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Everything posted by 100DollarBills

  1. Eventually we are going to create a VR where look, feel, sound is indistinguishable from our "immediate" surroundings. It will be a VR inside a VR.
  2. I also think there are some of the outside civilization that created our simulated reality comes into our reality to play along, with hidden knowledge, etc. I honestly think it's one big game, and we might find out, we might not.
  3. Honestly nobody truly knows, maybe that's the plan, maybe it will be revealed, maybe the programmers will make updates. I believe in "glitches in the system" , speed of light being the maximum processing speed. If we do truly live in a simulated reality, that is kinda fun I suppose. Basically that would mean we have nearly unlimited potential in this reality, we are our own masters. Provided the program isn't designed to abruptly terminate. Maybe this is a self awareness developmental program, and once we have reached our true potentials we are allowed to exit the program after a few lifetimes. Maybe we signed up for this experiment to try and win this simulated game, or maybe we are eternal slaves, it's fun to think about. I think the mandela effect has something to do with glitches in the matrix. We can believe in it without creating conscious AI, but doing it just proves if our civilization can create conscious AI and advanced quantum computers, what makes you think an advanced civilization that is class 3 couldn't harvest the energy of stars to power their advanced simulation programs.
  4. Question for those that have a hard time believing this. If we manage to create a conscious AI life form, who is to say a more superior civilization didn't create a conscious life form through quantum computing?
  5. Engineering. I think in our simulated world, we are programmed with advanced decision tree logic, giving the appearance of free will but also feeling somewhat predetermined.
  6. 28. I've watch the Matrix maybe 5 times. I don't base my rationale on that movie, but I bet it's not to far off. The main question is, if we truly are a simulation, do we have a form outside the program, or is our consciousness downloaded. We could have volunteered or forced, who knows.
  7. It would explain a lot of things, we are an imperfect creation that has a lot of problems that would be created from an imperfect civilization.
  8. Rotate lol, I'm not a flat Earther either lol.
  9. I think we have been designed in a simulation, we are the product of some advanced civilizations quantum computers.
  10. I don't know what to tell you. Go listen to Sylvester James Jones, George Smoot, Elon Musk, etc. String theory and Quantum mechanics leaves a lot of possibilities for multiverses, holographic universe, simulated universe. What I'm talking about particle behavior is the uncertainty principle, and how particles are probalistic in their observed location, ask Heisenberg and Schrodinger.
  11. Just because new theories of our universe are being discussed doesn't mean the contributions of Newton or Einstein are any less important. The quantum world and particle physics is opening the possibility of new theories. The materialist have a hard time fitting their theories around consciousness and particle behavior. Idealism is making a comeback.
  12. Did you even watch the video? Simulation theory is under the intial foundation of physics with Ontology. Ontology is a prerequisite for the understanding of what is real. It's the very foundation of what is the material world. There are a lot of physicist out there that believe the simulation theory is a reasonable interpretation of our reality. Elon Musk is also on board the simulation train. If we can ever manage to get robots to achieve consciousness, you can bet all your money we live in some sort of simulation. Because modern science cannot explain how the big bang created itself out of nothing, which would break the rules of physics. The minute we can create lifeforms from inorganic material, I will start believing in our bogus interpretation of life.
  13. Simulation theory is a branch of physics.
  14. It's not just spelling errors, logos and events have changed. There is more involved then you are aware of.
  15. Here are some other famous changes. Not all hit home, but more do than I feel comfortable with. There are more and more changes as the days go by. https://www.alternatememories.com/index
  16. Well I'm sorry you feel that way. An open mind wouldn't hurt, especially with many physicists supporting multiverse and simulation theory. Honestly I don't know how much of it to believe, but I do remember some of my hardcore childhood memories.
  17. Another one that gets me is the girl on the movie moonraker was wearing braces when she smiled at Jaws. Something is truly different.
  18. And that is just a handful, there are countless examples of things being different.
  19. Those things don't exist widespread today, and no explaination from manufacturers. Green lights use to be on top everywhere, when did they switch? These are rock solid memories for me. You can't understand because you wouldn't know, you didn't have those experiences, but many others did. That's another big one for me. I distinctly remember Oscar Meyer hotdogs, they were my favorite as a child, it's practically burned into my retna.
  20. I honestly don't know what to believe, all I know is very smart physicist out there support alternative realities as a reasonable possibility. I don't know how it happened, I'm not even going to try to figure that out. All I know is I know what my hardcore childhood favorite memories were and they changed to some degree. Why? You can't easily chalk it up to infallibility, especially when It is iron clad for me. It should bother people, because the reality they once knew it as has changed, even if it's small things, it shows that reality isn't what we think it is.
  21. No, I've never been to Syracuse. Pa and Deleware. I always remember trying to race the redlight as if a door was closing down on me. Green, yellow then red at the bottom.
  22. I don't know what to believe. Some things yes I brush off as a real possibility to infallibility, but have you never held a firm belief where if disturbed would rock you to your core to the point where you question what does real mean? There are some memories I vividly remember like it was my own child, and to find out it never existed is depressing to say the least. Like honestly I get why people don't openly talk about it more, in fear of being judged as a lunatic, but frankly I know what is true for me and what my experiences went through. I can't explain it, but I know I'm not alone, far from it.
  23. You might not be affected by this one, we all have different alternative memories. I 100% remember Selsum Blue, I used it every day growing up.
  24. You know what else changed for me. The British Union Jack flag. The lines look very odd.
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