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Posts posted by ehfeuh57

  1. On 11/22/2021 at 12:58 PM, Heels20X6 said:




    the number of upsets this year has been very strange.  It seems like a lot of forced parity to keep the bookies happy...




    The house historically does better when the favorites win

    15 hours ago, MJS said:

    Challenging pass interference a couple years ago was the biggest joke of officiating I have ever seen.




    The rulings of those challenges were certainly a joke if that's what you mean.


    But the principle of being able to challenge PI is NOT a joke and should be implemented once again. Only next time find a way to get the calls right after the challenge.

  2. 5 hours ago, Ramza86 said:

    I was irate to know Sanders ever started over Davis. I made a really old thread about how mad I was


    I also had a post before season that said Gabe was already our number 2 WR (outside WR).  I got laughed at for thinking it.


    Now I was wrong because the Bills never listed him as such but we are starting to agree he should have been.


    I do like Sanders as well and want them all on the field



  3. 9 minutes ago, JerseyBills said:

    I'm no hater. I admire his hustle,  just as a combat sport fan I hate these events.  So many great matchups can be promoted in the boxing world and we get these amateur hour fighters and events thrown in our face and marketed instead 


    Go ahead and do it yourself then


    Truth is there is a market for these other types of matchups (former well known athletes, youtubers) and outside of the top 2 boxers fighting each other,  it may very well be a bigger market


    these 2 fights were well more talked about than the real boxers on the card

  4. 2 hours ago, T master said:

    I was watching the game and saw that play but for the life of me i couldn't figure out what he did i thought at first he had hurt his elbow the way he landed and even during the replay it didn't look bad at all i have seen a lot worse landings than that watching the NFL .


    I hope he is alright first and foremost i just wonder if something may have happened earlier on a hit or fall that could have started the injury but then that fall just finished it because as i said it didn't look as if it was that bad of a fall matter of fact it looked like he landed on his shoulder . 


    His head hit the ground, nothing more to it


    I dont have the stats but I feel there are more head injuries hitting the ground on turf than on grass

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