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Posts posted by mborn

  1. To all those of you who are complaining about the Bill's draft, please try to follow this:


    You are complaining that the Bills drafted badly today, not because the players they drafted won't turn out well (afterall, as you admit, no one knows how these players will turn out), but because the players did not represent "good value."  In other words, the Bills could have had the same players by trading down.


    Now I want you all to ask yourself one simple question:


    What is the objective "value" standard that you are using to judge the worth of the players that we drafted?


    Is it Kiper's mock draft?  Kirwan's?  Brandt's?  Scouting Inc's?  Some other organization that sells its rankings to the media?


    On what grounds can you claim that these sources have a notion of a given player's value that is objectively better than the collective opinion of the football men in the Bills organization?


    More to the point, on what grounds can you claim that any other NFL team uses these same sources to derive their notion of a given player's value? 


    Other teams rely on their own scouts for player rankings.  If the Bills think a player is awfully good, don't you think it is possible that other teams feel the same way?  Of course, with all the secrecy going on, the Bills don't know how other teams have players ranked.  So from the Bills' perspective, it is entirely likely that other teams have also seen the same tape and combine workouts, and have arrived at the same opinion.


    In other words, isn't it entirely possible that one or more teams other than the Bills had their eyes on the same players that we drafted?  PUT SIMPLY, WHY DO YOU ASSUME THAT EVERY OTHER NFL TEAM IS FOLLOWING KIPER'S MOCK DRAFT?


    Your theory won't fly, its based on logic and sense.

  2. Gentlemen thank you for the kind words welcoming me to this circle of Bills fans, friends and Ultra Hooligans.


    Some have requested a hermeneutics (in the classic sense) of my texts. I will for the most part refrain from this action, for it takes us away from our locus of dialogue - that being, quite lucidly, quality Bills chat.


    Unfortunately, my initial comments have degenerated into a polemic wherein my cheif interlocutor appears under the nom-de-plume of Buffalotone.


    Sir your posts in response have embarassed all Ultras, including yourself. I advise and implore you to refrain from the engagement in polemics with me - the residue of this is your loss of honour, and you will inevitably end up as the Thrasymachus of this exchange. Your description of the instrument known as the "asp", while intriguing does not affirm your status as an Ultra - your inability to create syntax functions as the greatest pejorative against the texts you have posted. You can not handle the strength of my f*cking Weltanschauung


    Let us return to a dialogue where we can discuss names such as Mr. Levy, Mr. Jauron, Mr. Fewell and the others.


    You wear pink shirts don't you.

  3. I just saw that the triple header game on T-giving will be on NFL network.  what gives?  Isn't this monopolistic behavior?  or will the NFL network be available through cable companies?



    NFL Network has 8 games this year. Starting on Thanksgiving.

    Broadcast on local stations in team markets. No other National broadcast.

  4. I for one really don't care about Marv's coaching record. It was 10 years ago and means nothing to the 2006 Buffalo Bills. What I am concerned about is that the Bills didn't even look for a real GM. It was Marv all the way. 


    Looking over all the pro-Levy and anti-Levy posts I have yet to see anyone come up with any of Marv's qualifications as a GM. The question is simple. What qualifies Marv to be the Bills GM other then being Ralph's buddy?


    Let me save you some time and post some of your responses.


    "You hate old people"


    "Marv's the greatest coach in Bills History"


    "You don't know what your talking about, what makes you a football god"


    "If you don't like Marv then you don't love the Bills".

    If any one can come up with a actual response to why Marv shoudl be the GM I would be willing to listen.



    Marv qualifies as the GM, because the man who signs the checks hired him. What qualifies you to define what a good GM is.

    I don't assume to know if Marv will be a good GM or not. but I'm willing to give him (or who ever was hired) a chance to prove himself.

  5. This post is in reply to a post were I said that I had a problem with picking players from the Miami program in general.  That they have sent a lot of underachievers over the years. Players that played with no heart, inconsistent and did not show up for all of thier contract years.


    I proceeded to be jump on by others saying that this statement wasn't true and that I just sais something that I could not back up.


    This is the proof.  I'am not going to bother to compare colleges and this has nothing to do with hindsite.


    I was called a moron becuase I did not know what I was talking about.  i'm not going to bother discussing what makes a good player or draftable player any other nonsense. that has nothing to do with the post. 


    It's just meant as a simple factual accounting to prove that even if you don't agree with me on everything that I have stated about being careful about drafting players from this program you would have to agree that Miami has not had the impact over the years that everybody gives them credit for having and that their are some serous questions.


    It does not mean that the players in this draft are not good and it does not mean that every player in other rounds have not had impact in the NFL. But it is a bit shocking and if you do not think the NFL has noticed and owners have not put thier GM's scouts etc on notice then you are mistaken.


    There are lot's of programs that are just as bad.  That's not the point.



    Thats not proof, its opinion.

  6. Great post.

    I too am disappointed with the way this season has gone. But at the same time yesterday as the Bills were losing, I was searching Ebay for a Losman or Evans jersey(wearing mcgahee throwback jersey at the time). Telling my kids what Bills things I would like for Christmas.

    I'm also excited by what I've seen in JP, Evans, Mcgahee. This is a young offense in many ways. I think the future will be bright, WHY because I AM A BILLS fan!

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