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The Now Moment

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Posts posted by The Now Moment

  1. Just now, Boca BIlls said:

    The Bills havent.

    No but when you don't have a very good QB for so many years...Buffalo is in position to bolster that position this year with their assets and with Allen getting some buzz around the league, we might actually have a spot receivers want to play.  

    4 minutes ago, Boca BIlls said:

    The Bills havent. They have a QB that needs a #1.

    I don't think he needs a number 1.  He just needs guys that can separate.  Foster has been able to do that and look at the early success he's had.  Mckenzie provides a different element to the offense with that great speed.  A solid pass catching tight end that can get open and make all the catches is a need IMO.  A lot of great options  in the offseason.  Who do you want for a number 1 this offseason?

  2. 18 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:



    They look at yards because it's how the NFL ranks defences. And for good reason.


    Yards are best way to isolate the offence from the defence and vice versa.


    Does it tell the whole story? No. Is it the one stat that best tells the story by itself? Yup. There is more to it but if you're going to look at one stat, that should be the one you look at.


    Here are the top ten defences, as ranked by yards allowed:


    1) Bills

    2) Ravens

    3) Bears

    4) Cowboys

    5) Vikes

    6) Jags

    7) Chargers

    ? Steelers

    9) Titans

    10) 49ers


    Leaving out any discussion of the Bills entirely, is that a pretty good list of the best Ds? Are there any teams listed in the top five (leaving out the Bills, so the Ravens, Bears, Cowboys, Vikes and Jags) that don't absolutely belong there? Ranking teams by yards allowed produces a pretty good list of good defences, for exactly the obvious reason. Not a perfect list. But pretty damn good.


    No, the Bills aren't the best in the league. But they absolutely belong in this group of ten. And not in the bottom two or three of it.



    I think they are a very good defense but they still have things to work on.  They have been put in plenty of bad positions by the offense and special teams too.

  3. On 12/11/2018 at 7:43 PM, Tcali said:

    no im talking about exactly what i said. even when he has good protection he stays there too long with his feet glued to the carpet...Then pressure comes in and a panic situation is corrected. Then the running out of the pocket ensues and Allen can be successful at that at times cuz he is big and fast and a good runner.--But he creates some of the problem himself at this point.

    I said escapability and you responded with in the pocket movement.  Those are two slightly different things.  The point being, Barkley can't get out of harms way as easily as Allen.  It's not the same looking line Barkley played with.  Allen is trying to allow receivers to get open.  They haven't been getting separation much and when they do they drop the ball at above a 5% rate which is one of the worst in the league.  Also, they have long routes down the field.  I'd rather him hold on to the ball and take shots down the field then dump it to the back for 3 yards every time.  He does well outside the pocket, that's his bread and butter.  I don't think the problem is with Allen.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Rc2catch said:

    He’s slowed down a bunch. But of course he still runs elite routes and has elite hands, wed kill to have some with his skill set even in his twilight years. I wasn’t throwing shade at him, it was a compliment he’s still a viable weapon. Maybe washed up was a little disrespectful lol.. let’s go with twilight of his career 

    Better haha.  I just have an appreciation for guys who dedicate themselves so much.  He defines what it means to be a football player.  It's not about smashing the other guy, it's about working the hardest.  We'd certainly kill to have a player like that.  It'll never happen in a hundred years but I think it'd be smart to see if Fitz is on the block. Would do wonders for a young cast of wide outs.

  5. On 12/10/2018 at 5:33 PM, John from Riverside said:

    You need talent to win games.....


    The bills do not have the talent on offense......and no amount of coaching is going to make players good.


    case in point....we CANNOT RUN THE BALL


    We led much of this game.....when you have a lead......coaches will want to run the ball to take time off the clock...unfortunately for us....our QB has most of our running yards...the guys who get paid millions just to tote the rock cannot do it because the OL is horrid.......hence we have to pass...hence we dont convert....hence we dont take any time off the clock........


    It really is as simple as that.

    Cause and effect.  Some people have a difficult time with it for some reason.

  6. 22 hours ago, Joeziehmer said:

    Going 8-8 after a 9-7 playoff appearance was more acceptable then going 4-9 and watching home ticket prices drop to $5-$6 bucks.  It looks like Baltimore not drafting in the money rounds actually got them a pretty good mobile Quarterback who can also pass.  While in tanking mode McDermott started Nate Peterman pretty much indefensible.  And, yet Baltimore looks playoff bound with real Coaching f and management and we look like McClappy was a limp little mat fish.  We have management just not a Coach who’s ever worth a damn.  

    Coach isn't worth a damn but he took a bad roster last year to the playoffs.  We get it, the season hasn't been a step up record wise from last year.  BREAKING NEWS ALERT: The Buffalo Bills season was all about developing the young players at the right pace for each player.  Record was never a focus.  This year was about finding the Robert Foster's of this team and seeing how they can build onto the youth of this team moving forward.  Losses come with an inexperienced team.  It happens.  Many mistakes are made.  The players are learning from them and watching tape trying to make their improvements show on the field.  That's what this year has always been about.  Nate Peterman had a handful of games started and some were because of an injury to other guys.  The team drafted him and gave him a few chances before throwing him to the curb.  I'm glad they at least gave him a shot.  Did he blow it, absolutely! But you have to give the guy a couple chances.  We have lost too long and haven't had the QB play in way too long to not have taken a couple looks at the guy.  Sue him for giving the guy he was there for when they drafted couple games.  This whole thing has been about playing the young guys and seeing what they have.  Last thing we need is another head coaching change.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Rc2catch said:

    For me Rosen actually looks the worst. He possibly has the best weapons and their offense just looks pathetic. Like ours the first half of the season lol only it’s been all year for them. 

    Right now I think we’d kill to see allen with a washed up Fitzgerald and Christian Kirk with David Johnson 

    Fitz had over 100 catches the last few years and over 1,000 yards too with suspect at best QB play.  It could be him slowing down but it could also be the rook behind a bad line.  I think Fitz still has it, he just isn't on a good offense with a solid QB.  That guy makes every catch two hands or one no problem still.  Don't disrespect the HOFer by looking at his stats and coming to conclusion that he's slowing down.  He's still only 35.  Remember how long Jerry Rice played...

  8. On 12/9/2018 at 4:24 PM, Tcali said:

    allen panics too often....or doesnt move his feet even when protection is decent. so i cant necc agree with you there

    Were we talking about movement in the pocket?  No, escapability is getting out of pressure in the pocket whether it's to pass the ball or to scramble and run.  Allen hands down has that over Barkley.   With the garbage sieve that this offensive line is with the injuries and lots of new faces, you need someone who can run for their life and Allen has shown he can do that.  If Russell was back at center I thought it was a little better but still bad overall.  The offseason will rebuild that oline that lost 3 major faces this offseason.  It's really hard to expect Beane to replace Glenn, Wood and Incognito in one offseason.  So they grabbed some low level FAs and kicked it back to this offseason.  

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