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Game Manager

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Posts posted by Game Manager

  1. You obviously didnt watch the 30 for 30


    It was right there and documented.....Tyrod Taylor had a fantastic combine in the athletism department and his agent went right to him and said he was being asked if Tyrod would like to change his position to wide receiver because of his physical talents. Tyrod stuck to his guns and wanted to be drafted as a quarterback,


    Lets also say this...Tyrod comeing up of college was NOT Michael Vick....he had qb deficiencies that he actually worked on while with Baltimore and he grew as a qb.....qbs mature at different rates and are often drafted based on potential.....and he was viewed as a certain kind of player and THAT is why he fell in the draft...not specically because he was black but because of the athlete stereotypel he fell into.


    Tyrod has lasted longer then ALL the qbs drafted in front of him and has had greater success......he IS a good NFL qb even if he is not a franchise player


    There was a 30 for 30 on Tyrod Taylor ? When did this happen ?

  2. They didnt whiff if the plan was to get a qb in this next draft.....in fact they set themselves up for that by accumulating picks AND getting a possible defensive rookie of the year in Tre WHite


    I know this isnt a popular opinion....but the fact of the matter is Gilmore was gone.....Tre White is actually a better replacement.....and we have 2 first round picks this next year.


    Have to give this staff a chance to biuld their team

    As of right now they have officially whiffed. 10 extra Td's would help this terrible offense immensely


    Picks 15 and 30 won't get the "can't miss" qb

  3. Rip me apart all you want........90% of the stuff you post is utter stupidity/nonsense and you seem to have become the type of hyper-political deranged b*tchass that would send an outraged message to TBN for reporting what Tyrod said. :lol:


    Suffice to say, gaining the respect of a crazed reactionary is not high on my wishlist. :doh:


    Bottom line.........racism has impacted his career and will continue to.........he knows it.......doesn't like it.......but accepts the reality.


    I am having a good laugh at the expense of you blind squirrels though........keep the stupidity coming. :lol:

    Can you refrain for any further posts in this thread.


    The race monster didn't make him a poor to mediocre pocket qb at VT.


    Provide a link to your stories?

  4. So a white QB with Taylor's arm, athleticism, character, production, experience in a pro-style system and the intelligence to both audible at the LOS AND make the line calls for VA Tech wouldn't get taken until the 6th round?


    Look, I hate the overplay of racism.....I think there is often a reverse racism in play and that the anthem protests are preaching to the choir and racially divisive.


    But Taylor was taken by a black GM in the 6th round that didn't need a QB because he was bpa BY A LOT.


    And then there is Jake Locker.........lesser player in almost every respect.......taken in the first round.


    Have we not already determined that Russell Wilson should have been a first round pick?


    Taylor should have been taken in the early rounds as well......no question about it........and anyone who says otherwise either doesn't know the value of QB play or has an agenda.


    Face it.......race was a big factor in his low pedigree........and his low pedigree has been a big factor in fans and analysts perception of him..........therefore race is a big factor in the double standard.


    As for currently, there is a very vocal minority of racists at the stadium and calling in to radio shows etc..


    It's MUCH smaller than it used to be........but based on talking to them and hearing them in the stadium I'd still put that vocal figure close to 10% of the white males in the stadium.


    And even among that group I think it's more of a creeping feeling that having a black QB is a disadvantage than it is any kind of racial hate.


    I'd say that figure is less here........but they exist for sure and that is part of the vocal Tyrod hate.


    Without it.......he has less critics AND more vocal support.


    The racial element bothers the much higher % of people who hate Taylor that are just football-dumb.............because they get lumped in with them as racists...........but unfortunately you guys have racism on your side on the anti-Taylor team.

    Russell Wilson is short. Why not go to the obvious reason he fell in the draft > race ?


    Can we back that example out of the racism wins column ?


    I raise your Jake Locker with Akili Smith, Ej Manuel, Geno Smith, Josh Freeman, and Jamarcus Russell.


    No one was complaining about Tyrod falling in the draft in real time. If he was first round worthy he would have been scooped by the 3rd not the 6th.


    "Have racism on our side". Ridiculous.


    We have a struggling passer on our side.

  5. I think if people actually reread TT's entire interview (the original article); and then go read through the posts on this thread and this site in general, TT's comments about fans being bipolar and hateful are pretty accurate.


    There are a dozen or so posters in this forum who do absolutely nothing but rip TT apart on a daily basis; no matter if there are 5 threads already open discussing the same nonsense, they'll open another just to perpetuate the nonsense. These posters make this site intolerable at times. As I speak, another thread was just created on Tyrod.


    To continue that level of hate towards a single player takes energy. It takes dedication. It goes beyond just being a fan; it's almost personal. Why?

    What did they do for Edwards Losman and Fitz ?


    The exact same thing. Such nonsense.

  6. If we are all to be honest, Taylor has been held to a higher standard in part because he is black. I think because he was an unheralded 6th round pick also causes many people to simply dismiss him as a qb. But since Taylor was named the starter there has been a segment of fans who are relentless in their criticism of this guy. And Taylor is certainly not perfect and deserves fair criticism for his play but there have been way too many gross exaggerations about his ability and performance not to think there is a little more going on.

    Little more going on ? He's a crappy qb who can't get it done. Rookie Deshaun Watson has double the Td's of Taylor in less games played.



    Andy Dalton/Tony Romo get it done and get 20 times more crap flung in their direction.


    This is BS.

  7. He's held to a higher standard for a number of reasons and the key underlying factor is race.


    He was a later pick because he was black..........he was discounted entirely as an option by most teams in FA because he was seen as gimmick "athletic"(black) QB.


    Those teams were wrong.


    Now that he is here, color is a factor for some..........but even for those who it is NOT......their opinions of him are impacted by his low pedigree.........which is very much related to race.


    I've touched on this subject a lot lately...........the WR corps he's been saddled with is epically bad..........if Matt Stafford were here and had thrown only 5 TD's but had 5 interceptions and 2 fumbles........a lot of the same people here on TSW that are dogging Taylor would be MAKING excuses for Stafford because he's a high pedigree QB who "looks" the part of a white franchise QB.


    McDermott and Beane have badly handled the WR situation and it's had a ripple effect offensively.........it has caused them to lose two games.......it may cause Zay Jones to become a waste of draft picks(MORE value than what they got for Sammy)........it has taken a bite out of Shady McCoy's quest for the HOF..........and it's got Taylor openly talking about basically not being given the same opportunitiy/benefit of the doubt that a white QB would get.


    Wow a double dose of wrong. Impressive.


    Because Tyrod struggled passing from the pocket at Va Tech = racism.


    John starts the story and you sign off on it


    Embarrassing. It's like a game of telephone.

  8. OP, I take it you are not African American and/or an African American QB that plays in the NFL. I understand his views and its not an excuse.

    I will say this he comes to play, prepares. Every game weve played this year weve been in the actual game. I agree with him everything has to be perfect because of the position he plays and the fact he is African American. Being an African American QB comes with the pressure. Only two African American QBs have won a Super Bowl. Why cant he not say that there is pressure for him to be perfect? He understands that he wants to be the best he can be and compete. We are 3-2.

    You have Trent Dilfer as your icon, he didnt have the best stats in 2000, but he won games that year to win a Super Bowl.

    OP, explain to me something that makes you have to be perfect because of the stigma that surrounds your ethnic background?

    No, I'm under 40. We don't do the racism or have to be perfect due to race.


    3 hillbillys on twitter don't speak for us all.

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