JJ Watt, the list goes on...we need to keep in perspective that as much as we love the team and the game of football, there are real people and wishing someone an injury, is not a humanly decent thing to wish on someone, regardless of who they play for or what they've accomplished in life. 

    Dont forget the starving children in India?

  11. 8 hours ago, cale said:


    Man, my bad. Most of the people on this board would have been able to get at what I meant. But for those unable to connect the dots…let me help.

    Wow. Most people would get what you meant? Have you bothered reading the responses to this thread? Nobody got what you meant. Your initial post was nothing but nonsense.


    12 hours ago, cale said:

    We traded for him and then cut him. The team that traded him to us then signed him again. And got more production out of him then we did. We now traded for another one of their WRs. Wonder how that's gonna turn out?





    Look above. You state Carolina got more production out of him than we did. That clearly implies we missed the boat and cut a player that went on to produce at a high level elsewhere. Now you say Im suppossed to infer this out of your initial thread:


    9 hours ago, cale said:


    Man, my bad. Most of the people on this board would have been able to get at what I meant. But for those unable to connect the dots…let me help.


    This staff is throwing stuff at the wall at hopes it sticks. The only thing they’re sure of is that they don’t want the guys they didn’t draft to remain in Buffalo. Even if they are talented. I’m pretty sure Tyrod, as much as he is a fit for this team right now, is gone by next season. I honestly don’t have of a problem with that as long as they have a better option in the wings. But I’m also pretty sure, this administration, will look for all kinds of excuses to ship out McCoy as well. 


    Conversely, if they drafted or brought a guy in either while here or in Carolina, the guy gets more than the benefit of the doubt until he craps the bed. Take Zay Jones and Mike Tolbert. They used the same “process” to ship out:







    Williams (Denver, now Saints)


    They’re also using the same thought process on Tyrod (which is TT isn’t productive so we need someone else in there). The truth is TT isn’t productive in *this* system. Dennison should be coaching for his life. Today’s win shouldn’t change any of that. Not having Miller and Reilly in there is also criminal.


    But in either case, regardless of whether they bring someone in or let them go, they are unable to maximize the guy’s potential.


    Kaelin Clay is an example of that. He was signed by Beane while he was in Carolina. So they traded Kevon Seymour, a solid DB for Clay. That should have never happened. All the while having Brandon Reilly in the wings. But while they had Clay they were unable to utilize him in an optimal/productive way. We can argue as to how productive he’s been at Carolina. But there is little doubt that the Panthers staff has gotten more out of him than our staff.


    So we gave up a DB and lost a WR, maybe a marginally productive one, but it’s still dumb.


    The “Process” should look at how the systems they’ve installed are not being productive or getting the most of the players. Both on offense and defense. Of the players shipped out, I would say the Gilmore thing was a good move. I’m also glad Dareus isn’t here. I think that was a win-win for both sides.


    But everyone else has been fairly productive elsewhere or in Buffalo. This administration is more interested in scapegoating the players they did not personally coach, sign or draft. They undervalue those players and overvalue the ones with which they have a personal history.


    But in spite of that they have not gotten what they can out of the players that they do have on the team.

    Just stop. This is the worst thread in the history of threads. Your digging a hole so deep your past china already and on to jupiter. Or maybe that last bong hit put you on jupiter. A little bit of sour diesel is ok on the weekends. But doing it all day everyday is a clear indication of a bigger problem. Get some help for that. Life is beautiful. Just say no.

  12. Wait a minute. Now I get it. I did a little research and I see where your coming from and I totally agree. If we add his 2 receptions for 33 yards this year plus the 60 yard punt return he had today wed be on the road to 19-0. Excellent post OP. If the pizza delivery job doesnt work out you should really consider a career as an NFL GM. Heck. You couldnt do any worse any GM weve had the past 17 years.

    • Haha (+1) 2
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