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Posts posted by danc

  1. 32 minutes ago, Gary Busey said:




    More people in the stadium disrespect the anthem by pissing during it, buying food during it, smoking during it, drinking during it, etc etc etc, yet you never hear these folks get railed at by the woke patriotics.

    Also starting to cheer before the anthem is over. 

  2. 1 hour ago, dollars 2 donuts said:

      You sad, sad little man, Chandler!


    You fail to realize the iron clad grips on their coaching jobs Matt Patricia has in Detroit and Mike Vrabel has in Tennessee.?


    Honest to goodness how are they still alive as a reporting institution?


    Please don't anyone tell me it is click bate, because no job would be so worth sullying my own name with useless, thoughtless, tripe.

    Is “sullying” a reference to a former BN reporter who wrote similar crap. I like it. I have really enjoyed not being “ sullied” this season!!!!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    And probably millions of dollars by playing him and making him a whipping boy/punchline.


    Looking at the list of NFL back-ups and third-stringers, NP could well have been a very competent back-up QB and one of the greatest pre-season practise players of all-time.  Four years as a back-up with almost no NFL playing time and yes maybe he would have learned, watched and then was given an opportunity much more mature and capable.  Maybe he would have succeeded.


    Look at his predecessor Tyrod Taylor.


    Very simply I feel somewhat sorry for Peterman and blame McD for creating this sham that all started with him and his dismantling of the O in 2017 and the terrible offensive coaching and playcalling.
    They are to blame for putting Peterman in when he wasn't ready and not giving him the tools (players and schemes) to succeed and ruining what as said could have been a nice career as a buck-up.

    OMG, we cut Jeff Tuel way to early!!!!I  If we had kept him he would be ready to start this week.

  4. 10 hours ago, fridge said:


    You could be 60 years old and still be too young to remember Kemp.

    That doesn't mean he shouldn't be in a discussion about the best bills quarterbacks.  In a QB discussion, should fans in their 20's ignore Kelly because they never saw him play?

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 20 hours ago, row_33 said:



    Leafs to semifinals a few times

    Jays win 2 World Series

    Bills to four Super Bowl





    We got the game live in Canada, that let the US feed know the final score before the tape delay was shown  in the US


    and most people watching the tape delay already knew the final score

    The Finland game Sunday morning was shown live in the US


    I lived in Buffalo at the time and we got/ still get live TV from Toronto.  Saw it live and it was the most tense, nerve racking, and exciting sporting event I have ever seen.  The Finland game was almost anticlimactic.

  6. 6 hours ago, frostbitmic said:

    On a few occasions yesterday I saw Allen calling out a blitzer and blocking assignments, possibly even calling an audible because there was something he was seeing and didn't like. I don't think he did that in his first couple of games and to me that's a sign of development.

    I saw that also.  He can learn to call out blitzs, blocking, and read defenses without always having to throw 30-40 passes.  There's lots of ways to learn and develop.

  7. 4 hours ago, billsfan1959 said:

    This team has been in existence for 58 years. They have had only 13 years in which they have won more than 9 games, only 18 years in which they made the playoffs, and only 9 years in which they won an actual playoff game. If we are honest, in those 58 years, they were truly a championship caliber team in only 5 or 6 of those seasons. I have been a fan of this team since I attended my first game in 1968, so I missed 2-3 of those few championship caliber seasons. My adult son has been a fan of this team since he was a young boy and they have made the playoffs only twice since he has been watching them - and they haven't been a championship caliber team in the entire time he has been watching them.


    My son and I are very close. He lives and works in another state and we talk 2-3 times a week. Many of our conversations are about the Bills (and Sabres) and we talk after every Bills game. The Bills have not been very good for most of the years I have followed them, and rarely in the time my son has followed them - and, as fans, we both have experienced our share of frustrations. Yet, they are the source of so many wonderful memories we share and continue to be a positive part of our relationship.


    In the end, it is a game. Wins and losses are what ultimately defines a team. What we choose to take away from our experiences defines us as fans. Fortunately, my son and I have found positive ways to balance our love for this team and how it impacts our lives.


    Go Bills!

    I agree wholeheartedly!  Winning is great but there are a lot of wonderful memories that can be enjoyed regardless of winning or losing.  My dad has passed but I still have lots of memories of watching games and talking Bills with him.  You and your son keep enjoying the memories.  In the end that is what really matters!

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  8. 1 hour ago, hondo in seattle said:


    You're right that we don't have a lot of extra draft picks.  But we do have some draft picks that - hopefully - Beane will utilize well.


    But you're comment about cap space - while literally true - is misleading. 


    According to over-the-cap, we currently have the 4th most available cap space in 2019 and the #1 most available cap space in 2020.   


    We have far more money to spend on FAs going forward than the average NFL franchise.   Next year, we have $85 million in cap space - the average team has $39 million.  That's a significant, meaningful difference.  And the Bills advantage in 2020 is even greater.  


    Between our picks and our available cap space, a good GM has the resources to build a good roster by 2020 (if not sooner).  


    It's not an accident that the cap future is bright for the Bills.  Beane's talked about it and his intentions are clear.   The only question is will he effectively use his picks and cap money?   That's not clear.  Beane's never been a GM before and we don't know if he has the skill to build a good roster. 


    Btw, my suspicion is that Beane will try to draft a #1 WR.  Talented WRs too expensive as FAs.  He'll mostly try to get solid starters - but not overpriced superstars - with the cap dollars.  





    I agree with the you about cap space but I am not sure about a WR #1.  If we have a chance to draft  DE Nick Bosa of Ohio State with our #1 do you still think/ want a WR? I'm not knocking your opinion just proposing an alternative.  I keep hearing that Bosa is a top 5, possibly  #1 pick.  If Bosa is there, where ever we pick, is there a WR you would still pick?  Do you have someone in mind that I can watch for?

  9. On 10/3/2018 at 9:09 AM, Peter said:

    Although there is no way to know 100%, I believe that Richie would have been just fine and performing at the same level as last year if McBeane did not initiate a pay cut. While on the team, Richie was a good citizen, teammate, and excellent player (pro bowl).  The structure of the team really helped him.  


    There was little reason to initiate a pay cut with Richie.  The line (especially Dawkins), our QB, and Shady have suffered as a result of this and other decisions.   It would have been nice to give our rookie QB a better offensive line - especially given how raw he is and how many assets we gave up to get him.  I dare say that Josh and Shady would be much better off with an offensive line that included Cordy and Richie.  


    Just my two cents.

    Excellent player, yes!  Good citizen and teammate, it seemed so but we're there warning signs that were starting to show up?  Could little things have started to show up that might have factored into asking him to take a pay cut?  Did Richie just suddenly snap over the course of a few weeks of contract negotiations?  It has to make you wonder.  I don't know but it is possible.  


    Just my two cents.

  10. 3 hours ago, Drunken Pygmy Goat said:

    Nah. Ride or die this season with Allen. This isn't a contending team, so keep the draft picks. If Allen gets hurt, we may be subjected to more NP, and a street FA will be signed, but it will likely result in a better draft position. 


    IMO a team should trade away picks for immediate, "impactful" help at QB only if the team has a shot at conteding. 

    I think this is the way Bills management is going.  Allen or bust! If Allen gets hurt pick up a FA and see if he is worth keeping next season.  We need the draft picks. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I love discussion but some of what I see is not that

    I've watched them since opening day 1960.  Believe me, there have been far worse times.

    From one old man fan to another I have to agree with Drdawkins that a lot of Bills fans like complaining better than winning.  Think back to the 90's when the bills were the best in their history.  Remember 'the bickering Bills'?  There was some contention but the media and the fans made that out to be worse than it was.  There were fans that complained Kelly couldn't win enough, so-and-so player(s) and coaches sucked, play calling was bad et cetera et cetera.


    I agree that some complains are well deserved but a lot are over the top.  You just have to expect negativity on this message board.

  12. I'm off the opinion that JA isn't quite ready to start. I do think he can still learn by watching a defense that is using their full play book.  MC and maybe even the QB coach should be right next to him explaining each defensive look and how they might be trying to disguise the defense.  They can explain each presnap formation and what they are trying to do.  I think he can learn this way a little easier than being under center.  He can tell them what he sees and they can tell him if he is right or wrong.  I think this might benefit him for the first few games of the season.  Then if NP faulters and JA is reading defenses well from the sideline he can earn starts.


    I know some will disagree, but I think he can stand to learn a llittle more by watching rather than learning while he gets smacked around.

  13. 9 hours ago, corta765 said:


    100%. I had no problem with criticizing the team and questioning the decision making. As a fan I tended to agree with a lot of what was said, I remember especially after the 2016 Steeler game everyone just saying can Rex and Whaley and restart the disaster straight up. I thought during that the media actually did a good job to illustrate how out of control the Bills FO was.


    BUT yea they crossed far too many lines and even with new management they were ready to attack anything remotely wrong. There is fair and balanced reporting with criticism and then chasing the smallest fire the size of a cigarette.


    Sullivan I think his voice had become dry over the years and he was to opinionated in his own ways, but had he adjusted a bit could've been fire. Bucky Gleason though was a straight up jerk and I was thrilled to see him go. The last time he wrote anything remotely fair to the Sabres was tens years plus.


    And yea as a owner I would restrict access if we were constantly harnessed at every step for not taking the wisdom of two reporters from TBN.

    I also agree 100%.  They went over the line so many times that I started ignoring them a couple years ago.  Then when BN Blitz came along I refused to pay for Jerry and Bucky.  I'm sure I was not the only one and believe the BN took notice. I'm anxious to see how the new writers are and I will reevaluate whether or not to get BN Blitz.

  14. 2 hours ago, sullim4 said:

    There are a few ways they could fix this problem without ruining the fun for everyone...


    - Be much more aggressive at making arrests for drunk and disorderly conduct.  The postgame police blotter usually has what, 20 to 30 people arrested after a game?  That seems fairly low to me.

    - Have the Bills fund a significantly larger police presence in the parking lots and surrounding streets.  Bring in off duty officers from other jurisdictions like Rochester if you have to.

    - Require all private parking lots to apply for a free permit.  Place a zero tolerance policy on fan misbehavior and if any officer gets a complaint about inappropriate behavior from a source other than the lot or its owners, revoke the lot's permit for the remainder of the season AND the following season.


    It's not exactly rocket science.  This goes on because the law isn't enforced and the consequences aren't severe enough.  Enforce the law, put teeth in them, and these problems solve themselves.

    Charge/fine private lot owners for any additional police or emergency calls.  Might make them monitor behavior in their lots a little better.

  15. 5 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ...the youngins' don't remember when this bad boy was SEVENTEEN rounds in the late 60's and early 70's....ANY idea how many kids were conceived during rounds 8-17???....either that or watch that can of Sherwin Williams can dry on your porch...pick your poison.............or "pleasure"...LOL.............

    I remember them being SEVENTEEN rounds but no one in the 60's and 70's was bored.  They weren't TELEVISED until 1980.

  16. 15 minutes ago, danc said:

    I liked the Giants from when there was the AFL and NFL.  They had a DB named Carl Lockhart whose nickname was spider.  I thought that was cool and he was usually the only pro bowl player they had on some bad teams.  A little later I liked  to watch Harry Carson. This was evev before they got Lawrence Taylor.  Later they also had a local kid, Phil McConkey, who played for them after he graduated from the Naval Academy.  I think he did his 2 years in the Navy or maybe the reserves but he fulfilled his obligation and played a few years.  I didn't like it when they beat the Bills in the Superbowl but otherwise I still have a little bit of a soft spot for them.

    I forgot to mention Jim Burt from Orchard Park also played for the Giants with McConkey in the mid 80's.

  17. I liked the Giants from when there was the AFL and NFL.  They had a DB named Carl Lockhart whose nickname was spider.  I thought that was cool and he was usually the only pro bowl player they had on some bad teams.  A little later I liked  to watch Harry Carson. This was evev before they got Lawrence Taylor.  Later they also had a local kid, Phil McConkey, who played for them after he graduated from the Naval Academy.  I think he did his 2 years in the Navy or maybe the reserves but he fulfilled his obligation and played a few years.  I didn't like it when they beat the Bills in the Superbowl but otherwise I still have a little bit of a soft spot for them.

  18. 6 hours ago, NewDayBills said:

    List of NFL prospects coming out for each QBs school for 2018 and 2019. (offense only)


    Sam Darnold: 6


    Josh Rosen: 5


    Baker Mayfield: 6


    Lamar Jackson: 3


    Mason Rudolph: 5


    Josh Allen: 0



    Food for thought;  if people say an NFL franchise QB makes the players around them better, wouldn't this be true in college also?  I'm not necessarily knocking Allen but I don't think the number of prospects should be used like some people do to diminish what the other QB have accomplished.

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